Please take time to view the video below. It shares the misconception teachers and students have about our upcoming break. Hope everyone has had time to recharge this weekend...it's going to be a busy week!!!! Thanks for all you are going to do to make this upcoming week a stellar one.
Week of June 6-10, 2016
Monday, June 6
- K-2 Climate Survey Visits
- 3rd-6th Student Survey Window Open (see email for link and deadline)
- Code Red Drill
- EOG Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe (Grades 3-6)
- Jeans if you please for staff
- Student Dress Down Day (if present for all days of testing)
- Drop Everything and Read at 2:00
Tuesday, June 7
- RtA Test
- K-2 Climate Survey Visits
- 3rd-6th Student Survey Window Open (see email for link and deadline)
- Jeans if you please for staff
Wednesday, June 8
- Awards Day1st Grade at 8 and 2nd grade at 9
- Paper Makin Class for CCC Students at 1 in Cafe
- 3rd-6th Student Survey Window Open (see email for link and deadline)
- No Jeans since we will be having awards day!
Thursday, June 9
- Awards Day 3rd Grade at 8; 4th Grade at 9; 5th/6th at 10
- Camp Day for Kindergarten 11:30-12:30; 1st-6th grades 1:00-2:30 (more information will be sent Tuesday AM)
- Kindergarten Graduation/ Awards Day at 1 PM
- 3rd-6th Student Survey Window Open (see email for link and deadline)
- No jeans since we will be having awards day/ Staff volunteering for hike duty can change after awards day
Friday, June 10
- Field Day
- Health Inspection (Make sure rooms are clean and decluttered)
- Last Day Of School!!!
- Jeans if you please for staff!!!
More information regarding Camp Day, Field Day and Yearbooks will be sent later this week. Please make sure that you keep a check on emails this week :)