- noun:1. the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use. "the principles and practice of teaching"synonyms: application, exercise, use, operation, implementation, execution More2.repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it. "it must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent" synonyms: training, rehearsal, repetition, preparation; More
Why Practice?
What Does Practice Look Like In The Classroom?
- Deliberate Practice
- Retrieval Practice
- Spaced (Distributed) Practice
Deliberate Practice
This is goal oriented practice consciously devoted to the improvement of a skill.
Which of these is an example of deliberate practice and why?
A. Go home a write down the 4 "times table".
B. Using the memorized lyrics to the song about the 4 "times table", correct the test you took today and write the correct answer in any places you find the wrong answer.
Retrieval Practice

Spaced (Distributed) Practice
Studying or practicing a skill in short sessions over time
Distributing practice over time (versus massing practice in one session) aids retention in a variety of academic areas.
Have you heard me PREACH about spiraling? Click here to see it in a classroom.
I am not a genius but when I see proof of this working I know that it is something every teacher MUST try in their classroom.
Please READ and not skim...
What is the research basis for spiraling?
The “spacing effect” – the learning boost from distributing rather than massing learning and practice – has been repeatedly found by researchers for more than 100 years. Findings about distributed learning are among the most robust in the learning sciences, applying across a wide range of content and for all ages from infants to adults. “Space learning over time” is the first research-based recommendation in a recent practice guide from the U. S. Department of Education’s Institute of Educational Sciences (Pashler et al., 2007). In a recent review of the literature, Lisa Son and Dominic Simon write, “On the whole, both in the laboratory and the classroom, both in adults and in children, and in the cognitive and motor learning domains, spacing leads to better performance than massing” (2012).
What Not To Do
Please do not think more is better. It is not the amount of practice we give is being intentional when providing times for students to practice. It is being is giving them chance to retrieve previous learning and is spacing the practice out...all of this while being INTENTIONAL. If this sounds easy...then you are fooling yourself.
Should students be given chances to practice as part of your core instruction?
Have an amazing week! - Angela
Week of February 6-10, 2017
TRG Schools Beat AML Dress Down Week
Staff Mtg with Admin Continues
Monday, February 6
- Hill, Jones, Russ and Pond at MTSS Training
- IS Planning in cafe at 3:30
- Open Enrollment Begins
Tuesday, February 7
- Progress Monitor Yellow Students
- PLC (Data Analysis/ Core Instruction Discussion)
- 5th, 6th, 7th 8:30-9:30
- K 10-11
- 1st, 2nd 12-1
- 3rd, 4th 1-2
- Support Team 2-2:45
Wednesday, February 8
- Progress Monitor Yellow Students
- IS Lesson Plans Due
- 3rd Grade Presentation in Cafe at 2 PM
- Hill Leaves at 4 PM
Thursday, February 9
- Wear Orange Day (Picture at 2:45 in main lobby)
Friday, February 10
- 4th Grade Field Trip to Crown Coliseum
- Mr. Falls Day
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