Sunday, November 27, 2016

Artful Thinking

As I have been thinking about TCEA and where to go from here, I have been coming back to the premise of TCEA.  Premise (verb) is defined as base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.  So, should TCEA exist as a learning option for students in our region?  I started listing what we hear our stakeholders say: performing arts, global scholars, a "better" option that their home school, integrate core curriculum with the arts, etc.  

I also looked back at the information from our charter and one term came to my attention: Harvard Project Zero and the theory of artful thinking.  This is one of the theories that our school is based on and I feel an important tenet to all we should be incorporating at TCEA.

I have been exploring this site and can definitely see the need for artful thinking throughout the courses we teach on a daily basis.

I have listed a series of learning activities to take place this week revolving around this concept.  Work at your own pace but please have the activities completed by due date.  If you have any questions, please see me.

Your Do Now (due by 11/28):
Watch the following video:

Your Do This Week (due by 5:00 PM 12/2):
Watch the following video and complete the I Used To Think Activity found here.

More directions on how to complete activity:

Your Do Before Next Post (due by noon 12/4):
Explore this site to learn more about Artful Thinking-

Hope you have had a restful break and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 7:30 AM.

Week of November 28-December 2, 2016
Monday, November 28
  • 2nd Trimester Begins
  • Dress Down Day For Staff and Students For Reaching Food Drive Goal
  • Field Trip for 4th Grade Students & Elective Students
  • Committee Mtgs at 3:30 in Cafe
Tuesday, November 29
  • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
  • PLCs (Mr. Thomas and/or Chairs Will Facilitate PLCs)
    • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
    • 3rd/4th: 1-2 (SST Focus)
    • Support Staff: 2-2:45
  • Hill and Trojan at Mtg in Raleigh 8:30-1:30

Wednesday, November 30
  • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
  • Native American Presentation by Ms. Morrison at 2:10 in Lobby (K-7); Please have students packed up and ready to go home at conclusion of program
  • MTSS Mtg at 3:30 in PLC Room with all staff participating in MTSS Online Class
  • FEO Buffalo Wild Wing Fundraiser (FEO Volunteer has shared she will pick up lunch orders if you order and pay so please order online by 11:30; more details to follow)
  • Pay Day
Thursday, December 1
  • Rosa Parks Day:
Friday, December 2
  • Fall Make Up Portraits (all staff and any students out on 11/3
  • Hill leaves at 10:45 (can be reached by phone or email if you need me)
  • I Used To Think Activity Due
  • Give Me Five Names Due By Noon

Sunday, November 20, 2016

When it comes to gratitude, the dividend is in the details!

I am so thankful for each of you! So thankful, all you have is this video this week. Be THANKFUL! 😀

Who's up to gratitude journal with me?? Seriously, who is going to journal with me and keep me accountable?

Week of November 21-25, 2016
Monday, November 21
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • Hill at NC Regional Principal Mtg in Fayetteville 8:30-3:15 (will be at school during lunch break 12:30-1:15 if you need to see me; please email if you need anything else)
  • SIT Meeting at 3:30 PM in the Cafe'
  • TCEA Board Meeting in Music Room at 5:15 PM

Tuesday, November 22
  • End of 1st Trimester
  • Last day of Food Drive
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • Bubble Party for staff in studio across from Dance Studio from 11 AM-1 PM
  • PLCs (RtI)
    • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • Arts: 9:30-10:00
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
    • 3rd/4th (SST Focus): 1-2
    • Support Staff PLC: 2-2:45
Wednesday, November 23- Friday, November 25
No School (for staff and students)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

To This Day

Please make sure you view this video before you come to our Faculty Summit on Monday at 3:30.  Our activity will revolve around this video.  Please also know that there is some RUDE language so please try to hear the heart in it and not just stop listening.  It is definitely something we all need to hear!!!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend and i look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!


Week of November 14-18, 2016*

***Bullying Prevention Week Observed at TCEA (see Dr. Caine's Email for details)

Monday, November 14
  • Hill and Kline at The Working Condition Survey Training at UNC-P 7:30-1:00
  • Reading 3D Training for K-3 teachers (11:30-3:30) Location TBD (please see email regarding details abour subs)
  • Staff Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe
Tuesday, November 15
  • Progress Monitor Green Students
    • 5th, 6th, and 7th at 8:30-9:30
    • Arts PLC at 9:30-10:00
    • K PLC at 10-11
    • 1st/ 2nd PLC at 12-1
    • 3rd/4th PLC at 1-2
    • Support Staff PLC at 2-2:45
  • 5th Grade Library Visits 9:30-10:30 and 10:45-11:45
  • Raising Chameleons of Character Session (Time TBD)
Wednesday, November 16
  • Progress Monitor Green Students
  • Hill at MTSS Mtg in Fayetteville 8:30-1:00
  • SIT Mtg Mini Mtg 2-3 PM
  •  BT Mtg 3:30-4:30 (food will be served but please bring your own drink)
Thursday, November 17
  • i-Ready Training (7th, 6th, 5th, 2nd and 3rd) 8:00-11:00 in PLC Room from 8-11
  • i-Ready Training (K, 1st, 4th) in PLC Room from 12-3
  • FEO Mtg in Cafe from 3:30-4:30
  • Dr. Caine's Book Club (invitation only) 3:30-4:30
  • If you would like to send anything home in Friday Folder (other than homeroom teacher's newsletter, please have to me to approve by 3:30 PM)
Friday, November 18
  • 4th Grade and K Library Visit from 9-10
  • 1st Grade Library Visit from 1:30-2:30
  • The Peanuts Movie from 3-5 (fundraiser must pay to attend)
  • Newsletter from Office will go home in Friday Folder (check box after 11:30 for what to send home)
  • Items for Adopt A Hero must be to Mrs. Trojan by 3:30
  • Sign off on Affirmation that Bullying Lesson has been taught before leaving for the day

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Speed Bump Vs. Roadblock

Get ready! I am excited and my school transformation geek button has been pushed and I am going IN on this post! Get ready...Get ready...GET READY!!!

Friday, November 4 I attended the NCStar Training.  This software will be used to create our School Improvement Plan and communicate our progress with parents, the community and NCDPI.  If you want to learn more please click here.

This is one of the good things happening in our state that actually makes sense and ties everything (MTSS, SIP, Low Performing School Plans, etc) into one system.  I will also let you know that although we have to participate in this program because of our Low performing school status, all of Cumberland County School will be using it because it makes sense.

Anyway, during our training a slide was shared that I thought EVERYONE of us needs to see.  The information shared the Roadblocks to School Improvement.

Roadblocks to School Improvement
  A Desire to Please
  Personal Comfort
  Fear of the Unknown
  Passive Culture – No Sense of Urgency
 Waiting for the Right Moment
  School is Too Close to Home 

These roadblocks came from a book by Jennifer Abrams’  entitled Having Hard Conversations

And Guess What?? All of these roadblocks are because of the adults in our buildings.  The what? THE ADULTS!!!!

Desire to Please:
We don't make the right decisions for kids and their growth because we want please their parents/ school board/etc.

Personal Comfort:
We don't do the activities or plan effectively because we aren't comfortable of doing something different or exchanging our FB Time for planning.

Fear of the Unknown:
We do not want to try something new because we are afraid that it won't work or that we will not have control or our students will struggle...

Passive Culture- No Sense of Urgency
Excuses...Excuses...Excuses... I will just show a movie because the kids deserve it and I will get to that lesson when I get a chance.  I can begin the interactive notebooks after Thanksgiving.  I can show up late, leave early, take off a day because I can make it up later.   All kids at TCEA MUST show a year's growth OR our work has been in vain.  End of story.

Waiting For The Right Moment
 There is never a right moment.  This hits me hard.  I usually like to wait and have difficult conversations when the time is right but there is not time to wait for that moment.  I have to have these conversation ASAP.  If not, how can I expect positive change at TCEA to happen.

School Is Too Close To Home
 This one is not applicable to most of us BUT I believe because we are friends with some parents we avoid doing and saying things that need to be done/said because we are afraid of what will be said/done when we see these people out in the community.

Ouch! I hope you could see one of these roadblocks at TCEA because they are here!  I admit that I am guilty of a few.  The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  

So, where do we go from here?  We move forward with the understanding that these roadblocks need to be destroyed and although we will struggle these roadblocks can not be the norm at TCEA.  They might still exists in pockets, at our school, but we will have to drive over these speed bumps and continue to progress.  Our kids deserve no less.  We work too hard to deserve less than this.

Which of these roadblocks do you see (or are a part of) and what are you going to do to move forward for our students' success?

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and see everyone back at school tomorrow!

Week of November 7-11, 2016

Monday, November 7
  • Author Visit 10:30 and 11:30 in Music Room (classes going will have an email from Hill confirming everything)
  • IS Planning in Cafe at 3:30
Tuesday, November 8
  • PLCs
    • 5th, 6th, 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/2nd: 12-1
    • 3rd/4th: 1-2
    • EC/ Support Staff: 2-2:45
  • Drama/CSP/SEL IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2:00 PM
Wednesday, November 9
  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • Music/Visual Arts IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2:00 PM
Thursday, November 10

  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • ILC Mtg in Hamlet (Hill out 7:30-2:00)
  • 3rd Grade Field Trip To Fascinate You 9:30-11
  • Dance/Media Arts IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2 PM
  • Integration Studio & Curriculum Night K-2nd 6-7 PM (All K-2 Staff Must Attend) *
  • Integration Studio Night 3rd-7th 7:15-8:15 (All 3rd-7th Staff Must Attend) *
*All staff members need to attend a session.  If you are not a grade level teacher or Arts Staff, please email me and let me know which session you plan on attending.

Friday, November 11
  • No School! Veteran's Day
  • IS Lesson Plan Due