Sunday, November 26, 2017

Are You A Tigger or an EEyoure?

I have recently joined the Twitter world for real.  I mean I have dabbled before but I am truly finding the support and networking I need professionally and personally through Twitter.  Facebook is good to catch up with people but to truly grow and connect with people, Twitter is where it's at!  

One person I follow is Ryan Sheehy. (@sheehyrw)  He is a principal, associate professor at a university in CA, a father and is currently writing a book.  His recent tweet was the question above and it connected to his latest blog post.  You can read the entire post here but here are the lines that spoke to me the MOST!

"People and systems are going to let you down. Things and situations are not always going to go your way. We have no control over the actions of people that are in our lives. We have no control over the universe. But we do have control over who we are. I know that being a Tigger 100% of the time sounds daunting but being an Eeyore sounds unproductive and no fun."

"In education we are constantly faced with students, parents, and other educators. I have had my fare share of run ins with Eeyores, but that is when my Tigger personality bounces into full effect. We must stay positive, cheerful, and confident. We need to show perseverance and  bounce back from our failures. "

"Every educator has the choice when that alarm clock goes off each morning, are you getting out of bed as an Eeyore or a Tigger?"

"Be The One that who tries your best, is up to try new things, keeps going even when you fall, and always sees the glass as being half full."

What a great way to go into this holiday season!!!

See everyone tomorrow. - Angela

Want to see the video clip of where this quote comes from? Click HERE.

🦎👏Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Mr. Kline
Mrs. Trojan for being awesome and dedicated in everything you do!
Mrs Akers for always being there to help and staying involved with so much as both a staff member and parent!
From Ms. McLaughlin
Trojan: Thanks for your continued hard work on the window showcase! It is greatly appreciated.
From Mrs. Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Weir on the birth of her daughter Selah this morning!!

Mrs. Samuelson: Congrats to being named a semifinalist in the TOY competition for the state. Woohoo!

Week of Monday, November 27- Friday, December 1
Monday, November 27
  • 1st Day of 2nd trimester
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
  • SIT Mtg (Large group) at 3:30-4:30
  • Ms. Brown Welcome Reception in her room from 3:30-4:15
  • Send home conference forms with students TODAY
Tuesday, November 28
  • 2nd round of observations begin
  • AIT Meeting
    • Middle Grades 8-9
      • Russ- Strimel
      • Hughes- Falls
      • Hoffman- Pond
      • Clough- Lanham
  • 1st Grade to Library at 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
Wednesday, November 29
  • PLCs (Intervention Focused)
    • 8-9 Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05 First Grade
    • 10:10-11:10 Second Grade and Third Grade
    • 12:50-1:50 Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade
    • 1:55-2:55 Middle Grades
  • 4th Grade - Library Visit at 10:00-11:00
Thursday, November 30
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
  • Reading Buddies Ezell and Stoffer at 10:05
  • ARTS PLC - Working Lunch 11:15-12:15
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
Friday, December 1st
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • Admin Meeting 9-10
  • First Grade Planning 9-10
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
  • Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15- 12:00
  • Ezell Library Visit 9:45-10:45
  • Fleming Library Visit 11-11:45
  • 2nd grade - Library Visit 1-2
  • Barnes and Noble Book Fair 4PM-8PM

Sunday, November 12, 2017

DEVOLSON: The Dark, Evil Vortex of Late September, October and November...The End is Near

As Mrs. Brownlee shared earlier this year, DEVOLSON is REAL and thankfully we are almost out of this season.  One of the suggestions to survive DEVOLSON is to CYOC: Create Your Own Catharsis.  Catharsis is defined as: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.  Here is my list that I use to CYOC and hopefully not cry at work (Mr. Thomas...nothing from you SIR):

The article linked here shares how the author creates her own catharsis and the other 4 ways to make it through the DEVOLSON.  We have five days left and I know we can make it!! See everyone tomorrow!- Angela

🦎👏Chameleon Claps🦎👏
From Ms. McLaughlin:
Clough: Thanks for assisting with Fun Friday! My system would not work without your support!!
Mrs. Hill: Thanks for understanding! #jeanpass
Majka: Thanks for being flexible and understanding with planning and last minute changes. I have the “best” teammate at TCEA! You are appreciated!

Week of Monday, November 13- Friday, November 17, 2017

Monday. November 13
  • 4th grade visit to the Arts Council at 10:00
  • 6A-Arts Council Field Trip at 10 AM
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
  • Award decisions due to Hill (Need to hear from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th)
  • Small Group SIT Mtg at 3:30
  • TCEA Board Mtg at 5:15 PM in Studio 213
Tuesday, November 14
  • Arts Integration Mtgs. 8-10:05
    • 8-9 (might have volunteers to cover if they show up)
      •  Mangan/ Poche- Falls
      • Cane- Lanham
      • Marshall- Strimel
    • 9:05-10:05 (might have volunteers to cover if they show up)
      • Samuelson- Carr
      • Ezell- Akers
      • Fleming- Falls
  • 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11
  • 3rd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • Leadership Mtg (Location TBD) 11:30-3:30
  • Trimester 1 Middle School Electives Performance - STEAM, MUSIC, VISUAL ART 6-8 PM
Wednesday, November 15
  • PLCs (SST)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05: 1st Grade
    • 10:10-11:10: 2nd/3rd
    • 12:50-1:50: 4th/5th
    • 1:55-2:55: Middle Grade
  • Sunshine Lunch by Arts Team (Breakfast for Lunch) 🥓🥚😋
  • 4th grade attends Native American Presentation  9-10
  • 7th Grade Arts Council Field Trip 10-11
  • 4th Grade - Library Visit 10-11
  • Beginning Teacher Mtg in Studio 213 at 3:30 and focus is Parent Conferences
Thursday, November 15
  • 4th grade - Raleigh NC Field Trip
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8
  • 6B Arts Council Field Trip at 10
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10
  • Arts PLC at 11:15
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
  • Trimester 1 Middle School Electives Performance - DANCE & T/F 6-8 PM
Friday, November 16
  • End of Trimester 1
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • First Grade Planning at 9 AM
  • Administrative Meeting at 9 AM
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit at 9 AM
  • Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15- Noon
  • 8th Grade Arts Council Field Trip at 10 AM
  • Ezell (5th) - Library Visit at 9:45-10:45
  • Fleming (5th) - Library Visit at 11-12
  • MTSS Team Mtg 12-2:30
  • 2nd grade - Library Visit 1-2
  • FEO Dance: Please sign up here to volunteer and you can get a JEANS PASS
Saturday, November 17
  • Building reserved from 8:30-12:30 (Please do not visit school during these hours)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Vision Part II: Putting Your Vision on Paper

This is a great TEDx talk about putting your vision down on paper through pictures.  Thought it was a really great follow up to last week's blog.  You do not have to do this activity but could help with visions you are submitting to me.  Don't forget these are due by Tuesday, November 21st.  Hope you have had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at school.

Hold the vision. Trust the future. - Author Unknown

There is a vision for my life that is greater than my imagination can hold. 
Oprah Winfrey

Week of Monday, November 6-Friday, November 10, 2017

Monday, November 6
  • Carlton Hubbard Make Up Pictures 9:00-9:30 in the lobby
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
Tuesday, November 7
  • Election Day
  • Arts Integration Meeting
    • 8-9 : 1st Grade
      • Johnson- Lanham
      • Stoffer- Strimel
      • Walker-Pond
    • 9:05-10:05: 4th Grade
      • Majka- Carr
      • McLaughlin- Bullington
  • 1st Grade to Library- 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 11-12/ Start in lobby; move to theater at 11:15
  • Middle Grades Planning- 1:55-2:55
Wednesday, November 8
  • PLCs (Data Part II)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05: 1st Grade
    • 10:10-11:10: 2nd/3rd Grades
    • 12:50-1:50: 4th/5th Grades
    • 1:55-2:55: Middle Grades
  • 3rd Grade Arts Council Field Trip- 9-10

Thursday, November 9
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
  • 7th & 8th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 11-12/ Start in lobby; move to theater at 11:15
  • Arts PLC 11:15-12:15
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
  • Middle School Integration Machine/Art/Data Integration Unit Planning at 3:30-4:30
Friday, November 10
  • No School in honor of Veterans Day

🦎👏Chameleon Clap🦎👏

From Mrs. Samuelson:
Chameleon Clap for Ms. Weir for always being such a positive and pleasant person to talk to during walker dismissal!

Chameleon Clap for Ms. Fleming for getting married this upcoming week!  You have worked so hard to prepare for your wedding while balancing being a beginning teacher.    I am so excited for you!

Chameleon Clap for Ms. Trojan and Ms. Fleming for taking such good care of my daughter during Parent University!

Chameleon Clap for Mr. Kline for being so collaborative and helpful, with everything from our Wonder project to SIT to helping me use your karaoke machine!

From Mrs. Majka:
I'd like to give a Chameleon Clap to Mr. Haslem for his awesome work with 4th grade and our Integration project. Thank you for your patience and guidance with teaching us how to make stamps and working with our schedules. Not only are our students excited, but we are excited as teachers to learn all about STEAM and how we can incorporate it into our classrooms. Thank you!!

Chameleon Clap goes out to Ms. Mac for her unwavering support and guidance. Thank you, for your positivity, your encouragement, and wonderful personality! You're the kind of teammate everyone needs. :)

My last Chameleon Clap goes to Mrs. Ezell. Thank you, Mrs. Ezell for your bright smile, your positivity, your encouragement, your contagious laughter, and for being an inspiration on days it is needed most. :)

From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to Mrs. Trojan, Ms. Akers,  Ms. Caudle, Ms. Hill, Mrs. Weir, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Pond, Mrs. Samuelson, Mrs. Ezell, Mrs. Majka, Mrs. Clough, Ms. Hoffman, Mrs. Russ, Ms. Hughes, Mrs. Lanham, Mrs. Honeycutt, and Mr. Kline for helping with our First Parent University. Although the turnout was not large...those that I spoke to that attended really enjoyed it! 

 Teachers: Please remember to stay in the kitchen until all students have gone through the serving line.  Your students that brought lunch can go through their line and go straight to the cafe and find seats. If you have duty, you may go on through the line so the cafe can be covered.  We need your help in keeping students at a Zone 0. Thanks in advance.

FEO will be sponsoring a Fall Dance on Friday, November 17th! Times are going to announced but your help is needed.  Please try to help out if available!

Next board meeting in Monday, November 13th at 515 in Studio 213. If you have concerns for the Board, please complete this form.  You do not have to leave your name.  This form is located in the HR Folder of the VIP Folder.