For the past month I have had many conversations with staff, students, and parents about the difference between fair and equal. Amazing how many people believe that these two terms are the same but they are so different.
Fair is defined as "in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate."
Equal is defined as "being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value".
So in education, fair means that WE will do all that we can to ensure that students are able to achieve the state standards that have been adopted to ensure that our students are 21st century ready. That means that what staff members do to help one student achieve that goal might look different. And equal in education means that we want all students to have an equal chance at reaching that goal. To help all of our students reach their academic goals we will need to starting thinking about each child as a TRUE individual and not as a group of 4th graders (just an example).
The quote we read in our latest Master Teacher is so true.
"If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
I feel that we are truly a group of educators who believe that each student is unique and deserves the best. As we finish out this school year, please stay focused and dedicated to giving each student an equal chance at success while doing what is fair for all of our students.
To take this idea one step further, shouldn't we realize that the same concept goes for adults as well? Each of us might need something a bit different (fair) to achieve greatness (equal) in education. If that is true, then why do we sometimes wonder why someone gets "this" while someone else gets "that"? I challenge you to view your surroundings with a "fairness" lens and before you wonder to yourself or aloud to a group of peers why someone was given this or that, think "is this _____ (fill in the blank) going to help this person achieve the goals for our school?"
Have a great week and only 10 school days until Spring Break :)

Week of March 31-April 4, 2014
Observations Continue
- Honchell Visit
- 4th Grade PLC (Honchell Visit and Feedback Session)
- 3rd Grade PLC
- SIT Meeting After school
- Working Condition Survey After School (Really need 100% participation)
- Honchell Visit Continues (AM Only)
- 5th Grade PLC
- Easter Pictures 11-1 in Auditorium
- RtA Assessment
- TDap Shots from 9:30-10:15
- RtA Assessment
- Hill has County EC Advisory Meeting from 3:30-4:30 at LEC
- RtA Assessment Continue
- Problem Solving Meeting at 3:30-4:30
- Makeup RtA Assessments
- Leadership Team Mtg. All day in Data Room
- Enhancement PLC