I have recently joined the Twitter world for real. I mean I have dabbled before but I am truly finding the support and networking I need professionally and personally through Twitter. Facebook is good to catch up with people but to truly grow and connect with people, Twitter is where it's at!
One person I follow is Ryan Sheehy. (@sheehyrw) He is a principal, associate professor at a university in CA, a father and is currently writing a book. His recent tweet was the question above and it connected to his latest blog post. You can read the entire post here but here are the lines that spoke to me the MOST!
"People and systems are going to let you down. Things and situations are not always going to go your way. We have no control over the actions of people that are in our lives. We have no control over the universe. But we do have control over who we are. I know that being a Tigger 100% of the time sounds daunting but being an Eeyore sounds unproductive and no fun."
"In education we are constantly faced with students, parents, and other educators. I have had my fare share of run ins with Eeyores, but that is when my Tigger personality bounces into full effect. We must stay positive, cheerful, and confident. We need to show perseverance and bounce back from our failures. "
"Every educator has the choice when that alarm clock goes off each morning, are you getting out of bed as an Eeyore or a Tigger?"
"Be The One that who tries your best, is up to try new things, keeps going even when you fall, and always sees the glass as being half full."
What a great way to go into this holiday season!!!
See everyone tomorrow. - Angela
Want to see the video clip of where this quote comes from? Click HERE.
🦎👏Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Mr. Kline
Mrs. Trojan for being awesome and dedicated in everything you do!
Mrs Akers for always being there to help and staying involved with so much as both a staff member and parent!
From Ms. McLaughlin
Trojan: Thanks for your continued hard work on the window showcase! It is greatly appreciated.
From Mrs. Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Weir on the birth of her daughter Selah this morning!!
Mrs Akers for always being there to help and staying involved with so much as both a staff member and parent!
From Ms. McLaughlin
Trojan: Thanks for your continued hard work on the window showcase! It is greatly appreciated.
From Mrs. Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Weir on the birth of her daughter Selah this morning!!
Mrs. Samuelson: Congrats to being named a semifinalist in the TOY competition for the state. Woohoo!
Week of Monday, November 27- Friday, December 1
Monday, November 27
- 1st Day of 2nd trimester
- 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
- SIT Mtg (Large group) at 3:30-4:30
- Ms. Brown Welcome Reception in her room from 3:30-4:15
- Send home conference forms with students TODAY
Tuesday, November 28
- 2nd round of observations begin
- AIT Meeting
- Middle Grades 8-9
- Russ- Strimel
- Hughes- Falls
- Hoffman- Pond
- Clough- Lanham
- 1st Grade to Library at 9:45-11:00
- 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
Wednesday, November 29
- PLCs (Intervention Focused)
- 8-9 Kindergarten
- 9:05-10:05 First Grade
- 10:10-11:10 Second Grade and Third Grade
- 12:50-1:50 Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade
- 1:55-2:55 Middle Grades
- 4th Grade - Library Visit at 10:00-11:00
Thursday, November 30
- Kindergarten Planning at 8-9
- 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
- Reading Buddies Ezell and Stoffer at 10:05
- ARTS PLC - Working Lunch 11:15-12:15
- 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
Friday, December 1st
- Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
- Admin Meeting 9-10
- First Grade Planning 9-10
- Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
- Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15- 12:00
- Ezell Library Visit 9:45-10:45
- Fleming Library Visit 11-11:45
- 2nd grade - Library Visit 1-2
- Barnes and Noble Book Fair 4PM-8PM