Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is your vision 20/20?

"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."

 - Rosabeth Moss Kanter

This week's blog is focused on having a vision.  Each of us need a vision to drive us to our personal goals.  How sad would our lives be if we just existed and never thought about improving ourselves or the world around us.  If you only focus on what you see in front of you, you are sure to become near sighted.  You only can see what is happening right in front of you and the further the event/chance is from you the focus is blurry.  When one's goals are blurry they often miss the mark and never truly reach their goal.  Then the person usually gets upset and says things like "I am not ________ because ________ held me back or distracted me."  You can fill in an adjective/ noun for the first blank and a noun for the second blank.  

How often do we hear statements like that from our students?

So let us be good examples of developing and focusing on a clear vision to reach the goals we set for ourselves. 

Here is my vision for myself as a school leader:

 I believe that we are supposed to improve the lives of others as we travel through this life.  Helping students achieve an education and appreciate learning is a goal of mine.  I feel that when adults have an education and a love of learning they are able to obtain a career they enjoy and will be able to provide for their most basic needs which enables them to give to their community (money, time, ability, etc.).  I want to help create a movement where everyone is able to give because they have enough to give.

"If you're running on a deficit in an area, then you aren't able to give in that area."

What is you vision for yourself? 

Your homework: Please email me a short statement on why you decided to impact students through the role you play in our school by Thanksgiving Break (mandatory for all staff).  Please title the email Vision Statement.

We will continue this focus of vision in our PLCs this month. This is the time of year when exhaustion and frustration can take hold and vision is what helps us continue to do the vital work that we do.  I think that this will help us identify the role we play in helping students achieve greatness each day and ways I might be able to help you reach your career goals.I look forward to reading your vision statements on why you do your role at TCEA.

Hope you've had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! -Angela

Week of Monday, October 30- Friday, November 3, 2017

Monday, October 30 (Mandatory Teacher Workday)
  • Pay Day!!!

Materials Needed
A+ Presentation
Falls, Lanham, Clough and Norris

IEP, BIPS and 504s...Oh My!
Lanham and Honeycutt
Data Drives Decisions
Laptop, Schoolnet login info
Student Engagement
K-3 in Cafe
4-8 in Samuelson’s
Laptop, marker/pen
Pond/ Falls
1:00-3:00 PM
CARE (Part II)
CARE Notebook
Angela Farthing
3:00-3:20 PM
AIG Plan
Dr. Broome

Tuesday, October 31
  • Arts Integration Meeting
    • Kindergarten 8-9
      • Caudle: Falls
      • Johnson: Strimel
      • Williams: Pond
    • 3rd Grade 9:05-10:05
      • Hill: Carr
      • Weir: Akers
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
  • 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
  • 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 
    • 11-11:15 Lobby
    • 11:15-12 Theater
Wednesday, November 1
  • PLCs (intervention and data analysis)
    • Kindergarten 8-9
    • 1st Grade 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd/3rd Grades 10:10-11:10
    • 4th/5th Grades 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades 1:55-2:55
  • Mr. Thomas at MTSS Coordinator Meeting 9-3
  • 4th Grade Library 10-11
Thursday, November 2
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC 11:15-12:15
  • 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 
    • 11-11:15 Lobby
    • 11:15-12 Theater
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
Friday, November 3
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Administration Meeting 9-10
  • First Grade Planning 9-10
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
  • Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15-Noon
  • Ezell (5th) - Library Visit 9:45-10:45
  • Fleming (5th) - Library Visit 11:00-11:45
  • 2nd Grade Library 1-2

  • Teacher Workday hours for tomorrow is 8-3:20 and dress is casual.
  • No Halloween Costumes for students in Tuesday.
  • Make sure you turn in any candy collect for Trick or Treat on Tuesday to office and document who brought it in.
  • Please share parent university once this week.  Just copy and paste this: 

We are looking forward to our first of three parent universities this school year.  Please look at the course offered for this first session and pick 2 that you would like to attend. Middle Grade parents just pick (1): Middle Grades Curriculum. You will also need to let us know how many students to expect in childcare. Staff will be watching students while you learn.  We also need to know if you’ll be purchasing dinner that evening.  If you have any questions, please contact the front office.

The link they can register at is:
  • If you change your daily schedule from the Master Schedule given to you, you will need to get approval from me first.  I have to assure the state of our schedule and I want to be in the loop when changes are made since I am signing off on it.
  • "Our job is to teach the students we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them."- Dr. Kevin Maxwell

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Be Like A Chameleon...

Did you know that chameleons don't actually change their color to match their surroundings?  Seriously, they don't. I found this out after doing a quick Google search.

"Chameleons don't change color to match their environment. Rather, they change color as a response to mood, temperature, health, communication, and light. ... For instance, the Panther Chameleon will change to red and yellow when they are angry or are getting ready to attack."

Chameleons also are able to independently move both of their eyes and can see 360 degrees around.  That means that they can focus on two different stimuli but when ready to attack, both eyes can focus with laser like attention on their prey.  That's pretty impressive!

After visiting the Arts Based School (an arts integration charter school) and attending a two day session about the process of joining the A+ Network, I feel that I can truly see clearly.   I believe that by joining this network we will be able to continue to see the goals that the state has laid out for us (increased proficiency of state assessments) while tracking our ultimate goal of The Capitol Encore Academy:

The Capitol Encore Academy will develop artists who inspire others with principles of design and artful thinking through the integration of academic excellence, virtuous character and disciplined artistry.

 We should also be like chameleons when it comes to "changing our colors".  Each of us are at The Capitol Encore Academy because we have a talent/gift that our diverse student body needs.  We should not change who we are or forget why we decided to work at TCEA just because the environment might change at our school or in our world(s).  We all need to be attentive to how we might alter the school's mood, temperature, health, communication, etc. based on our feelings, thoughts, and emotions.  Our students deserve to see our very best and Haim Ginott said it best...

“I’ve come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized.” 

Let's go into this coming week focused and intentional.  I hope you've had an awesome weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday! - Angela

🦎👏 Chameleon Claps🦎👏
From Mrs. Clough:

Middle School Team: For being so supportive and such a pleasure to work with. I do not know what I would do without y'all!

Mrs. Mac: For being such a great co-worker and always letting me borrow her hole punch and any other materials I need. =)

Mrs. Majka: For always offering so much support and guidance. You always have the words I need to hear. I appreciate your kindness, thoughtfulness, and selflessness. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!

Updates/ Reminders
  • There has been a change in the Master Schedule; 3rd Grade now has recess from 1:30-2:00 and Science/ Social Studies Block from 2-2:55
  • Please remember to move at a Zone Zero while in the lobby area of the school. K/1 grade students are learning and there are so many transitions during this time that some of the students are struggling to attend.
  • Monday, October 30th is a mandatory workday and there are PD opportunities scheduled between 8 AM and 3 PM.
  • Don't forget to complete the survey found here: Red Ribbon Week Lanham Link
  • Would love to have you join me and two of our families on Saturday, October 28 from 9-Noon.  Please sign up here if you can join us!

Week of Monday, October 23-Friday, October 27, 2017

Monday, October 23: I mustache you not to do drugs!

  • Kindergarten at library at 9:50
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50
  • School Improvement Team Mtg at 3:30 PM
  • Board Mtg at 5:15 in Mrs. Samuelson's Room

Tuesday, October 24: Use your head; Don't do drugs! (Crazy Hat Day)
  • Arts Integration Meeting
    • 8-9: Middle Grades
      • ELA-Strimel
      • SCIENCE-Falls
      • SS- Pond
      • MATH-Lanham
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
  • Library
    • 1st Grade 9:45-11
  • Eat Less/ Move More for 6th Grade at 11:00

Wednesday, October 25: Don't be caught sleeping, say NO to drugs! (PJ Day)
  • PLCs (Intervention)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05: 1st Grade
    • 10:10-11:10: 2nd/3rd
    • 12:50-1:50: 4th/5th
    • 1:55-2:55: Middle Grades
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Crown 9 AM-11:30 AM
Thursday, October 26: Friends don't let friends do drugs! (Twin Day)
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM
  • Arts PLC at 11:15 AM
  • Eat Less/ Move More for 6th Grade at 11:00
  • MTSS Leadership Team at 12:30-2:45
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50

Friday, October 27: Better things to do than do drugs (Career Day)
  • Read to Achieve Testing in EC Wing
  • Hill covers Brownlee
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8:00
  • Admin Planning 9-10
  • 1st Grade Planning 9:05-10:05

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Self Reflect...not Self Loathe

Today I went to a leadership meeting at church and the leader told us that many times the only thing standing between where we are and where we want to be is ourselves.  She shared that the key to the breakthrough is self reflection and not self loathing.  

Wow! That is so true and usually when I reflect I start thinking about all the ways I need to change to improve and then that leads to me comparing myself to others and saying to myself (and to my team) I am not able. Last week I shared that if you know have to do better.  I know better so I have to do better.  

Another mentor shared with me last year some of my personality traits that hold me back from being the best version of myself.  He was hesitant to share this with me because he knew, better than I, that I had problems accepting criticism.  I would like to think I have handled things better this year because of this incident.  He said, in the same way as the leader today, that the key is reflection not loathing.  This is exactly I needed to hear while reflecting on my visit to Arts Based Charter School this past Friday. This arts integration charter school has been around for 17 years and has grown to be a leader in the A+ Program in NC.  Here are a few ideas I'd like to share:

  • Each classroom featured a Masterpiece of the Month and tied a piece of artwork to a musical connection.  For example for Hispanic Heritage Month:

Diego Rivera (1886 - 1957)
  • Diego Rivera stands among the most famous Mexican muralists of all time. Known for his radical political and religion beliefs, Rivera often painted scenes that dealt with Mexican society and the Mexican Revolution of 1910. 
Musical Connection:

Gustavo Dudamel - Danzon n°2

  • A teacher used a piece of artwork to illustrate the difference between wants and needs (clean water) in a 2nd grade Social Studies classroom.  The teacher then helped students reproduce the piece through the integration of art terms/concepts in the lesson. It was hard to detect where the social studies stopped and art curriculum began. This is not picture used but example of concept.

  • Discipline is not a major issue at this school.  The leadership believes that your room should be a place your students want to stay in. Is what you're doing worth the student's time? If your classroom is really exciting they won't want to be sent out of class.
  • They continuously ask themselves this question:
    • What's working and what's not working? Once they find something that works they keep it.  They are basically using the same guide and plan each year and this ensures that each year students have something to look forward to that they didn't do the previous year.  EXAMPLE: each grade has a production that they do each year that is theirs.  They tie the units to these productions so they are part of the curriculum and not one more thing to do.
The BIG thing that I walked away with is that it takes time and self reflection to make a system come together.  The principal said it was around year 7 when things began to become 2nd Nature and wasn't as hard.  This is what anything good thing takes...time+reflection+ adjustments= Success!

Please seek out Mrs. Stoffer, Mrs. Ezell and Mr. Kline to get their thoughts from our trip as well.  We divided and conquered so I am unable to sum up the entire trip here! Looking forward to an amazing week and see everyone tomorrow!

🦎👏Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Weir:
Mrs. Strimmel for letting me borrow a ton of paper clips at the last minute.

Mrs. A. Hill for saving my life with chocolate!

From Akers:
Ms. Caudle, thank you for stepping in to assist with additional K & 1st grade classes in the lunch line when their teachers weren’t available.

From Fleming:
I would first like to give a Chameleon Clap to Mrs. Samuelson for being an awesome neighbor and putting up with my crazy endless questions.

Second to Mrs. Ezell for being so positive and spreading zen amongst our team at times of dismay. 

Third to Mrs. Maijka for helping me out and bestowing her knowledge upon me!!!

Lastly to Mrs. Hill who is always a great reminder Grit and perseverance. (Excuses are tools of the incompetent)

Week of Monday, October 16- Friday, October 20, 2017

Monday, October 16
  • Chameleon Coin Roll Out Begins
  • FEO Interest Meeting at 8 AM in Cafe
  • EC PLC Meeting in PLC Room at 11
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
  • FEO Interest Mtg (Repeat from AM) at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 17
  • Arts Integration Meeting
    • 2nd Grade 8-9
      • Magan/Poche-Falls
      • Cane-Lanham
      • Marshall-Strimel
    • 5th Grade 9:05-10:05
      • Samuelson-Carr
      • Ezzel -Akers
      • Fleming-Falls
  • Stoffer and Walker to Library 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
  • 6th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 11-12
  • Middle Grades Planning at 1:55-2:55
Wednesday, October 18
  • Think Pink- $1 donation to wear pink and/or jeans (turn in all money to Joe by 10 AM)
  • Hill at Principal Ready Meeting in Fayetteville
  • PLC (SST Focus)
    • Kindergarten 8-9
    • 1st Grade 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd/3rd 10:10-11:10
    • 4th/5th 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades 1:55-2:55
  • 4th Grade Library 10-11
  • Beginning Teacher Meeting at 3:30-4:30
Thursday, October 19
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Hill at A+ Principal Leadership Meeting in Raleigh (9 AM-3PM)
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC at 11:15-12:15
  • 6th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program at 11-12
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
Friday, October 20
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 1st Grade Planning 9-10
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
  • Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15-12:00
  • Ezell (5th) - Library Visit 9:45-10:45
  • Hill/Norris/ Falls/ Lanham/Clough at A+ Meeting 10-3
  • 2nd Grade Library 1-2
  • Friends of Music at MU at 2 PM with Music Elective (Duo Cintemani)
  • Turn in Box Tops to Front Desk

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Know Better Do Better

The video attached for this week is one of my favorite videos.  It shows the impact our adult interactions can have on students on a daily basis.  You never know what a student is walking though and just knowing that a kind word, hug, smile, etc. could make their day so much better helps me "get over myself" when I am having a rough patch in life.  Now, please hear me when I say that I DO NOT GET IT RIGHT EVERYDAY!!! I wish I could say I do but I would be telling a lie.  

But I do want our students to feel supported and respected at our school.  That support and respect does not mean that our students have their run of the school. and respect means that we applaud the positive behaviors that they exhibit and correct inappropriate behaviors.  We also teach students the needed behaviors when they struggle to exhibit them.  We won't always get it right but as the saying goes...once we know better we do better.  

Have an amazing week and thanks for all you do!

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏

From Ms. Hughes: Mrs. Majka for helping me with my Donors Choose project.  She has been so helpful and such thoughtful and kind words to me and it is greatly appreciated!

From Ms. Hughes: Middle School Team - ya'll rock!! Couldn't have a better team to work with!

From Ms. Akers: Ms. Cane and Ms. Ezell, thank you for keeping a close eye on your students in the lunch line and holding them accountable! 

From TCEA: Congratulations to The Thomas Family on their new addition: Avery Grace Thomas!!!!

Week of Monday, October 9- Friday, October 13
Monday, October 9
  • Parent University Sign Up for Staff Due
  • Hill covers Stoffer
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
  • Leadership SIT Pre-Party Mtg. Hill's Office at 3:30
Tuesday, October 10
  • Arts Integration 8-10
    • 1st Grade 8-9:
      • Johnson- Lanham
    • 4th Grade 9:05-10:05
      • Majka-Carr
  • 3rd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Stoffer Library 9:45-11:00
Wednesday, October 11
  • PLCs (Walk Through and Awards)
    • Kindergarten 8-9
    • 1st Grade 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd/3rd Grades 10:10-11:10
    • 4th/5th Grades 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades 1:55-2:55
Thursday, October 12
  • Hill at Charter School Leadership Meeting
  • Fall Portraits 8-11:30
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC 11:15-12:15
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
Friday, October 13
  • Hill, Kline, Stoffer, and Ezell at The Arts Based Charter School 6:45 AM-3:00 PM
  • Thomas at Charter School Leadership Meeting
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 1st Grade Planning 9-10

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fall is Here!

In honor of our hard work this past weekend...

Hope you enjoy and see everyone tomorrow!!


Week of Monday, October 2- Friday, October 6, 2017*

Monday, October 2
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
Tuesday, October 3

  • Arts Integrated Planning
    • 8-9 K 
      • Caudle- Covered by Falls
      • Johnson- Covered by Strimel
      • Williams- Covered by Pond
    • 9:05-10:05 3rd
      • Hill- Covered by Carr
      • Weir- Covered by Akers
  • Library Visit: Stoffer (1st) - Library visit 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Middle Grades Planning at 1:55-2:55
Wednesday, October 4
  • PLCs (MTSS Focused)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05: 1st Grade
    • 10:10-11:10: 2nd/ 3rd Grades
    • 12:50-1:50: 4th/ 5th Grades
    • 1:55-2:55: Middle Grades
  • Guided Reading Mini PD at 3:30
Thursday, October 5
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC 11:15-12:15
  • 4th Grade Planning 12:50-1:50
  • Ice Cream Social Sponsored by Freddy's at 4 PM
Friday, October 6
  • Middle Grades Field to Art Museum
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8-9
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit at 9 AM
  • Admin Mtg 9-10
  • 1st Grade Planning 9:05-10:05
  • Ezell (5th) - Library Visit at 9:45 AM
  • 5th Grade Performance: Alejandro Pinzon in Theater at 11-12
  • Progress Reports Go Home
  • 2nd grade - Library Visit 1-2

*Observations and Pre and Post Observations Continue This Week
* Please remember that self assessment and lesson plan need to be completed for the Pre Observation Conference.
*For the Post Observation Conference, please have your PDP completed with at least one goal.

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap 🦎👏
From Mr. Kline

To Mrs Honeycutt for coming into my classroom and helping with my lil friends that need a lil extra attention.

To Mrs Brownlee for encouraging me to start back up Broadcast News and always being an amazing collaborator.

To Mrs Majka for being such an amazing leader and laughing with me.

To Mrs Hill for not leaving us to be a Waffle House manager.  We need you!

To Mr Thomas for doing the job no one wants, Test Administrator.

From Mrs. Hill

To Ms. Akers, Mrs. Honeycutt, Mrs. Trojan and Mr. Kline for all of the goodies on Saturday.

To the TCEA staff for being wonderful participants in our training on Friday and Saturday!!