Why can't I be at least 4 sizes smaller by now? I mean I did without my favorite candy all weekend! And why can't I have that bigger house like the couple on House Hunters? I mean she works at a bank and he's an architect...isn't teaching so much harder and more important? Life is so unfair and I am tired of doing what's right and still not getting what I want! Maybe I am the only one prone to this pity party behavior but to be transparent that's where I am right now.
So this week's blog is to me (and to you or someone you love who's prone to weak moments like this). I can't advise myself because I am in too deep right now so I am going to post words of wisdom regarding waiting and the importance of doing so. I am going to look at these words until I return to my healthier self. If you have any wise words you like to leave, please feel free to do so in the comments.
As we wait for our Friday to come, I hope you all do it much more gracefully than I have been doing this weekend.
Love you all and hope everyone has an amazing week!

Week of March 30-April 3, 2015 (Week B)
Monday, March 30, 2015
- Morning Meeting
- Hill at Chamber Mtg at 12:00
- Show CDH Awareness Power Point to Students (attached to blog email)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
- CDH Day; Staff and students are encouraged to join others across the Nation in recognition of this disease. A staff member at THS, Andy Cole, had a daughter who was born with this defect. Please wear teal/ turquoise for this awareness day. Please show power point to class (minus last three slides) to your class on Monday, March 30 to help encourage them to wear teal/turquoise.
- Revised Schedule- See Mr. Backus's Test Email from 3/27
- 3rd and 4th PLCs
- Reading EOY Benchmark
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
- 5th Grade PLC
- Math EOY Benchmark
Thursday, April 2, 2015
- Science Benchmark
- Mentor/ Mentee Mtg
Friday, April 3, 2015
- Goodie Day
- All Peer Observations Completed by this date
- Spring Break begins at 3:30 PM :)
Please remember that you are welcomed to wear jeans all week...thanks, thanks, and much more thanks for all you do for me and the students at EES.
Look for the blog to be emailed by 3/10 for the following week!
And as always, please let me know if you see anything that needs to be corrected for this coming week.