"A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more."
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
This week's blog is focused on having a vision. Each of us need a vision to drive us to our personal goals. How sad would our lives be if we just existed and never thought about improving ourselves or the world around us. If you only focus on what you see in front of you, you are sure to become near sighted. You only can see what is happening right in front of you and the further the event/chance is from you the focus is blurry. When one's goals are blurry they often miss the mark and never truly reach their goal. Then the person usually gets upset and says things like "I am not ________ because ________ held me back or distracted me." You can fill in an adjective/ noun for the first blank and a noun for the second blank.
How often do we hear statements like that from our students?
So let us be good examples of developing and focusing on a clear vision to reach the goals we set for ourselves.
Here is my vision for myself as a school leader:
I believe that we are supposed to improve the lives of others as we travel through this life. Helping students achieve an education and appreciate learning is a goal of mine. I feel that when adults have an education and a love of learning they are able to obtain a career they enjoy and will be able to provide for their most basic needs which enables them to give to their community (money, time, ability, etc.). I want to help create a movement where everyone is able to give because they have enough to give.
"If you're running on a deficit in an area, then you aren't able to give in that area."
What is you vision for yourself?
Your homework: Please email me a short statement on why you decided to impact students through the role you play in our school by Thanksgiving Break (mandatory for all staff). Please title the email Vision Statement.
We will continue this focus of vision in our PLCs this month. This is the time of year when exhaustion and frustration can take hold and vision is what helps us continue to do the vital work that we do. I think that this will help us identify the role we play in helping students achieve greatness each day and ways I might be able to help you reach your career goals.I look forward to reading your vision statements on why you do your role at TCEA.
Hope you've had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! -Angela
Week of Monday, October 30- Friday, November 3, 2017
Monday, October 30 (Mandatory Teacher Workday)
- Pay Day!!!
Materials Needed
A+ Presentation
Falls, Lanham, Clough and Norris
IEP, BIPS and 504s...Oh My!
Lanham and Honeycutt
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Data Drives Decisions
Laptop, Schoolnet login info
Student Engagement
K-3 in Cafe
4-8 in Samuelson’s
Laptop, marker/pen
Pond/ Falls
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1:00-3:00 PM
CARE (Part II)
CARE Notebook
Angela Farthing
3:00-3:20 PM
AIG Plan
Dr. Broome
Tuesday, October 31
- Arts Integration Meeting
- Kindergarten 8-9
- Caudle: Falls
- Johnson: Strimel
- Williams: Pond
- 3rd Grade 9:05-10:05
- Hill: Carr
- Weir: Akers
- 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
- 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
- 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program
- 11-11:15 Lobby
- 11:15-12 Theater
Wednesday, November 1
- PLCs (intervention and data analysis)
- Kindergarten 8-9
- 1st Grade 9:05-10:05
- 2nd/3rd Grades 10:10-11:10
- 4th/5th Grades 12:50-1:50
- Middle Grades 1:55-2:55
- Mr. Thomas at MTSS Coordinator Meeting 9-3
- 4th Grade Library 10-11
Thursday, November 2
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- 2nd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
- Arts PLC 11:15-12:15
- 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program
- 11-11:15 Lobby
- 11:15-12 Theater
- 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
Friday, November 3
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- Administration Meeting 9-10
- First Grade Planning 9-10
- Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
- Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15-Noon
- Ezell (5th) - Library Visit 9:45-10:45
- Fleming (5th) - Library Visit 11:00-11:45
- 2nd Grade Library 1-2
- Teacher Workday hours for tomorrow is 8-3:20 and dress is casual.
- No Halloween Costumes for students in Tuesday.
- Make sure you turn in any candy collect for Trick or Treat on Tuesday to office and document who brought it in.
- Please share parent university once this week. Just copy and paste this:
We are looking forward to our first of three
parent universities this school year.
Please look at the course offered for this first session and pick 2 that you would like to attend. Middle Grade parents just pick (1): Middle Grades Curriculum. You will also need to let us know how many
students to expect in childcare. Staff will be watching students while you
learn. We also need to know if you’ll be
purchasing dinner that evening. If you
have any questions, please contact the front office.
The link they can register at is: http://bit.ly/2luWP7w
- If you change your daily schedule from the Master Schedule given to you, you will need to get approval from me first. I have to assure the state of our schedule and I want to be in the loop when changes are made since I am signing off on it.
"Our job is to teach the students we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them."- Dr. Kevin Maxwell