Right is Right
Right Is Right is about the difference between partially right and all-the-way
right—between pretty good and 100 percent. The job of the teacher is to set a
high standard for correctness: 100 percent. The likelihood is strong that students
will stop striving when they hear the word right (or yes or some other proxy),
so there’s a real risk to naming as right that which is not truly and completely
right. When you sign off and tell a student she is right, she must not be betrayed
into thinking she can do something that she cannot.
Here is an example of that technique in a classroom discussion. Please read the set up for the video and then watch the video.
This concept reminds me of what I witness many times in elementary classrooms. Teachers want to prevent the student from feeling bad and getting an answer wrong so they support the students even when incorrect and shallow thinking responses are given. Many feel they are doing something positive for the student...but they aren't. Those teachers are actually creating a space where mediocrity is accepted and students begin to realize that no matter what they say or do, they will be rewarded.
As you know, the real world is not like that. College professors do not draw smiley faces on crappy work, Spouses do not brag about the mediocre dinner their spouse cooked. Credit companies do not reward people for paying parts of their bills. Bosses do not (or should not) sugar coat performance reviews. It is our duty to love our students enough to push them past "almost right thinking".
This will need to be added to you toolbox and please turn to page 35 in the Teach Like a Champion book for more information.
Hope you have had an amazing weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
The Week of March 27-31, 2017
Monday, March 27
- Unit Assessment Begins
- Dress Down Day- All money needs to be turned in to Mrs. Griggs (staff must pay if they wear jeans and are not using a pass)
- Safety Patrol Members Begin Today- Please turn in returned permission slips to my box
- SIT Mtg in Cafe at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, March 28
- Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
- PLC (RtI Focus)
- 5th, 6th, 7th 8:30-9:30
- Kindergarten 10-11
- 1st and 2nd 12-1
- 2nd and 3rd 1-2
- Support Staff 2-2:45
- Potluck (prepared by 4th/ 5th/ 6th & 7th) in NEW Staff Relaxation Room 11-12:15
Wednesday, March 29
- Hill out until 9:30
- Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Candy Caine, Ms. Jones at UNC-P Job Fair 8:30 AM-3:00 PM
- School Leaders Mtg at 3:30 (Focus: SAM)
Thursday, March 30 (Look Your Best Staff)
- Awards Day K-3 8:30-9:30 at Hay Street UMC
- Awards Day 4th-7th 1 pm-2 pm at Hay Street UMC
- Pay Day
Friday, March 31
- Spring Portraits Please see schedule emailed by Mrs. Trojan for your time and location