Academic achievement is maximized when teachers scaffold student support within an academically rigorous environment (Kennelly & Monrad, 2007)
Examples include: teaching background knowledge, addressing possible word recognition problems, and teaching vocabulary that will be critical for understanding the passage.
To prepare for our PLCs on Tuesday, please watch the following clip and make note of any scaffolding the teacher did to maximize student achievement in the classroom. Also, be prepared to discuss how you scaffold learning in your room on a daily basis.
Week of January 30-February 3, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
- Pay Day
- Committee Meetings in Cafe at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
- Progress Monitor Students in Red (K-3)
- PLCs (Focus PDP and Math Assessment Inventory/ Core Instruction Plan)
- 8:30-9:30~ 5th, 6th, and 7th
- 10-11 ~ Kindergarten
- 12-1 ~ 1st and 2nd
- 1-2 ~ 3rd and 4th
- 2-2:45 ~ ~ Student Support Team
- Drama/CSP/SEL IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
- Progress Monitor Students in Red (K-3)
- Data Conversations with Staff Meetings Begin (All mtgs. will be in the PLC Room) / Please check calendar invite sent by Mr. Thomas to ensure you are on time.
- Weekly Admin Mtg at 9:00-10:15
- Music/Visual Arts IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Thursday, February 2, 2017
- Dance/Media Arts IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Friday, February 3, 2017
- Didge Revoltion Presentation in Music Room from 11-12 from Music Elective Students (Fall and Spring)
- Bullying Presentation at 2:15 (please be seated and packed up ready to go home by 2:10) in lobby.
- Learning Standards should be posted in rooms for ELA/Math
- Please review No Opt Out from TLaC (; This is not be utilized in classrooms and can increase student achievement if used correctly
- Lesson plans must be placed in the lesson plan folders BEFORE a lesson is taught
- When beginning a new unit, please change the standard sheet listed outside of the office area