In our PD held in August, I shared with you my three nonnegotiables when working with me. One of them was the thought of always improving and having a growth mindset when working in our field. We should want to be better than the day before because we have accepted the awesome responsibility of preparing our students for a future that hasn't even been created yet!
With this in mind, it is time to hone our skills and up the bar to ensure that our good is becoming better and moving towards best. This will be a process but there are few new initiatives that I am putting into place to help inspect areas that we need to improve in. Below are three initiatives that will begin to help build the foundation needed for improvement.
1: 5x5 Wallkthroughs- This week I will begin sharing and using, with each teacher, the template that I will use to complete 5 minute walkthroughs in 5 classrooms 5 times a week. The template will focus on the Teach Like A Champion strategies we have been charged with implementing this school year. Those strategies are: SLANT, No Opt Out, Cold Call, Threshold, Do Nows, and Entry Routines.
These are the strategies that will be documented on the Google Form and feedback will be provided immediately to you based on the observation. I will discuss in PLCs over the next two weeks to take questions but feel free to email me if you have questions.
2: Dojo Behavior Plans: Now that we are getting closer to the end of our first trimester, it is time to solidify our Dojo Reward Plan that will be school wide. To make this successful and something that builds on our budding PBIS program at TCEA, I am in need of information from each class (Arts and Classrooms). Please email me your Dojo Reward/ Consequence Structure by Monday, November 2nd.
2: Intervention Plans- Beginning the week of November 2nd, all grade levels will need to submit interventions plans for their intervention/enrichment periods. These plans will need to be dropped in PLC folders for each grade level (because this is where data is discussed and data should drive your plans). This year we have been blessed with a schedule that allows for a time that students can have customized instruction based on their needs. During this intervention period, NO NEW INSTRUCTION CAN TAKE PLACE. This is a time where some of our most at-risk students are being pulled for instruction (RtI and EC) and they are the students we must help ensure that there are no gaps in their learning. I am requesting that all teachers look at the below clip and be ready to discuss in upcoming PLCS about the importance of planning for intervention/enhancement. I promise that the schools that have built this time in AND used it truly for intervention/enrichment see better student performance and confidence.
Reteach and Enrich
One of my favorite quotes is "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you". I am requesting these changes NOT because I think you need more to do but ultimately, we need to implement changes that will positively affect our students.
Have an awesome Sunday and I am looking forward to an amazing week!
Week of October 25, 2015
Monday, October 26
- Fall Makeup Pictures in Cafe beginning at 9 AM
- 1st Grade PLC
- Staff Mtg at 3:30
Tuesday, October 27
- Arts PLC
- 5th and 6th PLC
Wednesday, October 28
- 3rd Grade PLC
Thursday, October 29
- 4th and 2nd PLC
Friday, October 30
- FEO Dress Up Day
* October is National Bullying Prevention Month. In recognition of this important topic, Ms. Caine has an activity for each classroom to complete this week. On Friday, you will receive a slip in your box that you will need to complete (date/time activity was completed, signature, feedback) and return to me by 11/4/15. Please see me or Mrs. Caine if you have any questions.
* Students do not have permission to "opt out" of their arts classes. Remember, students are graded in their arts classes and they need to be present. Please do not punish kids by holding them out of these classes.
*Please continue to communicate with parents with Dojo. I am here to support you and help keep misbehavior at bay but it's hard to work with students on their behavior and build a relationship with our families if the only time they hear about misbehavior is from me.