Welcome back to the real world! I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break and that you are prepared to finish the year strong. This blog will be an easy way to threshold into the upcoming week. Last week, I had the opportunity to visit two charter school in NC to learn more about what they do and how this plays into their success.
The first school I went to was ArtSpace in Asheville. It is an Arts Integrated School and has been in operation since 2000 (they took one year off before accepting their first students so their official start date with kids is 2001). The school was definitely worth the 4 hour drive. I will tell you that after the visit I felt so much hope. They didn't have it together in year 3 and when I shared where we are now they are amazed at the progress we have achieved over the short period time we have been in existence. Here is the major idea I walked away with on Tuesday, April 18, 2017...
we have to have a period of time, during the school day, that our Arts Team plans and collaborates with our Homeroom Teachers! I had a chance to sit in during their planning and it was AMAZING! The level of communication and collaboration was high and it was powerful! How did it work? Each Tuesday for two hours total (an hour per grade) the AIT (Arts Integrated Team) meet. The members in the meeting were: All Arts Staff, the two classroom teachers and an EC Staff Member. My question: Who's watching the kids? They use a plan of utilizing TAs, Volunteers, Support Staff, etc to cover classes. The Arts Team meets each week and the classroom teachers only meet once a month.
I learned a ton more and will be sharing as we conclude the year and plan for next year!

Friday, April 21st, I went to visit The Cape Fear Center for Inquiry because they are one of the first charter schools in NC and are still showing a high level of success and functionality! I have also had a chance to borrow great ideas and organizational plans from them over the past two years. Although they are not an Arts Integrated School, they do incorporate the arts into their inquiry based learning programs. One of major "take aways" from CFCI is that students' emotional state is just as important as the education they receive. The school starts every morning with class level morning meetings and the teachers model with students how to handle conflict and how to encourage and support each other. They are a school of inquiry BUT also understand that incorporating a social emotional program into what they do is NOT another thing but the main foundation for what they do at the school. They spend the first 3 weeks of school building community and expectations...this is not optional but a must for everyone.
So, what does this mean for TCEA?
It means that we continue to improve and "borrow" the great ideas from others doing great work and make it work for TCEA. I know many of us have discussed the the quote by Albert Einstein shown here. We have to improve and move forward not because you have a school leader that enjoys change and wants to do things differently. No, we actually have to change because our students DESERVE the best and that will involve change.
I also want to reassure you that borrowing from others is nothing new...it is seen in the business world and in the art world. I am including two pieces that you can listen to that illustrate this fact. One is
What is Original? and last about an hour and the other is a piece of that talk and is about sampling in music by
Mark Ronson.
I listened to many podcasts on my travels this week and really felt this piece went right along with my school visits. I have missed you all and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Week of April 24-28, 2017
Monday, April 24
- CCC Spring Break Challenge Form Due (no exceptions); Please reread directions from Ms. Grunden. The party invites will be printed as soon as we know numbers.
From Ms. Grunden:
On Monday, April 24th, please e-mail me the list of students from your class who returned their Spring Break Reading Challenge. We will not be taking any late submissions. If I do not receive an email from homeroom teachers by 4:00pm Monday, April 24th, it is assumed you did not have any students participate from your classroom.
- GRADES DUE 8:00 AM - 2nd Trimester Midterm Progress Reports
- IS Planning at 3:30 in Cafe'
- SIT Mtg in Bar Area of Cafe' at 4:00
- TCEA Board Mtg at 5:15 PM in Music Room
Tuesday, April 25
- PLC (SST Focus)
- 8:30-9:30~ 5th, 6th and 7th
- 10-11~ Kindergarten
- 12-1~ 1st and 2nd
- 1-2~ 3rd and 4th
- Potluck (prepared by Arts Staff and Dr. Caine-Czerepak) in New Lounge 11-12
Wednesday, April 26
- IS Plans Due
- Admin Mtg 9-10:15
- CCC Reward Party at 2 PM: Grades 4th-7th
- School Leaders Mtg. 3:30-4:30 in Cafe
Thursday, April 27
- Trojan out at state meeting
- Hill out at Regional Charter School Leaders Mtg
- CCC Reward at 2 PM: K-3rd
Friday, April 28
- Midterm Progress Reports Go Home - 3rd Trimester
- Career Day for 4th-7th Grades 12:30-3:00 PM
Don't forget EVERYONE is required to sign up for an one hour time at our table for Dogwood unless you have talked with me about not being able to participate. Please sign up here by Wednesday, April 26th!