As I have been thinking about TCEA and where to go from here, I have been coming back to the premise of TCEA. Premise (verb) is defined as base an argument, theory, or undertaking on. So, should TCEA exist as a learning option for students in our region? I started listing what we hear our stakeholders say: performing arts, global scholars, a "better" option that their home school, integrate core curriculum with the arts, etc.
I also looked back at the information from our charter and one term came to my attention: Harvard Project Zero and the theory of artful thinking. This is one of the theories that our school is based on and I feel an important tenet to all we should be incorporating at TCEA.
I have been exploring this site and can definitely see the need for artful thinking throughout the courses we teach on a daily basis.
I have listed a series of learning activities to take place this week revolving around this concept. Work at your own pace but please have the activities completed by due date. If you have any questions, please see me.
Your Do Now (due by 11/28):
Watch the following video:
Your Do This Week (due by 5:00 PM 12/2):
More directions on how to complete activity:
Your Do Before Next Post (due by noon 12/4):
Explore this site to learn more about Artful Thinking-
Hope you have had a restful break and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 7:30 AM.
Week of November 28-December 2, 2016
Monday, November 28
- 2nd Trimester Begins
- Dress Down Day For Staff and Students For Reaching Food Drive Goal
- Field Trip for 4th Grade Students & Elective Students
- Committee Mtgs at 3:30 in Cafe
Tuesday, November 29
- Progress Monitor Yellow Students
- PLCs (Mr. Thomas and/or Chairs Will Facilitate PLCs)
- 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
- K: 10-11
- 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
- 3rd/4th: 1-2 (SST Focus)
- Support Staff: 2-2:45
- Hill and Trojan at Mtg in Raleigh 8:30-1:30
Wednesday, November 30
- Progress Monitor Yellow Students
- Native American Presentation by Ms. Morrison at 2:10 in Lobby (K-7); Please have students packed up and ready to go home at conclusion of program
- MTSS Mtg at 3:30 in PLC Room with all staff participating in MTSS Online Class
- FEO Buffalo Wild Wing Fundraiser (FEO Volunteer has shared she will pick up lunch orders if you order and pay so please order online by 11:30; more details to follow)
- Pay Day
Thursday, December 1
- Rosa Parks Day:
Friday, December 2
- Fall Make Up Portraits (all staff and any students out on 11/3
- Hill leaves at 10:45 (can be reached by phone or email if you need me)
- I Used To Think Activity Due
- Give Me Five Names Due By Noon