Sunday, December 17, 2017

Almost there!!!

Three Days Until Winter Break!!

I do not have much to share with you before our much needed break.  I can give you a few updates from last week though...
  1. The visit to NCDPI went well this past Tuesday.  They did tell me that they expect to see continued growth and higher proficiency when we are called back to NCDPI in December 2018 to discuss our renewal.  Please see the email sent on 12.17.17 for a copy of our strategic plan for 2017-2020.  We will have an after school meeting to discuss this plan and prepare for 1/30/18 visit from NCDPI.  I will email out the date once approved by the SIT tomorrow.
  2. Thursday, December 14th staff from the Office of Charter School came to interview students, families and staff for the TOY process for Mrs. Samuelson.  We should hear something before Winter Break.🤞! No matter what...thanks to Mrs. Samuelson for what you do on a daily basis and thanks to all who helped make Thursday run smoothly.
  3. We hope to have dates/times for you to access the building over the break (if you need to) based on the deep clean that will be taking place.  Please be on the look out for the email.

That's it for now! Don't forget our last three days of the 12 days before winter break...

Week of Monday, December 18- Wednesday, December 20, 2018

Monday, December 18 
  •  Show What You Know in Cafe for 4th Grade at 7:45-8:30
  • Ms. Pearson (new 1st grade teacher) shadows Mrs. Stoffer
  • Caudle Awards in Room at 12:00
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
  • Johnson Awards in Room at 1 PM
  • Williams Awards in Room at 2 PM
  • SIT Mtg in Cafe at 3:30 PM
  • TCEA Board Mtg in Studio 213
Tuesday, December 19
  • Show What You Know in Cafe for 3rd Grade at 7:45-8:30
  • Arts Integration Meetings (as usually we might substitute staff with volunteer for coverage)
    • 2nd Grade 8-9
      • Magan/Poche-Falls
      • Marshall-Strimel
      • Cane-Lanham
    • 5th Grade 9:05-10:05
      • Samuelson-Carr
        Ezzel -Akers
  • 4th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program in Theater at 8 AM
  • 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
  • Wadjda Film Showing at 3:30 in Theater ( Optional for 7th grade with 8th grade as guests)
  • New Teacher Reception in Cafe 3:30-4:15
Wednesday, December 20
  • 5th Grade Show What You Know at 7:45-8:30 in Cafe
    • Kindergarten: 8-9
    • 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd/3rd Grades: 10:10-11:10
    • 4th/5th Grades: 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
  • Staff Holiday Party at 5:30 at the Mash House

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Hardest Decisions- Last Sermon for 2017

One of the best books I have ever read, as a school administrator, is entitled Good to Great Teaching: Focusing on Literacy Work that Matters by Mary Howard.  In the book, Dr. Howard focuses on moving current practice from one level to a higher one.  One of the reviews of the work states "No matter where you are in your teaching career, the real key to great work is what you bring to the table."  

When I began teaching, I assumed that all of my co-workers approached the job the same way I did.  I believed that we were all in the profession to change the world for the better and that all of us understood the importance of a strong work ethic and carried the heavy burden that comes with being a teacher.  I never imagined that some were in it to hold a place of  power or just to pay bills.  Or that some are just teaching because teaching was their Plan B.  

Sixteen years later, I have seen much more in the education world and my naivety has waned.  I have met the staff that I described above and can now admit that they were there way back in 2001.  I just had not had enough experiences to see it in action.

I also thought that staff planned the way that I planned for learning.  I would look at the standards that I needed to cover and then think of a variety of ways to approach each student based on their interests and abilities.  I had a plan and a back up plan and then usually my fall back plan for each lesson.  I had to look at learning in many ways to ensure that all my students could access what I was teaching.  Sometimes I was in charge, sometimes the students...and sometimes it was a complete mess and no one was. There were good lessons and bad ones and some that I still question. I learned through trial and error and an experienced teacher assistant who'd check me when I tried to control everything that learning happens in many different ways.  The quote below sums it all up...

The teachers who stand out and get the positive results for all of their students are those who figure out the HOW when it comes to implementing the curriculum.  This is an ART and the only way to get to this level is to approach your job with a GROWTH MINDSET and to be "all in" when planning and implementing lessons.  

It's hard work to be an effective teacher but I have witnessed, as many of you have, that anything worth having usually involved hard work. Many times the difference between a good and great lesson is not deciding to pull out a TPT activity or customize the activity to fit the students in your care.  No it is when you must make a decision between two good ideas/concepts to implement.  Let's move into 2018 with the resolve to plan with purpose and be intentional when teaching and interacting with our students.  Let's all aim for great and not give up when we fall a bit short! 
One Last Thought (stolen from a fellow principal's FB page)...

You Did Not Choose Your:
🖍️ Students
🖍️ Their Parents
🖍️ Co-workers
🖍️ School's Leadership
🖍️ Lack of resources
Yet,You Can Always Choose to be:
✏️ Kind
✏️ Collaborative
✏️ Serving
✏️ Positive
✏️ Coachable
✏️ Hard working
✏️ The Best Version of U!

Hope everyone has an amazing week! -Angela

Week of Monday, December 11-15, 2017

Monday, December 11
  • Hill covering Ms. Williams's Room
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50
  • Small Team Leadership SIT Mtg. at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, December 12
  • Hill at NCDPI
  • Arts Integration Mtg.
    • 8-9: 1st Grade
      • Johnson- Lanham
      • Stoffer- Strimel
      • Walker-Pond
    • 9:05-10:05
      • Majka- Carr
      • McLaughlin- Buracchio
  • 4th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program at 8 AM-9 AM in Theater
  • 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
Wednesday, December 13
  • PLCs (Data/ Intervention)
    • Kindergarten: 8-9
    • 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd Grade: 10:10-11:10
    • 5th Grade: 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
  • 4th Grade - Library Visit at 10-11
  • 5th Grade Field Trip - Arts Council at 2-3
  • Beginning Teacher Mtg in Mrs. Samuelson's Studio at 3:30 PM
Thursday, December 14 (Samuelson's TOY NCDPI Visit 9 AM- Noon)

  • 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th have adjusted schedules (please review revised scheduled emailed by Hill last week)
  • 4th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program at 8 AM-9 AM in Theater
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • PLCs (Data/ Intervention)
    • 3rd Grade: 12:50-1:50
    • 4th Grade: 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC at 11:15-12:45
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
Friday, December 15
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • Middle School Awards Breakfast 8:15-8:45 in Cafe
  • Samuelson (5th) - Library Visit 9-10
  • First Grade Planning at 9:05
  • Russ (Middle School) - Library Visit 9:15-12:00
  • Ezell (5th) - Library Visit 9:45-10:45
  • Administrative Mtg 9:30-10:30
  • Fleming Library Visit 11-12
  • MTSS Team Mtg 12:30-3:00
  • 2nd Grade to Library 1-2
🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Mrs. Hill

To Ms. Brown...Congratulations on graduating from UNC-P this past Saturday!

To Ms. Emily Johnson...Congratulations on your  recent wedding engagement!! So happy for you. ⚭

To Ms. Hughes... Great integration of music and science in your recent lesson on sound waves. Want to check it out? Click here

To Joe...for feeding us so well this past Thursday and Friday!!!🥞🥓☕

  • 12 Days Before Winter Break here for details.
  • Observations continue

    Sunday, December 3, 2017

    Favorite Things...Hill's Version!

    It's that time!!! Time for some of Hill's Favorite Things (similar to Oprah on a public school principal's salary).....

    First, I will give you guys one of the most valuable gifts...TIME!!!

    Beginning the new year, we will only have PLCs three times a month!!! WOOOHOOO!

    The schedule we'll be operating under is as follows:

    Data & Intervention

    2nd Week
    (Lanham, Pond & Falls)

    3rd Week
    Professional Development

    4th Week

    These changes are in hopes of being intentional with our time and I feel this will help our students in the long run.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Our PLCs for this week will stay the same but next week (12/13), we will have our Data PLC using the above schedule and the following Wednesday (12/20), we will run our SST PLC using the schedule abovePlease let me know if you have any questions!

    My next Favorite Thing....

    Y'all know I love a meme. Enjoy!

    Hill's Next Favorite Thing....
     And y'all know I love a parody!

    Hill's Favorite Things Continued...

    And quotes are EVERYTHING!

    But this is my FAVORITE celebrate with you this holiday season.  Beginning Tuesday, December 5th we will begin the "12 Days Before Winter Break!" The TCEA Administration, FEO, and community members want to thank you for being such an amazing staff! We appreciate each and every one of you for all that you do to make this a great place to work. We hope that you enjoy participating and enjoy your goodies!!!

    Click here to learn about this week's events!

    Reminders for the week:
    • You must be present during the entire conference period unless excused by Administration.
    • Attendance must be completed by 11:30 AM DAILY! The only exception is if you are out and you must leave a roster for your sub to complete and leave for you to enter once you return.
    • The 2nd round of full observations will continue this week.
    • Don't forget to RSVP for the Staff Holiday Party. Check your email for the link!!!

    Week of Monday, December 4- Friday, December 8, 2017

    Monday, December 4
    • Grades due at 8 AM.
    • 2nd Grade Field Trip to Arts Council from 9-10
    • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50

    Tuesday, December 5
    • NCDPI School Report Card will be sent home with students
    • 4th Grade- Eat Less/ Move More Program 8-9 in Theater
    • Arts Integration Planning
      • 8-9: Kindergarten
        • Caudle covered by Falls
        • Johnson covered by Strimel
        • Williams covered by Pond
      • 9:05-10:05: 3rd Grade
        • Hill covered by Carr
        • Weir by Akers
    • 1st Grade Library 9:45-11:00
    • 3rd Grade Planning 10:10-11:10
    Wednesday, December 6
    • PLCs (PD: Focus on Talent Code: Part I)
      • Kindergarten: 8-9
      • 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
      • 2nd/3rd Grades: 10:10-11:10
      • 4th/5th Grades: 12:50-1:50
      • Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
    • 4th Grade Library Visit at 10 AM
    Thursday, December 7
    • No school for students. Parent Conference Hours: 10 AM-6 PM
    • Volunteer Breakfast at 9 AM
    Friday, December 8
    • No school for students. Parent Conference Hours: 7:40 AM-3:40 PM

    From Mrs. Hill
    Thank you so much to my admin team for all of the support and encouragement they give me on a daily basis! Trojan, Thomas and Salisbury...y'all are pretty much a BIG deal!

    Thank you to Mrs. Honeycutt and Mrs. Lanham for standing in the gap for students who might not have an advocate at home.

    Thank you to Ms. Covington for teaching me a "thing or two" with such encouragement and grace!

    Thank you to Ms. Brown for taking a chance on our school! Welcome!!

    Thank you to the TCEA team for being committed to our students and our purpose.

    From Mrs. Honeycutt
    Mrs. Williams - Thank you for always being so open to me assisting with our friends.

    Mrs. Brown - for jumping in and taking the chance on our amazing school.
    Mrs. Ezzell - for always having a smile and making the world around you brighter.
    Ms. Mac - for always welcoming me in your room - it is great to feel as if I am a part of an amazing class.
    Mrs. Trojan - for all you do - until you stand behind the desk --- one has no idea - what you do.