I also had UNC-Wilmington on the list because Wilmington is one of the prettiest historic towns in NC and would have beat out ECU and NC A&T except they were missing one thing...football. 😞
That is just one example of me doing me and not listening to what others say I can or can not do. There are many others...some BIG like my decision to leave all that I had known in my community and come to TCEA and some small like "Angela, you won't get a tattoo or nose ring. That's not what people like you do." Hahaha...now I have a nose ring and 4 tattoos and can not wait for the 5th. The idea of doing what others think I should or shouldn't do has driven me to where I am now.
I know that I am not the only person who goes through life with a "chip on their shoulder" and a spirit of "do what you can't" in your heart. If you are working at TCEA and are from NC, I am sure people asked you repeatedly are you sure you want to work at a charter school. Charters are the unknown in NC and many fear the unknown. But you, my brave colleague, decided that the unknown and "uncharted" territory of charter school is what you wanted to do and you did just that. You did what others said you shouldn't do. The more amazing things is that each day, you return to TCEA and do what others say you can't do. Society says that schools are outdated and that within the next 15 years schools will not be needed. Students will be able to go online and learn more than they ever could in one 7 hour day at school. Teachers are antiquated and not needed. Schools can't prepare students for the jobs that haven't even been created yet.
But we know the truth. We do more for students than educate them and prepare them for future jobs. We build them both emotionally, socially, and intellectually to make a positive impact on a local and larger more global scale. We do what others can't or aren't willing to do. We are changing students for the better and although we might not see our influence now...others will in the future. Our students will be able to continue our work long after we are no longer here.
Below is a commercial that seriously causes me to tear up (I know I am emotional so maybe it's just me). I love how he continues to do something others say are impossible because he can "see" it for himself. That's what we have the opportunity to do for our students. We can give them a glimpse of what can be instead of being the person that says "you can't". What an awesome duty...and I know we are up to the task. If not the people who've been told "you can't" than whom?
Enjoy your Memorial Day and I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday!
- Angela
Week of May 29-June 2, 2017
Monday, May 29
- Memorial Day: No School
- Parent Survey Closes
- Student Placement Survey Opens
Tuesday, May 30
- PLCs are cancelled. Please use this time to complete EOY Checklist
- It's A Wrap! Potluck in relaxation lounge from 11:00-12:30 PM
- EOG Pep Rally at 2 PM (please see email from Mr. Thomas for details)
- Mandatory EOG Mtg in Cafe from 3:30-4:30
- Pay Day!
- Grunden and Adams iReady
Wednesday, May 31
- EOG (Math)
- All EOY Activities for students instead of AWARDS DAY to Hill via email
- No Arts Classes
- MTSS EOY Mtg 3:30-4:30 in Cafe
Thursday, June 1
- EOG (Reading)
- No Arts Classes
Friday, June 2
- EOG (Science-5th Grade Only)
- No Arts Classes