For some people, the next four weeks are some of the best weeks they have each year. They are filled with laughter, joy, fun, etc. These coming weeks are also weeks filled with stress, deadlines, COLD WEATHER...all the things that can bring stress.
What can you do to combat this? You can say THANK YOU! You can genuinely thank people for what they do for you and for the people you care about. And you can also have conversations with others if you feel you need feedback/praise from them for what you are doing well. This quick TED Talk focuses on how important these Thank Yous can be. I hope everyone read their Thank You card. They were all written by me and I meant each and every word. Each of you bring an unique and wonderful gift to our school and we're a better place because of what each of you brings.
Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Break and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! - Angela
Week of Monday, November 26- Friday, November 30
Monday, November 26
- New Time: 7:45 AM Start Time and 3:10 PM End Time
- Hill, Salisbury and Lanham at NCDPI How Technology Departments Support School Safety Mtg. 9 am-2:30 PM
- New Arts Rotation Begins (K-8)
- FEO Mtg in Cafe at 8 AM and 6:30 PM
- 5th Grade Planning 10 AM- 11 AM
- Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3 PM
- Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, and Connors) 2-3 PM
Tuesday, November 27
- End of 1st Trimester
- SWYK 3rd Grade - Tuesday, November 27 from 7:45 - 8:15 in Cafe
- Admin Mtg 9-10
- Fall Middle School Student Development Day for 7th and 8th grades 9:00 AM- 2:00 PM
- 5th Grade PLC (PD Focus- Facilitated by Hill) at 10 am
- please bring your goal sheet for PDPs from October PLCs
- Builder's Club Mtg 11:30-12:00
- 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
- 4th Grade PLC (PD Focus- Facilitated by Hill) at 12 pm
- please bring your goal sheet for PDPs from October PLCs
- No AIT Meeting!
- Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) at 2-3 PM
Wednesday, November 28
- 2nd Trimester Begins
- SWYK 4th Grade - Wednesday, November 28 from 7:45- 8:15 in Cafe
- PLC (PD Focus- Facilitated by Hill)
- please bring your goal sheet for PDPs from October PLCs
- 8-9: Kindergarten
- 9-10: 2nd Grade
- 10-11: 1st Grade
- 12-1: 3rd Grade
- 1-2: Arts PLC *if you do not have goal sheets that's okay
- 2-3: Middle Schools
- BT Meeting/ Parent Conference Meeting at 3:30-4:00 in Cane's Studio (all new homeroom teachers/arts staff and BT will need to attend)
Thursday, November 29
- SWYK 5th Grade - Thursday, November 29 from 7:45-8:15 in Cafe
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9 AM
- Second Grade Planning 9-10 AM
- 4th Grade Planning 12-1 PM
- No AIT Mtg!
Friday, November 30
- 2nd Grade ELA Unit 3: Nonfiction Post Assessment
- Hill Out
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9 AM
- 1st Grade Planning 10-11 AM
- MTSS Team Monthly Meeting 1-3 PM
- Give 5: Please complete the sheet for any students by Noon!
Don't forget...
Grades Are Due Monday, December 3rd at 8 AM!!!