Sunday, January 25, 2015

What Skill Makes You The Best Teacher You Can Be?

So, we've finished our review of the Seven Cs and I'd like to hear from you.  Which one do you feel you do well and helps lead your students to success?  Please post your comment below by Wednesday, January 28th.  Starting next month we will tackle topics that affect students of poverty and how we can negate them at EES.

I have attached a video from a study done a few years back about what makes a great teacher.  Please feel free to share your thoughts about that clip as well.  Maybe the Seven Cs aren't the only way for students to be successful?!?

I hope everyone has am amazing week!

Week of January 26-30, 2015

Monday, January 26

  • Monday Morning Meeting
  • Advisory Board Mtg. at 6PM (Open Invitation...if anyone has something they'd like to share let me know ASAP)
  • Report Cards Sent Home
Tuesday, January 27
  • 3rd and 4th Grade PLCs
  • 5th Grade Planning Day
  • Leading to Change Workshop with Student Leaders 12:00-3:00 PM (students will go to lunch at 11:30 with a staff member-please send to cafeteria at that time)
  • Student Leaders Inductions at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, January 28
  • 5th Grade PLC
  • Jump Rope for Heart Presentation in PM (TBD)
Thursday, January 29
  • Class Pictures
Friday, January 30
  • Pay Day $$$$$$$$$
  • Spelling Bee at 8:30
  • Awards Day at 1:30

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Clear As Mud!

What a great start to the new year! Thank you for all you did to make last week so smooth!  This week we are focusing on the last c...clarifying. Clarifying means to make a lesson so clear that students feel that success is feasible. Teachers that do a good job clarifying learning have students who say that there teacher helps them learn when they they're lost or confused.

Last week we discussed how unproductive it is to ask students as a group... "Do you understand or do you have any questions"?   We know that students need to explain their thinking to ensure that they are learning.  What are some of your best methods to help students when they are "lost in the sauce"? Please share some of your favorite methods and I will be sure to include them in the January 25th blog.  I am taking next week of since we have a short week and am including that week's info in this blog.

We know how important asking questions are and students must feel comfortable asking questions while learning to be successful in school as well as their life. Have an amazing week and stay warm!


January 12-16
Monday, January 12

  • Math Benchmark
  •  Monday Morning Mtg
Tuesday, January 13
  • CU 5th Grade Field Trip
  • Faculty Summit@ 3:30
  • Leadership Applications Due
  • 3rd and 4th PLCs
  • Sign up PDP sessions with Hill Opens
Wednesday, January 14
  • Pam Allyn PD for 3rd grade teachers (AM)/ 5th grade teachers (PM)
Thursday, January 15
  • Pam Allyn PD for 4th grade teachers (PM)
  • Students are notified about Leadership Club
Friday, January 16
  • Jeans for a Cause

Monday, January 19: MLK. Holiday NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 20: Optional Teacher Workday
Please have mid year PDP completed by this date

Wednesday, January 21: Mandatory Teacher Workday
Chinese Lunch Buffett (sign up due by Tuesday, 1/13 on bar in office)
Field Trip to Quail Ridge Bookstore ( Mrs. Gaines in charge of this)

Thursday, January 22
All student led conference should be completed by this date

Friday, January 23
Jeans for a Cause

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Wishing You A Happy New Year

I have had two weeks to do this week's blog and I am now just doing it.   This is an example of procrastination at its best.  I have not had the relaxing vacation that I planned on having but it was still slower than the usual and was a much needed break.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday and I hope you got some relaxation in these past two weeks.

This week's C is conferring.  We have discussed conferring and even has a day long workshop, last year, on the feedback given to students during conferring.  Conferring is defined as eliciting students' feedback and respecting their ideas.  We confer daily and the trainers from Learning Focused support the idea that true change will only occur through conversations about our practices.  But what about our conferences with parents?  Can we "hear" what they want for their students?  Can we respect that their "wants" for their students are different than theirs?  Can we work together to help students reach success?

Please keep your previous training regarding conferring with students in mind when interacting with our kids.  Remember, we never have time to not be on our A Game!!!

I leave you with this video regarding parents' wishes for their new babies.  See you Monday.


Week of January 5-9, 2015

Monday, January 5th

  • Monday Morning Meeting
Tuesday, January 6th
  • 3rd and 4th grade PLCs
  • SIT in Media Center at 3:30 PM
Wednesday, January 7th
  • Mclass Window Opens
  • Open House for YMCA 4 pm-6 pm (no staff needs to stay)
  • 5th Grade PLC
Thursday, January 8th
  • Principal's Mtg (Hill Out until 2 PM)
  • Mentor/ Mentee Mtg at 4:30
  • Science Fair (Time TBA)
  • Data Conversations (1st session will be held this afternoon/evening and will be held until 1/22)
Friday, January 9th
  • Reading District Benchmarks in your rooms on laptops (school wide)
  • Administrator Budget Mtg (T.Lee, Backus, and Hill) Most of Day