Sunday, May 14, 2017

Why We Do What We Do

I was sent a FB message earlier this week inviting me to speak at our of my former teacher's surprise retirement party, after teaching 40 years.  To say that I am honored is an understatement! This lady has been a part of my life since meeting her in a French classroom way back at Triton High School in 1995.  Now, if you know Ms. Peregoy not tell her about this party...her sons will never forgive me. I felt like I had to use her name to make this story real. Ok, so now to the story since I have made my disclaimer.

I have always been a dreamer and a romantic (I am in recovery for the romantic part).  Anyway, where else would you find romance and dreams than in France so that is why I signed up for French in High School.  Now, you all know me.  You all know I have problems pronouncing words in English so you have to imagine the HOT MESS I was in French Class.  I could dissect sentences with the best and could comprehend what was being said but speaking it...Lord, bless!

But this lady...this lady has the patience of Job and as Evangeline (my French Class Name) struggled she smiled, encouraged and supported.  She pushed me to embrace the language and to not give up.  She did what good teachers do...she made me curious about the language and culture and I began to think I could do the impossible.  I always tell her that I was her worst student but she denies it (she also has what good teachers have...a short memory).

Ms. Brenda Peregoy was also my Journalism teacher and THAT is where I bloomed.  I have always been opinionated (can you imagine?!?) but now I could get my opinions out to the entire student body.  She pushed me to investigate and inquire.  She supported me when I went in on a group of popular kids who immaturely interrupted a presentation on diversity at one of our assemblies and the backlash for my commentary was mean.  She also told me I was beautiful when society and the 90's culture portrayed their version of beauty and I was NOT it😊

She did this for me and for thousands of students that have walked the halls of Triton High School.  I can not remember much of my French Classes but I DO remember how she made me feel.  How she still supports me and checks up on me and my family and tells me how proud she is of me on FB.  She also works alongside my husband so she's looking after him as well.

Please don't think that I am saying what we teach isn't definitely is.  But the way we make our students feel can begin the process of students feeling as if they can learn what we are tecahing.  It is also what they walk away with after our time with them is done.

It took a life-threatening condition to jolt chemistry teacher Ramsey Musallam out of ten years of "pseudo-teaching" to understand the true role of the educator: to cultivate curiosity. In a fun and personal talk, Musallam gives 3 rules to spark imagination and learning, and get students excited about how the world works. Please take 6 minutes to hear from this educator about our true role as educators.  Have an amazing day and see everyone tomorrow.

Week of May 15-19, 2017
Monday, May 15
  • Hill out at District MTSS Mtg 9:30-2:00
  • Committee Mtg. at 3;30 in Cafe
  • SIT Mtg at 3:30 (Leadership) in Cafe
  • TCEA Board Mtg in Music Room at 5:15 
Tuesday, May 16
  • PRESENT TO EOG BUDDIES (End IS Block 7) at 2 PM
  • PLC (SST Focus)
    • 8:30-9:30: 5th, 6th, 7th
    • 10-11: Kindergarten
    • 12-1: 1st/2nd
    • 1-2: 3rd/4th
Wednesday, May 17
  • Hill out at Legislature Day 7:30-3:00PM
  • BT Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe' (don't forget your reflection projects)
Thursday, May 18
  • Weekly Admin Mtg at 8:45
  • UNCP Visit at 2:00 PM
  • FEO Mtg at 3:30 PM
  • Middle School Elective Night (Dance and Drama- 6:30-8:00)
Friday, May 19
  • Field Day at Festival Park

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