Sunday, December 18, 2016

Judge Softly, Part II

This is a poem that I wanted to share last week but thought now would be a perfect time to share.  The title of the poem is Judge Softly and the author's name is Mary T. Lathrap.  

Pray, don't find fault with the man that limps, 
Or stumbles along the road.
Unless you have worn the moccasins he wears, 
Or stumbled beneath the same load.

There may be tears in his soles that hurt
Though hidden away from view.
The burden he bears placed on your back
May cause you to stumble and fall, too.

Don't sneer at the man who is down today
Unless you have felt the same blow 
That caused his fall or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, unknown to you in the same way,
May cause you to stagger and fall, too.

Don't be too harsh with the man that sins.
Or pelt him with words, or stone, or disdain.
Unless you are sure you have no sins of your own, 
And it's only wisdom and love that your heart contains.

For you know if the tempter's voice
Should whisper as soft to you,
As it did to him when he went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Just walk a mile in his moccasins
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse.
If just for one hour, you could find a way
To see through his eyes, instead of your own muse.

I believe  you'd be surprised to see
That you've been blind and narrow minded, even unkind.
There are people on reservations and in the ghettos
Who have so little hope, and too much worry on their minds.

Brother, there but for the grace of God go you and I.
Just for a moment, slip into his mind and traditions
And see the world through his spirit and eyes
Before you cast a stone or falsely judge his conditions.

Remember to walk a mile in his moccasins
And remember the lessons of humanity taught to you by your elders.
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave
In other people's lives, our kindnesses and generosity.

Take the time to walk a mile in his moccasins.

This poem was written in 1895 but stills speaks to me (and hopefully you) in 2016.  I know that last Wednesday was a bit chaotic and caused some of us to truly feel inept but I hope that you learned more about at least one of your co-worker's load and maybe even a bit more about a student or two we serve. 

To truly wrap up our experience, please post here.  I look forward to seeing your creative post.  This is the last post for 2016 so THANK YOU for a memorable 2016 and I look forward to an amazing 2017!

December 19-20, 2016

Monday, December 19
  • TOY NCDPI Visit for Falls (those participating have been emailed so please be on time to PLC room at assigned time)
  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • Awards Day at 1PM (K-3rd Grades)
  • IS Planning - Block 4 at 3:30 in Cafe
  • TCEA Board Mtg at 5:15 PM in Music Room
Tuesday, December 20
  • 2nd and 3rd Grade Field Trip to Raleigh
  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • Awards Day at 1 PM (4th-7th Grades)
  • Chrismahanukwanzakah TCEA Staff Party 5-8 PM / Secret Santa Revealed

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Judge Softly

Empathy: noun

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

I know some of you are stressed and worried about Switch Day so I thought I would share a few more reasons why I feel that Switch Day is needed at TCEA.  To work as a team, you truly must know all the members of your team.  The job that we do is a difficult one.  Many times we can focus too intensively on our own role and what we have to get done.  This way of thinking causes us to forget that we are not the only ones working towards the common goal.  This secluded thinking causes stress in teams and can cause the EGO to get in the way of what we ALL have been called to do.   What I am calling you to do Wednesday is truly suspend your ego and live in another's world for a little bit.  This experience hopefully will allow you to exhibit empathy when working with our students and their families.  It will also help us work more closely to create a learning environment that has heart and does not just go through the motions of educating students.  

I attended a graduation ceremony this weekend and the commencement speaker shared the following thought: 

Fear and growth go together like macaroni and cheese. It is a package deal.

I am asking you to grow with me and walk in uncertainty on Wednesday.  If this day bombs, I will own it and claim it but I need each of you to do your part so that if it fails, it's because of leadership and not because of poor planning for your colleagues .  Please view this event as an important step of us coming a better functioning team.  A team that supports one another and understands each other's daily journey a bit better than before.

Please feel free to share the highlights of this blog with parents/ students, if you wish.  I will be contacting families and sharing with kids so you do not have to.

Looking forward to awesome week. Stay Warm!

Week of December 12-16, 2016

Monday, December 12
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • SIT Mtg in Cafe at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, December 13
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • Student Support PLCs
    • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • Arts: 9:30-10:00
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/2nd: 12-1
    • 2nd/3rd: 1-2
Wednesday, December 14 (SWITCH DAY)
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • Hill, Caine and Brownlee at Job Fair at Kestrel Heights School (Leave at 1:30 PM)
  • School Leaders Mtg at 3:30 in the PLC Room
Thursday, December 15
  • FEO Mtg in cafe at 3:30 PM
  • Art Studio Exhibit - Cafe at 4:00 PM
Friday, December 16
  • Caps for Kids
  • The tree with attached resolutions are due to Mrs. Brownlee by Dec 16th. Please see email from Ms. Brownlee for more information.  You may also contact:
    • K-2 - Contact Mrs. Bowermaster 
    • 3-4 - Contact Mrs. Jones
    • 5-7 - Contact Mr. Falls
  • FEO Polar Express at 6PM (Might possibly be postponed- will keep you updated)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

December is a Month of Kindess

I am being kind so just watch this video, sometime before the end of the week, and go out and be KIND to all Mankind.

Week of December 5-9, 2015
Monday, December 5

  • Grades due at 8:00 AM
  • Complete the B&N Volunteer Fundraiser Form to Earn Jeans Passes
  • 12 days of Christmas Begins For Staff
  • Turn in Barnes and Noble Pizza Orders to Front Desk by NOON
  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (Woods's Class) at 1 PM
  • Staff Holiday Picture on Steps at 3:30 (Please do not forget to wear red/green/black and can wear jeans if you participate in color plan)
  • Turn in Copy of Schedule Conferences to my box before you leave
  • Staff Mtg 3:30-4:30 in Cafe
Tuesday, December 6
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • 3rd Grade - Visual Art IS Field Trip - Arts Council at 10 AM
  • Barnes and Noble Cheesecake Orders and MONEY due to Front Desk by NOON
  • PLCs (TWC and Artful Thinking Plan-emailed to Brownlee by 12/7)
    • 5th, 6th and 7th Grades: 8:30-9:30
    • Arts: 9:30-10:00
    • Kindergarten: 10:00-11:00
    • 1st/2nd: 12:00-1:00
    • 3rd/4th: 1:00-2:00
    • Support Staff: 2-2:45

  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (Majka's Class) at 1 PM
  • Hill Out At MTG AT NCDPI
  • Raising Chameleons of Character: Kindness in Cafe from 3:30-4:30 

Wednesday, December 7
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • Artful Thinking General Plan to Mrs. Brownlee Due
  • Visual Art Elective Field Trip - Arts Council at 8:30-9:30
  • 2nd Grade Visual Arts Field Trip to Art Council at 10-11
  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (McLaughlin's Class) at 1 PM
  • Encore Ensemble Practice at 3:30-4:30
  • Hill at School Improvement Conference
Thursday, December 8- Early Release at 11:45 (No Lunch)
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • See adjusted schedule
  • Winter Spectacular: Music, Orchestra, Encore Ensemble, Middle Media Arts & Visual Arts Elective from 6-7PM
  • Hill at School Improvement Conference
Friday, December 9- Early Release at 11:45 (No Lunch)
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • See adjusted schedule
  • Barnes and Noble Fundraiser Begins At 4 PM
  • GIVE ME FIVE (please use online google sheet to nominate student)