I do not have much to share with you before our much needed break. I can give you a few updates from last week though...
- The visit to NCDPI went well this past Tuesday. They did tell me that they expect to see continued growth and higher proficiency when we are called back to NCDPI in December 2018 to discuss our renewal. Please see the email sent on 12.17.17 for a copy of our strategic plan for 2017-2020. We will have an after school meeting to discuss this plan and prepare for 1/30/18 visit from NCDPI. I will email out the date once approved by the SIT tomorrow.
- Thursday, December 14th staff from the Office of Charter School came to interview students, families and staff for the TOY process for Mrs. Samuelson. We should hear something before Winter Break.🤞! No matter what...thanks to Mrs. Samuelson for what you do on a daily basis and thanks to all who helped make Thursday run smoothly.
- We hope to have dates/times for you to access the building over the break (if you need to) based on the deep clean that will be taking place. Please be on the look out for the email.
That's it for now! Don't forget our last three days of the 12 days before winter break...
Week of Monday, December 18- Wednesday, December 20, 2018
Monday, December 18
- Show What You Know in Cafe for 4th Grade at 7:45-8:30
- Ms. Pearson (new 1st grade teacher) shadows Mrs. Stoffer
- Caudle Awards in Room at 12:00
- 5th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
- Johnson Awards in Room at 1 PM
- Williams Awards in Room at 2 PM
- SIT Mtg in Cafe at 3:30 PM
- TCEA Board Mtg in Studio 213
Tuesday, December 19
- Show What You Know in Cafe for 3rd Grade at 7:45-8:30
- Arts Integration Meetings (as usually we might substitute staff with volunteer for coverage)
- 2nd Grade 8-9
- Magan/Poche-Falls
- Marshall-Strimel
- Cane-Lanham
- 5th Grade 9:05-10:05
- Samuelson-CarrEzzel -AkersFleming-Falls
- 4th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program in Theater at 8 AM
- 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
- 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
- Wadjda Film Showing at 3:30 in Theater ( Optional for 7th grade with 8th grade as guests)
- New Teacher Reception in Cafe 3:30-4:15
Wednesday, December 20
- 5th Grade Show What You Know at 7:45-8:30 in Cafe
- Kindergarten: 8-9
- 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
- 2nd/3rd Grades: 10:10-11:10
- 4th/5th Grades: 12:50-1:50
- Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
- Staff Holiday Party at 5:30 at the Mash House