As you know, our School Improvement Plan is now housed in Indistar (Remember if you want to view the plan, and are not on SIT, you can access by going to http://www.indistar.org/ and go to user login and use this to log in: Guest Login - Password / GuestS17802 - GuestS17802). This system has to be used by low performing schools in NC and it helps the staff at schools assess key indicators that must be present in schools for schools to be successful. We have 11 indicators we are working on and one of them is the following:
The principal will monitor curriculum and classroom instruction regularly and provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers.
I will be providing more information on how on my ideas to increase my time in classrooms but I wanted to use this indicator as a jumping off point for two new initiatives that will be seen at TCEA over the next few weeks.
- We will be using a new walk through form that will focus on effective teaching strategies we need to see in rooms as well as a feature strategy that will change as implementation becomes a daily reality in classrooms. Click here to see new form that begins on 2.27.17.
- We will be completing instructional rounds during our PLCs at least two times a month using the checklist above. What is an instructional round? Click here.
If you want to hear more about the plan to improve our school through improving monitoring and feedback join us tomorrow at our SIT in the Cafe!!
Thank you for all you and see you tomorrow!

February 27- March 3, 2017
Monday, February 27
- SIT Mtg at 3:30 PM; All staff members need to come to the beginning of the meeting for an update on our Bullying Program and Attendance Program (By Dr. Caine) and will be done by 3:40 PM
- Board Mtg in Music Room at 5:15 PM
Tuesday, February 28
- Pay Day
- Progress Monitor Red Tier Students
- PLCs (RtI Focus)
- 5th,6th,7th 8:30-9:30
- K 10-11
- 1st,2nd 12-1
- 3rd,4th 1-2
- Sunshine Committee Potluck in New Staff Relaxation Room (Prepared by 2nd, 3rd, EC)
- K Round Up 6-7:30 PM
Wednesday, March 1
- Progress Monitor Red Tier Students
- Weekly Admin Mtg at 9-10:15
- MTSS Mtg 3:30-4:30
Thursday, March 2
- Caught Red Hatted Day: Admin will walk the halls and give out tickets to students and staff "caught" reading this day. Please give students multiple times to read this day and please model your love of reading by reading as well. (how? click here). Their tickets will let them know what they won by examples are : Dr. Seuss Stickers, Pencil, Cat in the Hat hats, a lunch of green eggs and ham with the principal, or a free book.
- 2017-2018 School Calendar Planning Mtg in Cafe at 3:30
Friday, March 3
- National I Want You to be Happy Day is observed annually on March 3. This day was created as a day encouraging us to do something to make others happy. Putting a smile on someone’s face tends to put one on ours, too.
Saturday, March 4
- Read Across America Celebration Downtown (Please see emails from Mr. Thomas for details)