Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Habit of Excellence

Just a bit of inspiration for your week. Great lines about excellence and impact.  Would be great to show to older students or other adults in your life!!! No test on this but wanted to share something good while the world likes to focus on the bad.

The only other thing that needs your attention is your final assessment on the 8 Goals on Our Strategic Team due by the end of the day on Monday!

Final Assessment: Click HERE

Thank you for all of the kind words and support over the past few days and I look forward to having an amazing week with you all!    -Angela

Week of Monday, January 29- February 2, 2018
Monday, January 29
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
  • Final Assessment Take By 3:30 PM (see link in Blog)
  • Board Meeting at 5:15 PM in Studio 213
Tuesday, January 30
  • NCDPI Visit 9 AM- 12:45 PM
    • Schedule is here
    • Coverage for Teacher Interview (10:45-11:30 PM)
      • Samuelson- Covington
      • Majka- Thomas
      • Kline- Lanham
      • Clough- Hill
      • Carr- None Needed
      • Falls- None Needed
  • AI Planning (2nd Grade at 8:00 and 5th Grade at 9:05)
    • 2nd Grade
      • Cane: Lanham
      • Magan/Poche: Falls
      • Marshall: Strimel
    • 5th Grade
      • Samuelson:- Carr
      • Fleming: Akers
      • Ezell: Falls
  • 3rd grade planning at 10:10
  • 1st Grade to Library at 9:45-11:00
Wednesday, January 31
  • PLCS (The Talent Code Book Study: Part II- Ignition @ Coffee Cup)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9:05-10:05: 1st Grade
    • 10:10-11:10: 2nd and 3rd Grade (combined just for this month)
    • 12:50-1:50: 4th and 5th Grade (combined just for this month)
    • 1:55-2:55: Middle Grades
Thursday, February 1: Read Aloud Super Hero Day (Staff may dress as a super hero)
  • All homeroom teachers and arts staff must read at least 10-15 minutes aloud to their students from a book of your choice.
  • Sign up with your admin to a time for them to come and read to your class
    • Middle Grades with Hill: Sign Up
    • 3rd-5th Grades with Ms. Covington: Check email for her sign up times
    • K-2nd Grades with Mr. Thomas: Check email for her sign up times
  • Reading summary activity will be in your boxes Thursday AM
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM: please leave 10 minutes at the beginning of your session for your EBLI Update
  • Arts PLC at 11:30
  • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50
Friday, February 2
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8:00:please leave 10 minutes at the beginning of your session for your EBLI Update
  • Admin Mtg at 9:00 
  • 1st Grade Planning at 9:00: please leave 10 minutes at the beginning of your session for your EBLI Update
  • 3rd grade/ Weir to library field trip at 12:15-1:45

  • Observations continue this week
  • Complete your PDP before your mid year meetings with admin
  • Please make sure your bulletin boards are updated and ready to be viewed during visit.
  • Dress to impress Tuesday! Be on time! Inspire. Inquire. Innovate. Imagine. Be your wonderful selves.
  • Weather make up days will be decided at Board Meeting tomorrow night and I will share out on Tuesday.

🦎👏Chameleon Clap🦎👏

From Mrs. Akers:
THANK YOU to Ms. Hughes and Ms. Hoffman for helping with the lunch line .You are the best!!!

From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to Mrs. Trojan, Ms. Akers and an amazing parent volunteer for getting paint onto our murals!!

Thanks, in advance, to my wonderful staff for making a great impression on the NCDPI staff this coming Tuesday!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

It's Almost Go Time!!! 1.30.18

Good Afternoon TCEA Staff!!!

I hope everyone has has an amazing weekend and that you're looking forward to an amazing week at TCEA.  I know that you are reflecting on our 8 strategic areas for success at TCEA.   Last week, I shared the hash tags and images that our teams believe reflect out goals in each of the areas.  This week, your homework (due by Friday, January 26th) is to share a piece of art (visual, musical, dance, theater piece, or STEAM) that reflects the strategic goal.  I want to see how you connect the focus to everyday life and the arts.  This activity will take us back to the Thinking Palette.  Here is the concept of Creative Comparisons:

Creative Comparisons

What do you see in the artwork? / What do you know about the topic?
Compare: Choose a category from the list below or identify your own category.
Imagine: If this topic/artwork was a kind of _____________ (category), what would it be?
Explain three ways that it compares.
Good bet categories: Things that have a wide variety of parts or types. For example:
Musical instruments, Plants, Toys, Cities, Parts of the body, Artworks of all kinds (for topics that aren’t artworks), Music (for any topic or artwork that isn’t music)

WHAT KIND OF THINKING DOES THIS ROUTINE ENCOURAGE? The routine encourages metaphorical thinking – central to the work of any artist and to creative thinking in any discipline. Metaphors provoke our imaginations to create comparisons between dissimilar things, often leading to deeper and richer understanding of each.
WHEN AND WHERE CAN IT BE USED? Creating metaphors help students understand unfamiliar subjects by linking it to what they already know. Use the routine when you want to help students make connections between disparate elements or ideas, or to stimulate new insights and solutions.

So, now it is your turn.  Please click on link, below, and add your metaphorical thinking.

TCEA Strategic Plan Padlet

Thanks for participating and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!           - Angela

🖌✎Message from Mrs. Brownlee ✏🎨

We still need submissions for the 4 I's Cafe Mural Contest and the Yearbook Cover! Both due Jan 30th! Be a part of Chameleon History!

Video about the Yearbook Cover Contest

Video about the Cafe Mural Contest:

Themes to submit mural ideas by grade level: 
K-1 - Imagine
2-3 - Inquire
4-5 - Innovate
6-8 - Inspire
Open to all - one space for a mural about all four I's

Also: On-going call for art for our Gallery and next edition: March 30th - deadline for the next issue.We want your art! Submit your work to the Chameleon Collective box in the art wing. Art should be neat, on black paper (no lined paper) with your name, grade and homeroom teacher. Submit your art, photography, poetry and writing for publication in our next issue.There is a chameleon collective box in the art wing for submissions.

Week of Monday, January 22- Friday, January 26

Monday, January 22
  • National School Choice Week Begins
    • I have some cool promo items that I'll be handing out and will be asking you for some feedback to share on FB.  Please make sure you're dropping artifacts into the the Photo-Video 2017-2018 Folder. I will be pulling some things from there to post.  Want to learn more about National School Choice Week? Click HERE
  • Troops to Teachers Job Shadow Opportunity: James Boyd- I have shared his schedule with the classes he'll be shadowing (he's only interested in certain grades).  He'll have a Visitor Pass so if you see him, please welcome him to TCEA.  
  • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50-1:50
  • SIT Meeting in Theater at 3:30-4:30
Tuesday, January 23

  • National School Choice Week Continues
  • Arts Integration Team Meetings (Kline will facilitate)
    • 1st Grade (8-9): Johnson- Lanham, Person- Strimel, Brown- Pond 
    •  4th Grade (9:05-10:05)- Majka- Carr, McLaughlin- Bullington
  • Hill at ESSA Meeting 9-4 at Ft. Bragg
  • 1st Grade Library Trip: 9:45-11:00
  • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10
Wednesday, January 24
  • PLCs (SST Focus: Lanham Facilitates and you will need to BRING data with you for students you are discussing)
    • Kindergarten: 8-9
    • 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
    • 2nd Grade: 10:10-11:10
    • 4th/5th Grades: 12:50-1:50
    • Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
Thursday, January 25

  • Progress Reports Go Home
  • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10-11:10; please leave 10 minutes EBLI Work at beginning of Planning
  • Kindergarten Planning at 8:00-9:00; please leave 10 minutes EBLI Work at beginning of Planning
  • 1st Grade at 9:10-10:10: Please come together and meet in one or your room's for 10 minutes to complete EBLI Work with Mrs. Pond
  • PLC (SST Focus: Lanham Facilitates and you will need to BRING data with you for students you are discussing)
      • 3rd Grade at 10:10-11:10
  • Arts PLC at 11:30
  • MTSS Team Meeting at 12:30-2:45

Friday, January 26
  • Teacher Workday: Math Foundation Training (Day 3) 8 am- 3 pm
  • Lanham Training: 3:00-3:30 pm
******************************* Please Remember***********************************

  • Observations continue
  • If you are not teaching according to the Master Schedule, you need to get permission from Mrs. Hill.
  • Please make sure you are reading communication regarding iReady and mClass from Mr. Thomas.
  • No one plan on being out on 1.30.18
  • Have mid year PDP completed by 1.31.18
  • Haven't read the latest Weekly Teacher Strategy Newsletter? Please review so your pink card can be punched.

    Monday, January 15, 2018

    Can't Just Be A Dream

    Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!  I hope you find an opportunity to volunteer and give back to the community today.  It is always hard for educators to volunteer when we spend each day giving of ourselves to other BUT if you can today, please try.  Remember to email me a picture of yourself volunteering so I can post that TCEA made today a day ON and not just another day OFF.

    I first want to thank the leadership team as well as all members of the staff for a productive and positive strategic team meeting this past Thursday. If you click on each of the strategic goals listed below, you will find an image, one sentence summative statement and hashtag that sums up that priority.  Please review these and commit them to memory.  These priorities are OUR PRIORITIES and it is up to all of us to achieve these goals.

    Teaching, Planning and Managing for the Future

    Using growth mindset to reach every student

     High Quality Staff
    The high quality staff is an intricate piece to a successful school

    A strong base interconnected through relationships built through the arts allowing all involved to be productive 21st century learners

    Mission and Vision
    Our vision is bright! Learning The Art of Success Everyday!

    Refine curriculum effectively

     Application of knowledge leads to well rounded students

    Working together as a community

    The reason why I included a tie tin to Martin Luther King, Jr. is that for many people the only thing them think of when his name is mentioned is his "I Have a Dream" Speech but this man was much more than a speech.  His speeches are works of art but the actions behind the speeches are legendary. 

    If we allow out strategic plan to just be words on paper then we are NOT going to make positive and lasting change.  We are going to be better than those sites that create improvement plans and post and then wonder why change did not take place.

    I look forward to working this plan out with you as we grow into the school our students and community deserve,

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend and see everyone tomorrow morning! - Angela

    Week of Monday, January 15- Friday, January 19

    1. ****Observations Continue*****

    Monday, January 15
    • No School (MLK, Jr. Holiday): Remember, if you volunteer today or have this weekend please email me a picture of you doing so and you'll earn a Jeans Pass
    Tuesday, January 16
    • iReady Math- 1st Grade
    • mClass Continues
    • Open Enrollment Begins for Future Students at TCEA (1/16-3/2): Please direct any new parents to our website and/or the office to complete an enrollment form if interested in being at TCEA for the 2018-2019 school year.  Current Students: We will be sending home re-enrollment forms for current students to let us know if they are returning next year later this month. Current parents do not need to register.  Lottery Questions should be sent to Admin and Joe is the lead for this. Just want everyone to be aware of what's going on.
    • Arts Integration Meetings (8-10:05)
      • Kindergarten (8-9)
        • Caudle- Falls
        • Johnson- Strimel
        • Williams- Pond
      • 3rd Grades (9:05-10:05)
        • Hill- Carr
        • Weir- Akers
    • First Grade to Library 9:45-11:00
    • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
    Wednesday, January 17
    • iReady ELA- Middle Grades
    • mClass Continues
    • PLCs (Data/ Intervention: Part I)
      • Kindergarten: 8-9
      • 1st Grade: 9:05-10:05
      • 2nd Grade: 10:10-11:10
      • 5th Grade: 12:50-1:50
    • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50

    Thursday, January 18
    • iReady ELA- 5th Grade
    • mClass Continues
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8:00 AM
    • Reading Buddies (Person and Ezell) at 10:05-10:35
    • PLCs (Data/ Intervention: Part II)
      • 3rd Grade:10:10-11:10
      • 4th Grade: 12:50-1:50
      • Middle Grades: 1:55-2:55
    • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 (Please set aside 10 minutes [10:20-10:30] to review EBLI Strategies and Literacy Block Questions)
    • Arts PLC at 11:30-12:30
    Friday, January 19
    • iReady ELA- 4th Grade
    • mClass Continues
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8:00 (Please set aside 10 minutes [8:20-8:30] to review EBLI Strategies and Literacy Block Questions)
    • Administrative Team Meeting at 9:00-10:00
    • 1st Grade Planning at 9:05(Please set aside 10 minutes [9:20-9:30] to review EBLI Strategies and Literacy Block Questions)
    • Hill out from 12:45-2:00 PM

    🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏

    From Ms. McLaughlin

    Covington: Thanks for sharing how to access and use data from school net to help me better prepare my students for ELA & Math Assessment 

    Falls: Thanks for sharing an iPad at a moment notice for one of my student

    Majka: Thanks for being flexible with our intervention schedule

    From Mrs. Hill
    Ms. Akers: Thank you for all your help in the office this week.

    Ms. Lanham: Thank you for leading up a wonderful SMILES Program for our students.

    Sunday, January 7, 2018

    Courage: The Most Important Virtue

    This week is part II to last week's post. Just a few reminders about courage and now a musical piece to illustrate courage. I have shared a piece of artwork and music selection to encourage you to tie the Arts to your units and concepts being taught in your rooms.  The classrooms at The Arts Based School did this each month and it was awesome to see students draw connections to the pieces and what they were studying.

    Enjoy and I am looking forward to an amazing week!


    Week of Monday, January 8- Friday, January 12
    Monday, January 8
    • 5th Grade Planning at 12:50
    • Small Group (Kline, Thomas, Hill, Majka) SIT Meeting at 3:30
    • iREady Testing Middle Grades (Math)
    • mClass MOY continues
    Tuesday, January 9
    • Arts Integration 8-9 (If we can find volunteers to cover we will)
      • Russ= Strimel
      • Hughes= Falls
      • Hoffman= Pond
      • Clough= Lanham
    • 5th Grade iReady Testing (Math)
    • Hill at MTSS Coordinator Meeting 9-12
    • 1st Grade to Library 9:45-11
    • 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10
    • NC Smiles Program at TCEA (Lanham will pull students as needed)
    Wednesday, January 10
    • 4th Grade iReady (Math)
    • No PLCs!!! (we will consider this week one since we were out last Wednesday)
    • 4th Grade Library Trip at 10 AM
    • Leadership Team Meeting from 1-3 (Location TBD)
    • Beginning Teacher Meeting in Studio 213 (Samuelson) from 3:30-4:30
    Thursday, January 11
    • 3rd Grade iReady (Math)
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
    • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM (please leave 15 minutes at beginning of planning to discuss EBLI and Reading Block)
    • Arts PLC at 11:15 AM
    • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM 
    • Strategic Plan Meeting at 3:30 PM in Cafe
    • High School Fair at 6 PM (if interested in helping please email Mrs. Hill by Tuesday 1.9.18)
    Friday, January 12
    • 2nd Grade iReady (Math)
    • Trojan Out
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM (please leave 15 minutes at beginning of planning to discuss EBLI and Reading Block)
    • 1st Grade Planning at 9:05 AM (please leave 15 minutes at beginning of planning to discuss EBLI and Reading Block)
    • Admin Meeting at 9:15 AM
    • Samuelson to Library at 9:00 AM
    • Middle School to Library 9:15- Noon
    • Ezell to Library 9:45 AM
    • Fleming to Library at 11:00 AM
    • 2nd Grade to Library at 1 PM

    *********************************** Other Things**********************************

    • Welcome Back Mrs. Weir!!!
    • Formal Observations Resume Tomorrow
    • Please complete mid year PDP (staff employed since August) by end of January!
    • Don't forget to complete the Happiness Challenge if you plan to participate!
    • PLC Schedule has changed beginning this month
      • 1st Week: No PLC
      • 2nd Week: Data/ Interventions
        • K,1st, 2nd,5th, Middle Grades on Wednesdays during your plannings
        • 3rd and 4th on Thursdays during your plannings
      • 3rd Week: SST/MTSS
        • K, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, Middle Grades on Wednesdays during your plannings
        • 3rd Grade on Thursdays during your plannings
      • 4th Week: PD
        • K, 1st, 2nd, 5th, Middle Grades on Wednesdays during your plannings
        • 3rd and 4th on Thursdays during your plannings
    • Y'all are pretty awesome!
    • Don't forget to send me Chameleon Claps by Sunday at noon!!

    Wednesday, January 3, 2018

    Hope? Faith? Courage?

     Jacob Lawrence called Forward from 1967

    If you have not heard of the One Word Challenge vs. New Year Resolutions, I encourage you to explore this concept.  What the supporters of the One Word Movement believe is that having one focus and getting rid of a list of ways you plan to improve helps you actually change your behaviors and follow through with your change.  To learn more about this, click here

    I promised myself I would not get too preachy but after a being cooped up with myself trying to get better from a sickness that I have put off for too long (since Thanksgiving Break)... and watching my once vibrant grandmother lay in her bed as hospice has been called in... I have come to realize that this blog is for you BUT much more for me.  So this week (short or maybe not even existing if snow piles up), I want you to take the time to listen to the podcast on Courage.  I considered Hope and even Faith for 2018 but after seeing this quote:

    Courage is my only option for 2018.  I think COURAGE should be the 2018 word for TCEA!  In the podcast you'll hear about cases where courage was needed and developed and ****spoiler alert**** none of the cases are at schools. But all of you are smart enough to make connections and take what you hear and apply it to what you do Monday-Friday in our building. 

    Podcast is here!!!

    Remember, we are teaching the students using the Artful Thinking Palette (see below).  We can use the purple paint of finding complexity or the orange paint of comparing and connecting to take this podcast and extend to our lives, jobs and relationships with others. 

    There are many nuggets of wisdom in this podcast but in the first story, I heard these lines that spoke to me...

    "Culture is the accumulation of EVERYONE'S ACTIONS."

    We need to collaborate and work together so each of us can be the best version of ourselves that we can be. If we don't...

    "The most dangerous thing in an organizations is silence. It's all those brains whizzing around full of observations, insights and ideas that are not being articulated."

    And if we do not work together and create a culture that encourages ALL students and wants the best for ALL students and expects each of us to have the COURAGE to give our ALL and the best we have to give (and the courage to come back the next day to give differently if the first time bombs)...we have created a dangerous situation for ALL OF US!

    "Courage is having the clarity to see the two bad choices (to say something or not say something).  There is no safe path. You do know that if you don't speak up, everything will stay the same."

    Margaret Heffernan is just one of the featured speakers in the podcast but I am hoping her words will draw you in to listen to the 48 minute presentation (see link above).

    I am looking forward to this next 6 months working out our plan for success.  

    Hope to see you tomorrow.  If we do close or have any delays, we'll send you EMAIL and Activate Phone Tree.   - Angela

    Week of Thursday, January 4-Friday, January 5
    Thursday, January 4
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM
    • 504 Mtg in PLC Room at 8 AM
    • 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM (please make sure to reserve 15 minutes at beginning of planning for EBLI and Reading Block Conversation with curriculum leadership)
    • 4th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM

    Friday, January 5
    • Kindergarten Planning at 8 AM (please make sure to reserve 15 minutes at beginning of planning for EBLI and Reading Block Conversation with curriculum leadership)
    • 1st Grade Planning at 9:05 AM (please make sure to reserve 15 minutes at beginning of planning for EBLI and Reading Block Conversation with curriculum leadership)
    • Hill Visits to Check ISP (Individual Student Plans) 10:15-2 PM; Please have the forms that your shared with parents on their student's progress pulled and ready for me to review when I come to your room; If you have not turned in the documentation of whom you visited with and who still needs a conference, PLEASE have this there as well).