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This past week in our PLCs we discussed a Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset and how no one truly has a Growth Mindset about everything. I truly appreciate you being open and honest and sharing your truth! I loved hearing that work YET over and over from your mouths. How powerful and wonderful that our students are learning from adults that truly understand that they don't have it all figured out and that none of us at TCEA is the finished piece we were created to be.
mindset, create a plan for modifying (if appropriate) and
implementing the curriculum, and plan for giving and receiving feedback through peer
observations. We will not revisit these curriculum until October 11th so please do not get stressed about the observation plan moving forward. Just focus on the mindset lesson and a plan for whom to observe and when will be shared next weekend.
The video below talks about the process of unlearning something you knew to be true to replace it with a new truth. This is a part of the Growth Mindset Process. To improve you have to turn off that voice that tells you that you can't do something or that there is only ONE WAY to do something. A close friend gave me a quote that I keep in my bedroom that states "Don't believe everything you think." It is the first thing I see when I wake up and I have caught myself repeating it over and over to myself when I hit a brick wall. I hope you enjoy the video and our work, this week, in PLCs.
Hope you have had a wonderful weekend and I look forward to creating amazing learning opportunities for our chameleons this coming week!- Angela
🦎👏Chameleon Claps🦎👏
- From Ms. Akers:
- Shout out to Mrs. Williams for having her students practice their names before coming through the lunch line. It has made a world of difference - THANK YOU!
- From Ms. McLaughlin:
- Cane- Thanks for being flexible Friday! I truly appreciate you allowing my students the opportunity to assist in your class.
- Honeycutt: Thanks for working on a schedule that will be helpful to our students. Your professionalism is greatly appreciated.
- Majka: Teammate "big" thanks for all you do to keep me updated! Thanks for the "inspiring" frame that I truly needed! You're my "rock star.
- Kline: Thanks for always sharing your "extras" with my class!
- Bullington: Thanks for subbing on Tuesday afternoon! My students really enjoyed having you.
- Custodians: Thanks for replacing the coat racks in a timely manner.
- From Ms. Caudle:
- Mrs. Pond for just being awesome and always being there for me!
- Mr. Kline for his sweet words of encouragement!
- From Mrs. Majka:
- Ms. Caudle. Her students were lined up in front of the café at Zone Zero, in a straight line, waiting patiently while their classmates finished getting water. Chameleon Clap to Ms. Caudle because even though I have not taught Kindergarten, I can only imagine it is not easy but her students looked awesome in line in the hallway! I gave them a compliment and wanted to give Ms. Caudle a Chameleon Clap for her hard work!
- Mrs. Clough and Ms. Hughes: I want to say thank you for holding your students accountable for their actions. I can only imagine how difficult Middle School can be but I appreciate Mrs. Clough having two students write an apology note to me and my class for their behavior. A thank you to Ms. Hughes as well, for instilling in her students the importance of stairway etiquette when teaching and learning are happening.
- Ms. Norris for her patience and student engagement. My students are excited everyday, to go to Dance and thoroughly enjoy what they are learning from her. Thank you, Ms. Norris.
- Mrs. Akers and Ms. Bullington for the patience and kindness you show my students day in and day out. Thank you for always being so welcoming to not only me but also my class. We appreciate your hard work and all you do for us!
- From Mrs. Hill:
- Thank you to Mrs. Trojan, Mr. Thomas and Ms. Akers for everything you did to make our First Annual Parents' Breakfast a success!! I gave you guys a vision and you truly helped it become a reality. You allow me to keep dreaming and for that and much more...I thank you!
Week of Monday, September 18-22, 2017
Monday, September 18
- Hispanic Hertitage Month 9/15-10/15
- 7th Grade Has Announcements
- Hill is Sub in Clough's Room
- 5th Grade Planning at 12:50
- Reading 3D Continues
- Board Meeting at 5:15 PM in Samuelson's Room 213
- Turn in names of students who've not purchased planner
Tuesday, September 19
- Arts Integration Planning 8:00-10:10 (please be ready to discuss what you are teaching the next month and be open to integration opportunities)
- 8:00-9:00= Magan/Poche-Falls, Cane-Lanham, Marshall-Strimel
- 9:05-10:05= Samuelson-Carr, Ezzel -Akers, Fleming-Falls
- Mr. Thomas at Test Coordinator Meeting
- LuLaRoe Bus in Old Street Parking Lot (10% of sales go to the school and will help pay for staff incentives and activities)
- 3rd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM
- Middle Grades Planning at 1:55 PM
Wednesday, September 20
- PLCs
- Kindergarten= 8-9
- 1st Grade= 9:05-10:05
- 2nd/3rd Grades= 10:10-11:10
- 4th/5th Grades= 12:50-1:50
- Middle Grades= 1:55-2:55
- MTSS Training at Cumberland County Central Services (9-4): Hill, Thomas, Honeycutt, Pond, Falls
- Samuelson at Beginning Teacher Training at Education Resource Center from 8-12.
- Beginning Teacher Mtg 3:30-4:30 PM in 213
Thursday, September 21
- K Planning at 8 AM
- 2nd Grade Planning at 10:10 AM
- Arts PLC at 11:15 AM
- 4th Grade Planning at 12:50 PM
Friday, September 22
- 1st Grade Planning at 9 AM
- Admin Mtg 9-10 AM
- Hill Leaves at 3:30 PM
- Please make sure you arrive at school and are walking into school by 7:20; If you are going to be late you MUST send me a text. Please do not try to avoid letting me know. I always find out and would rather you let me know that someone else.
- I will be in and out of classrooms during the next four weeks doing observations. If you need me, send me an email and I will find you between observations. I am scheduling the last observations (if you got be info late last week) and everyone should receive an invite from me by Wednesday. Let me know if I forgot you!
- Please make sure you're following the Uniform Policy and Steps. This is not optional. Does not apply to kindergarten students since they do not have to be in uniform. Questions? Check the VIP Folder under UNIFORMS
- Please let Mrs. Trojan know when you're going to library as well as parents. We like to put on school calendar so everyone knows where your class is.
- Need Art Supplies? Please use this FORM. The items are listed on each cart if they live there. Please be respectful and not barge into to a teacher's space requesting supplies without following protocol. I am guilty of this as well so please know this is one of those growth mindset moments...
- Integration Modules Reminder From Brownlee:
Creative Mindset arts integration training course: Click here to access via my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ao8k9sa7cuq2ciw/AADkTlGFXZ9JbpXRk6U0S2Uua?dl=0
Password: TCEAaitraining2017
You can then download the folders to your own computer.
It is broken up by modules, with lessons and resources inside each module.
Please complete the modules and submit the lesson plan/video by October 1. Start with the READ ME file.
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