Week of April 27-May 1, 2015
Monday, April 27
- Monday Morning Meeting
- Student Leaders Meeting 3:15-4:30
- Book Fair 8 AM-2:30
Tuesday, April 28
- 3rd Grade and 4th Grade PLCs *start thinking about PD options for '15-'16 year
- 5th Grade Assembly (Presentation from CEMS Band/ Chorus) at 8:15
- Committee Mtgs at 3:30 Please email me by Monday at 3:30 if your committee is meeting
- Book Fair closes at 2:30
- Zaxby's Fundraiser 5-8 PM
Wednesday, April 29
- 5th Grade PLC *start thinking about PD options for '15-'16 year
Thursday, April 30
- Pay Day $$$$$$$
- Dental Van Visit
- Backus at Testing Mtg.
Friday, May 1
- Jeans for A Cause
Reminders for this week:
- Summative conclude on Friday (YEAH!!!!)
- 5x5 Walkthroughs: 3rd= Gay, 4th= Backus, 5th=Hill
Coming up the following week:
- Spring Walk to School Event 5/5
- SIP Mtg with Dr. Holmes on 5/6 (Backus, Gay, and Hill)
- Staff Appreciation Week May 4-8, 2015