Sunday, October 25, 2015

Moving from Good to Better to Best

In our PD held in August, I shared with you my three nonnegotiables when working with me.  One of them was the thought of always improving and having a growth mindset when working in our field.  We should want to be better than the day before because we have accepted the awesome responsibility of preparing our students for a future that hasn't even been created yet!

With this in mind, it is time to hone our skills and up the bar to ensure that our good is becoming better and moving towards best.  This will be a process but there are few new initiatives that I am putting into place to help inspect areas that we need to improve in.  Below are three initiatives that will begin to help build the foundation needed for improvement.

1: 5x5 Wallkthroughs-  This week I will begin sharing and using, with each teacher, the template that I will use to complete 5 minute walkthroughs in 5 classrooms 5 times a week.  The template will focus on the Teach Like A Champion  strategies we have been charged with implementing this school year.  Those strategies are: SLANT, No Opt Out, Cold Call, Threshold, Do Nows,  and Entry Routines.

These are the strategies that will be documented on the Google Form and feedback will be provided immediately to you based on the observation.  I will discuss in PLCs over the next two weeks to take questions but feel free to email me if you have questions.

2: Dojo Behavior Plans:  Now that we are getting closer to the end of our first trimester, it is time to solidify our Dojo Reward Plan that will be school wide.  To make this successful and something that builds on our budding PBIS program at TCEA, I am in need of information from each class (Arts and Classrooms).  Please email me your Dojo Reward/ Consequence Structure by Monday, November 2nd.

2: Intervention Plans- Beginning the week of November 2nd, all grade levels will need to submit interventions plans for their intervention/enrichment periods. These plans will need to be dropped in PLC folders for each grade level (because this is where data is discussed and data should drive your plans). This year we have been blessed with a schedule that allows for a time that students can have customized instruction based on their needs.  During this intervention period, NO NEW INSTRUCTION CAN TAKE PLACE.  This is a time where some of our most at-risk students are being pulled for instruction (RtI and EC) and they are the students we must help ensure that there are no gaps in their learning.  I am requesting that all teachers look at the below clip and be ready to discuss in upcoming PLCS about the importance of planning for intervention/enhancement.  I promise that the schools that have built this time in AND used it truly for intervention/enrichment see better student performance and confidence.  

Reteach and Enrich

One of my favorite quotes is "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you".  I am requesting these changes NOT because I think you need more to do but ultimately, we need to implement changes that will positively affect our students. 

Have an awesome Sunday and I am looking forward to an amazing week!


Week of October 25, 2015

Monday, October 26
  • Fall Makeup Pictures in Cafe beginning at 9 AM
  • 1st Grade PLC
  • Staff Mtg at 3:30
Tuesday, October 27
  • Arts PLC
  • 5th and 6th PLC
Wednesday, October 28
  • 3rd Grade PLC
Thursday, October 29
  • 4th and 2nd PLC
Friday, October 30
  • FEO Dress Up Day
  • K PLC

* October is National Bullying Prevention Month.  In recognition of this important topic, Ms. Caine has an activity for each classroom to complete this week.  On Friday, you will receive a slip in your box that you will need to complete (date/time activity was completed, signature, feedback) and return to me by 11/4/15.  Please see me or Mrs. Caine if you have any questions.
* Students do not have permission to "opt out" of their arts classes.  Remember, students are graded in their arts classes and they need to be present.  Please do not punish kids by holding them out of these classes. 
*Please continue to communicate with parents with Dojo.  I am here to support you and help keep misbehavior at bay but it's hard to work with students on their behavior and build a relationship with our families if the only time they hear about misbehavior is from me.  

Sunday, October 18, 2015


I am sorry I am just getting to this post for next week.  It has been a crazy busy weekend but I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any differently.  This Saturday, my best friend and I took our girls to a science museum in Greensboro.  It was amazing and challenging (since our girls are 2, 4, and 8 and they're GIRLS).

Today, I have been at church activities since 7:30 this AM and although I am just getting home it has been time well spent.

I am making this short and sweet but I just wanted to encourage you to use the time you have wisely. You won't be able to buy more or make more so try to make the most of what you have.

I hope you enjoy this video!  I ran across it two summers ago and it blew my mind!

Thanks for all you do and see you Monday!

Week of October 12-16, 2015*

Monday, October 19
  • SIT Mtg at 3:30
  • Board Mtg at 5:00
  • 1st Grade PLC

Tuesday, October 20
  • Arts PLC
  • 5th/6th PLC
  • RtA Test 
Wednesday, October 14
  • 3rd Grade PLC
  • Beginning Teacher Mtg w/ Mentors at 3:30 PM
Thursday, October 15
  • 4th PLC
  • 2nd PLC
  • Code Red Drill
Friday, October 16
  • K PLC
  • Summer CCC Field Trip

  • Observations and Pre and Post Observation Conferences Continue;
  •  Continuous School Improvement/Workday; Non-Student Day (11/2 & 11/3): 11/2 will be PLC and Data Meetings and 11/3 will be PD Focused on Differentiation in ELA and Math & Classroom Management for Arts Staff

Monday, October 12, 2015

Where do we go from here?

Last week I sent out an email about our results from last year according to NC Department of Public Instruction.  As you know, we are viewed as a low performing school and are in need of intense intervention to improve.

Now, I have spoken to some of you and you feel that the ranking is: unfair, wrong, not a true reflection of what we do at ENCORE, etc.  And you are all right!  But part of being successful is learning how to continue doing what's right while working with the parameters in place.  It can be done and we will do it.  But I will promise you one will not be easy and it will not make us feel "good" all the time.  I can speak from personal experience that when dealing with things that rub you the wrong way, especially from a moral standpoint, it can be downright painfully to stay professional and not yell out  THIS IS SO STUPID.  ALL THIS MESS THE STATE IS CONCERNED ABOUT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER!!!! But there's a way to stay true to our mission and continue to improve in GROWTH and PROFICIENCY.

In August I asked you to help me come up with a theme for this year.  After viewing our test data and watching our amazing staff interactive with our just as amazing students I have decided to focus on our purpose.  ENCORE! Engaging No Opt Out Classroom Instruction while Orchestrating Rigorous Eccentricity.  Basically we do our thing for each student while not forgetting that each of the students we serve are different and need different instruction to access success.  And we know that our students' families believe that by integrating arts into the instructional day their students will be more successfully.  We just need to be INTENTIONAL in all we do...we only have 7.5 hours to do so each day.

In August, I also asked Mrs. Lett to create an incentive reading program to implement throughout the year to encourage students to read more.  You will be receiving an email of the plan for TCEA soon.  Please know that there is a lot of space to orchestrate the program in a way that works for you and your students.  You'll be able to be eccentric and create a plan that reflects your management style.  Students can opt out but we'd like to encourage participation from all!!  The program is also engaging because the products students can elect to do are performance/arts based. YEAH! For a real life example of the effects of a reading incentive program, my previous school went from 38.1% to 51% over three years and one part of creating these results was, I believe, implementing a reading incentive program.

Below is one of my most favorite videos about perseverance (for kids and adults).  We will be a high performing school...I work too hard to be at a low performing school and more importantly...YOU WORK TOO HARD FOR US TO STAY AT A LOW PERFORMING LEVEL!  But improvement is a process and we must stay focused and preserve.

Hope you enjoy your day off and I look forward to seeing y'all tomorrow.


Week of October 12-16, 2015*

Monday, October 12
No School!

Tuesday, October 13
  • Hill Mtg. with DPI Staff (Technology and Beginning Teacher)
  • Arts PLC
  • 5th/6th PLC
  • Encore Family Dinner at La Fogata on McPherson Church Rd at 6pm
Wednesday, October 14
  • 3rd Grade PLC
Thursday, October 15
  • 4th PLC
  • 2nd PLC
Friday, October 16
  • K PLC
  • 5th and 6th Grade Field Trip to local gallery
  • Summer CCC Class with Brownlee 10-11

* Observations and Pre and Post Observation Conferences Continue;
* Continuous School Improvement/Workday; Non-Student Day (11/2 & 11/3): 11/2 will be PLC and Data Meetings and 11/3 will be PD Focused on Differentiation in ELA and Math (more information to follow)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

No Mouse (Person) Is An Island

Please view the below slide show of the story of the Mouse and The Mouse Trap before reading this week's blog.

I heard this story for the first time in 2006 when I was working as an assistant principal intern at Dunn Middle School in Harnett County.  It was my first time working as a school leader and the principal shared this fable with the staff and discussed how no one is an island.  Some how every decision and interaction we have will impact someone else.  He also shared how every staff member's problem could affect other areas of the school.  That was almost 10 years ago and I can say that everything he shared is TRUE!  We're in this together and we have to work together for each of us to reach our potential and in turn for our school to reach its potential.

As you know, we've had some facility issues lately that affected all of us (the stank smell in the air).  On Friday we discovered that the cause of this smell and back up of waste is due to improper disposal of female hygiene products.  Now I know the guys are getting ready to check out but stay with me...please.  So, some of our female staff members and/or students are flushing these materials down the drain causing a back up that affects all of us.  It's up to all of us to educate each other and hold everyone accountable to prevent a similar situation from occurring again.

I also want us to encourage our students and our co-workers to treat our building with TLC when it comes to cleanliness.  Some people feel that they do not have to clean up after themselves...that's what our custodial staff is for.  And up to a is.  But we also need to just be respectful of each other and clean up after ourselves.  If we have our lunch boil over in the microwave, we need to clean it up with what we have.  If we have food in our classrooms, we need to keep it closed and put away to "discourage" unwanted guests from visiting our rooms.  And we need to model and teach these skills to our students.  That might mean staff checking the bathrooms behind their class or even going in the bathroom with students but in the end it shows what we believe to be important...everyone pitching in to keep our school a safe and clean environment which in turn helps create productive students.

No one is perfect and I am not asking you to be.  I am just asking what I want you to ask me to do...Work together to trouble shoot and alleviate potential issues and problems that distract us from our ultimate goal... developing artist who inspire others with principle of design and artful thinking through the integration of academic excellence, virtuous character and disciplined artistry.

As always, thanks for what you do and for all of the sacrifices you make on a daily basis to ensure our mission is carried out!


Week of October 5-9, 2015

Monday, October 5 (Hill at Charter School Conference)
  • 1st Grade PLC 
  • Staff Mtg at 3:30
  • IS Planning Block 2 (please make sure survey has been completed and all staff will need to meet in the cafe, before breaking off into planning groups, to discuss results from survey)
Tuesday, October 6 (Charter School Conference)
  • Arts PLC
  • 5th/6th PLC
Wednesday,October 7
  • 3rd Grade PLC
  • Breakfast Courtesy of FEO
Thursday, October 8
  • 4th PLC
  • 2nd PLC
  • FEO Mtg at 3:20 at Sweet Palette (Would love to have one person each from K-2, 3-4, and 5-6 at each FEO General Mtg.)
Friday, October 9
  • K PLC
  • Fall Pictures: Please read below info regarding picture info.  Very important that you're on time and in line at time listed on schedule!!!

Teachers: Be prepared to have your picture taken also 
Support staff paged at 12:00 PM
Arts specialists between 10 and 11 (in between classes)


Lee ~ 8:00-8:20 AM 
Russell ~ 8:25-8:45 AM
Pearsall ~ 8:50-9:10 AM

1st grade
Jackson ~ 9:15-9:30 AM
Vaughn ~ 9:35-9:50 AM

2nd grade
Grunden ~ 9:55-10:10 AM
Kyles ~ 10:15-10:30 AM

3rd grade
Jones ~ 10:35-10:45 AM
Willis ~ 10:50-11:00 AM
Daniel ~ 11:05-11:15 AM

5th-6th grade
Griggs 11:20-11:30 AM
Falls 11:35-11:45 AM

4th grade
Caldwell ~ 12:45-1:00 PM
McLaughlin ~ 1:05-1:20 PM