Teachers need to build classroom communities that enable students to boldly try out these new skills knowing that they have the space to not get it right and still be able to "save face". Students should not feel afraid to be themselves in class. Classrooms should be families where we're in it together...no matter what. The job of creating this type of environment in your classroom is YOURS!
If you do not have control you will not have academic success this school year...and that's a known fact. Can you tackle control of your classroom this late in the year? Yes...it's never too late. Will it be hard to do? Yes...but aren't some of the best things in life hard to accomplish?!?
I believe the experts that say that children crave routine and procedures. Help your students 15 years down the road by controlling their behavior and classroom environments now.
3 C's Down and 4 More To Go!!

Week of December 1-5, 2014
Monday, December 1
- Honor's Chorus Practice at 11:15-12:15 in Music Room; Mr. Grieder will take group to lunch and all students will be back in your room by 1:00 PM
- Tree Lighting at 5:30 PM- Honors Chorus will be performing
- Parade Line Up: Currently I have the following teachers helping: Mrs. Baker-Speaks, Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Lee, and Mrs. Gaines (?); All staff that helps will get Comp Time ( staff may bring their family to ride on float as well); You will need to meet stduents riding on the float at Good Hope Hopspital at 6 PM. Drop off will be at the Mill Parking Lot. Please let me know if you plan to ride if you aren't listed here as well as if you can not ride and you told be via email you could.
Tuesday, December 2
- Revised schedule (see link below)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QEKYB8ytER7tms5VmFkocVzSFvDIomCQCMmB9TPq514/edit?usp=sharing
- PLC for 4th Grade (LF Day #2)
- LF Training for Backus, Gay, and Hill (8:30-12:00)
- 3rd Grade in MClass Training from 1-4 PM
- SIT Mtg. in Media Center at 3:30
Wednesday, December 3
- 5th Grade PLC (LF Day #2)
- 3rd Grade PLC (LF Day #2) only 45 minutes
- Grades 3-5 PLC Walkthroughs (PLC should be at Erwin at 8:15-10:00)
- Hill at Principal's Meeting and Superintendent Council Mtg.
- Mentor Mtg at 3:30
Friday, December 5
- Can Drive Popcorn Party (TBD) and PBIS Dance (1:30-2:15)
- Quick Staff Christmas Card Sing Along (words will be sent with this email)
- Staff Jeans for a Cause Day or PJ Day