Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fish Can't See Water

Last Thursday and Friday, I attended a conference focused on issues faced by women in educational leaderships roles.  We had 10 speakers over those two days but one speaker spoke of the challenges of educating students in the 21st century and how it differs from years gone by.  Mr. Suhail Farooqui, CEO K12 Insight, shared a presentation entitled "The Brave New World of 21st Century Leadership".

He had many points during his presentation but the concept I want to focus on goes along with the idea that "fish can't see water".  Fish don't know that they're floating in water. They just do as they have always done. It is the same way with culture. When you're working in a school, you do not see all that makes up the culture.  We have to be aware of this concept and realize that the students and families might "experience" our culture in a different way than we do.
I got a taste of this when I went to visit another charter school recently.  I was lost on their large campus and could not find my meeting space.  I passed at least three staff members and no one stopped to help me out and I promise I had the "I AM LOST" look on my face.  After 10 minutes I found my way and I had already decided that nothing good happens at this school because no one was out to greet me, as promised.  After a day visit I had a better opinion of the school but I took me half the day to get over my arrival.

What do people think about our school?  What is our culture? I promise we might be the last to know.  We have to be open to the feedback that our students/ families give us.  One superintendent does Lunch and Learn sessions with her students to hear about their dreams and what they need from their school/teachers? 

 Get ready to offer suggestions on how we can gauge our culture at our staff meeting on Thursday!  I have also posted a quick video to illustrate this culture unawareness issue.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and see you tomorrow!        - Angela

Week of Monday, October 1- Friday, October 5
*Observations and Pre-Observation Conferences Begin This Week
* No PLCs This Week

iReady Assessment Dates Have Been Revised 9.30.18 at 9:30 PM

Monday, October 1
  • Stomp Out Bullying Day
    • Please join us on Monday, October 1st, to "stomp out bullying" and wear blue! Students will be allowed to be out of uniform if they are wearing a school appropriate blue top/dress. Closed-toe shoes(no heels) are still expected. STAFF CAN WEAR BLUE JEANS!!!
  • Donors Choose Applications Need to Be Submitted by this date (all homeroom and arts staff must have a program submitted- can be done by grade or department)
  • 5th Grade Planning 10 am- 11 am
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2 pm-3 pm
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, and Connors) 2 pm-3 pm
  • i-Ready Math 8th and 7th grade
  • 2nd Grade Math Clusters 3 & 4 Pre-Assessments

Tuesday, October 2
  • Admin Meeting 9 am- 10 am
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12 pm- 1 pm
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting 1 pm- 2 pm
    • Caudle- Akers
    • Johnson- Strimel
    • Williams- Hill (for Pond)
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2 pm-3 pm
  • i-Ready Math 6th grade
  • 3rd Grade Math Cluster 3 Pre-Assessment

Wednesday, October 3
  • i-Ready Math 5th and 4th grade
  • 4th Grade ELA Unit 1: Habits of Great Readers Post Assessment

Thursday, October 4
  • Lanham and Pond Out at Vision Training
  • Kindergarten Planning 8 am- 9 am
  • Second Planning 9 am- 10 am
  • 4th Grade Planning 12 pm -1 pm
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting 1 pm-2 pm
    • Person- Falls
    • Campagna- Samuelson
    • Brown- Hill
  • Mandatory Faculty Mtg 3:30-3:45 (Lobby)
  • i-Ready Math 3rd and 2nd grade

Friday, October 5
  • Progress Reports Go Home
  • Kindergarten Planning 8 am-9 am
  • Grades Due-T1 Progress Report at 8 am
  • First Grade Planning 10 am- 11 am
  • MTSS Monthly Team Meeting  1:30-3:00
  • i-Ready ELA 8th and 7th grade
  • Kinder Math Cluster 1 Post Assessment

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Ms. Akers on 9/26:
2nd lunch count was perfect today!! Thank you Teachers!!!!

From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to everyone that helped with Curriculum Night and the 4th Friday Table!! Can't wait top read feedback forms from the event.

Don't Forget
Culture: Contact each of your homeroom students' families and give a positive shout out. Arts and Support Staff, pick at least 21 students' families to give a positive shout out to. These can be done in Dojo or over the phone.  A form will be placed in your box for documentation this week.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a GOOSE (Get out of school early pass).

Arts: Plan and execute an Arts Integration Lesson in Math and share out to staff in an email or social media post. Must include pictures and a piece for student work and if using on social media use the hashtag #tceaarts
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

Academic: Complete and document at least one of the strategies shared by Ms. Covington. Please follow the directions in the memo to share.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Cart

Personal: Pick two other people at work and create a Trio Accountability Model.  Each of you will hold each other accountable for a personal goal set by each person for themselves.  You will have to submit pictures of your trip meeting at least four times this month and email pictures and your goals to
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Let's Try This Again...

As I shared with most of the folks on Friday, we have yet to complete an entire week of school for the 2018-2019 school year! I can't believe that! But, here we are so let's try this start of school again :)

Monday will be a normal day and this Friday will be a workday so...we'll have to wait until the week of Oct. 1 for a full week but let's make this week an amazing and productive one.  Many things have had to be moved around and adjusted so put on your flexible game face and get ready!

Due to us being out of school for 7 days, I have extended the deadlines for the September challenge to October 10th. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!


  • We do not know anything about make up days.  We are waiting for the General Assembly's decision on how many days we'll have to make up and then the October Board Mtg on 10/15 for the plan from our Board Members.  As soon as we know something we'll inform staff and families.Please feel free to share that update with parents if they ask.  I will also share this with them through Facebook and Dojo.

  • We are still having Curriculum Night on Friday, September 28th. I have sent this form to your department chairs and they will be able to add names to the chart. They will be contacting you to see who'll be representing your grade. Support, MTSS and EC Staff: Please email me if you are going to represent your team on Friday and I will add you.  I am also going to have a parent sign up link to see how many people we can expect so you can prepare handout properly.  More info will come later this week but just wanted to remind you today about this vital parent night.

And finally...Below are your challenges for September again! Good luck and remember our mission to develop artists who inspire others with principles of design and artful thinking through the integration of academic excellence, virtuous character and disciplined artistry is possible when we all work together and give our best to the mission.

Culture: Contact each of your homeroom students' families and give a positive shout out. Arts and Support Staff, pick at least 21 students' families to give a positive shout out to. These can be done in Dojo or over the phone.  A form will be placed in your box for documentation this week.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a GOOSE (Get out of school early pass).

Arts: Plan and execute an Arts Integration Lesson in Math and share out to staff in an email or social media post. Must include pictures and a piece for student work and if using on social media use the hashtag #tceaarts
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

Academic: Complete and document at least one of the strategies shared by Ms. Covington. Please follow the directions in the memo to share.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Cart

Personal: Pick two other people at work and create a Trio Accountability Model.  Each of you will hold each other accountable for a personal goal set by each person for themselves.  You will have to submit pictures of your trip meeting at least four times this month and email pictures and your goals to
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend and I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! - Angela

Week of Monday, September 24- Friday, September 28, 2018

Monday, September 24
  • 5th Grade Planning: 10 AM
  • Builder's Club Info Mtg for all middle school students in theater 11:30-12:00
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, and Connors) at 2 PM
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) at 2 PM
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Continues

Tuesday, September 25
  • Hill Cover Clough for Birthday
  • Thomas at Testing Meeting
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3
  • Instructional PLC (Covington, Hill and Thomas) 2-3
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Continues
Wednesday, September 26
  • BOG3
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Continues
  • Hill at NCDPI Epicenter Training 12-4
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Continues
  • Last day for parents to drop off uniforms for swap (noon)
Thursday, September 27
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Second Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • AI Planning 1 PM-2 PM in Ms. Ward's Room
    • Middle School Teachers : Please leave detailed plans for the staff covering your room.
      • Motsinger-  Mr.Falls
      • Fiore- Mrs.Hill
      • Conners- Mr.Thomas
      • Hughes- Ms. Lanham
      • Ezell- Ms. Covington
      • Clough- Ms. Brown
  • BOG3 (Make Up Testing)
  • Hill at We LEAD Conference in Greensboro
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Continues
  • Friday Folders Go Home with October Newsletter
Friday, September 28
  • Hill at We LEAD Conference in Greensboro
  • Teacher Workday (Mandatory)
    • 8-9: Committee Meetings (locations TBD)
    • 9-2 (with an hour lunch break from 11:00-12:00): Math PD: strategies, philosophies, and how to use Math in Focus/flow of lesson
      • Mandatory for all staff that teach or coach staff and students in Math; Optional for other staff members (attendance will be documented of those that attend and CEUs will be given)
      • Work in your rooms, plan, grade, etc. but must work at school

  • Uniform Swap 8 AM-3 PM and 6 PM-7:30 PM
  • Curriculum Night 6-7:30 PM
  • Pay Day!!!💰💰💰💰
Don't Forget
  • Have you signed up for a committee and 4th Friday Events? No, do NOW HERE!
  • Have you completed your health assessments from Mrs. Trojan? They were due 9/15!! Do them now...don't wait!
  • Questions on how we grade at TCEA? Your chair will share more later but take a look at the Grading Folder in the VIP Folder.
  • Our Celebration Dinner will now be held after the October Board Meeting on 10/17.

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
  • Thank you to Mr. Kline for keeping watch of the building during the storm.
  • Thank you to Mr. Salisbury for arranging clean up for the building and for feeding us a great breakfast on Friday!
  • Thank you to everyone for coming in Friday and putting all the pieces back together.
  • Thanks to all for a wonderful birthday on the 11th. I really appreciate all the gifts and kind wishes.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

It's My Party And I'll Cry (with laughter) If I Want To

It's my birthday...well...almost!  And I am going Oprah on y'all and sharing two of my favorite things (currently).

Here's a video I like very much about opportunity and helping others. I believe that it applies to what we do at school everyday or at least how we should see those around us.

Also, here's a thought that I LOVE:

And that is all! Next week I will be highlighting a resource that Ms. Covington has created to help us see how important all of our work is at matter the grade! See everyone tomorrow and I am looking forward to an amazing week! - Angela

Week of Monday, September 9- Friday, September 13
* pledge this week is Ms. Hughes' Class. Please send 2 students down at 7:45.
Monday, September 10
  • 5th grade planning 10-11
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities  2-3
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math 2-3
Tuesday, September 11
  • Data and Intervention PLCs with Covington (everyone is meeting on Tuesday due to Testing; please view her email for details)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9-10: 2nd Grade
    • 10-11: 1st and 5th Grades
    • 12-1: 3rd-4th
    • 2-3: Middle Grades
  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 1 Post Assessment
Wednesday, September 12
  • Kinder Math Cluster 2 Pre assessment
  • BOG Testing (3rd Grade)
Thursday, September 13
  • BOG Makeup (3rd Grade)
  • 6th Grade Math Ratio Cluster Pre Assessment
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Second Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • Department Chair Meeting at 3:30 in PLC Room
Friday, September 14
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Instructional Team PLC 8:30-9:30
  • First Grade Planing 10-11
  • MTSS Team Mtg 1:30-3:00

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Ms. Lanham:
I would like to give a shout out to Ms. Connors for taking attendance for all subjects!!!!

From Ms. Akers:
1st and 3rd lunches counts were perfect today!! (9.5)

From Mr. Kline:
Thanks to Mrs Ward for going to Arts R 4 Life conference at Meredith College with me.  Lots of learning and networking happened!  Thank you Mrs Hill for forwarding the invite!

From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to Mr. Thomas, Ms. Akers and Mrs. Trojan for making the SRC Announcement so awesome.

Thank you to all staff members that helped get the cocktails in staff members' hands on Thursday.

Thank you to Mr. Thomas and all staff that helped make the Grandparents Day Prom so memorable.

Congrats to Mrs. Majka for her Donor's Choose being fully funded and having her materials on the way to her kids.


  • Arts Integration begins this coming week with 2nd and 3rd Grades.  Please check out the schedule to see when you attend AI Meetings in the PLC Room and if you have to cover a room. Teachers, please leave work for students to complete while you are at planning.  If planning doesn't last the entire hour you must return back to your room as soon as possible.
  • Health Training (x 3) Due 9/15
  • If you were unable to sign in to NCEES last week you should be able to do so now.  Please go into the Comprehensive Evaluation and complete the orientation.  Please date 9/5 for staff that meet with me on that date and 9/7 for the arts staff.
  • We will be having GRIT Night/ Curriculum At A Glance Night on Friday, September 28th 6:00-7:30 PM.  Your Department Chair will share more about this closer to the date and we will touch on it briefly this week during Faculty Mtg. Please make plans to ensure that at least one person from your grade level/ department will be available that evening.
  • If you'd like to send a Chameleon Clap please email information to me by Saturday afternoon each week.

Monday, September 3, 2018


We have completed 4 days of the 2018-2019 school year and I don't know about you but those 4 days were challenging to say the least.  Each year I begin thinking that I've got it all covered and then I realize...nope, I am not done learning yet!

Thank you for putting yourself and your ego on the line on a daily basis while teaching students at our school.  Each year brings it own unique challenges and I am glad to work with such brave people that attack stressful opportunities head on.

I hope you are enjoying your extended weekend and that you're recharged and ready for this short week.  Since this is the beginning of a new month, here are your missions for this month. All mission must be completed by 9/30/18 to receive recognition.

Culture: Contact each of your homeroom students' families and give a positive shout out. Arts and Support Staff, pick at least 21 students' families to give a positive shout out to. These can be done in Dojo or over the phone.  A form will be placed in your box for documentation this week.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a GOOSE (Get out of school early pass).

Arts: Plan and execute an Arts Integration Lesson in Math and share out to staff in an email or social media post. Must include pictures and a piece for student work and if using on social media use the hashtag #tceaarts
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

Academic: Complete and document at least one of the strategies shared by Ms. Covington. Please follow the directions in the memo to share.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Cart

Personal: Pick two other people at work and create a Trio Accountability Model.  Each of you will hold each other accountable for a personal goal set by each person for themselves.  You will have to submit pictures of your trip meeting at least four times this month and email pictures and your goals to
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

Thanks again for an amazing week and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Angela

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap 🦎👏
  • Thank you to Mr. Salisbury for building a middle school schedule that embodies our school's mission and Mrs. Hill's crazy ideas.
  • Thank you to Mrs. Trojan for checking in on our missing students to see if they'll be joining us this year.
  • Thank you to Mr. Thomas for ensuring that PBIS and the Chameleon Coins are working for our students.
  • Thank you to Ms. Akers for all of her help in obtaining student records.
  • Thank you to Mr. Kline for the cones and set up in the AM.
  • Thank you to Ms. Payton and my K-3 Carpool Crew. We won't let this get the best of us.
  • Thanks to the EC Team for supporting our new EC students and our staff during this transition.
  • Thanks to Mrs. Samuelson and Mr. Falls for taking over Mrs. Allen's Room and providing stability.
  • Thanks to the best staff ever for all you've done to make this first week as easy as possible.
  • Thank you to Mrs. Ward for taking over a class for an IEP meeting the first hour of the first day of school.
  • Thanks to the Arts Team for your hard work in creating an elective plan and for providing the middle school team with planning on Friday.
  • Thanks to Mr. Thomas for taking on a music elective as a teacher for this trimester.
  • And a BIG THANK YOU to Ms. Kelsey Bigler, our new 5th Grade Teacher beginning on Wednesday, September 5th.

Don't Forget
  • Health Training (x 3) Due 9/15
  • Help is requested with Grandparents Prom; Want to wear jean? Volunteer and/or bring in drinks, chips, individually wrapped candy
  • Bring your computers to NCEES Orientations this week and please know your Powerschool Information (user number and password)
  • We will be having GRIT Night/ Curriculum At A Glance Night on Friday, September 28th 6:00-7:30 PM.  Your Department Chair will share more about this closer to the date and we will touch on it briefly this week during Faculty Mtg. Please make plans to ensure that at least one person from your grade level/ department will be available that evening.
  • We are in need of facilitators for our bi-monthly Staff Meetings. I will be modeling the first one this week. If you are interested, please email me and let me know.
  • If you'd like to send a Chameleon Clap please email information to me by Sunday afternoon each week.

Week of Monday, September 3- Friday, September 7

Monday, September 3
  • Labor Day: No School
Tuesday, September 4
  • Websites Due; Please update your bio sheet to include website
  • BOY Reading 3D (K-3) Begins
  • 2nd Grade Math Cluster 2 Pre-Assessment Given
  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 2 Pre-Assessment Given
  • Mentor Training Certificates Turned In To Mrs. Hill
  • Admin Mtg at 9 AM- 10 AM
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12 PM- 1 PM
  • K-3rd Grade Carpool Students Begin New Process at 2:30 PM
  • Grandparents Day Prom Forms Due
Wednesday, September 5
  • Smiles Dentistry Program at TCEA
  • BOG/RTA Parent Meeting for 3rd Grade Parents at 8 AM- 9 AM
  • Kindergarten NCEES Orientation in PLC Room 8 AM- 9 AM
  • 2nd Grade NCEES Orientation in PLC Room 9 AM- 10 AM
  • 1st & 5th NCEES Orientation in PLC Room 10 AM- 11 AM
  • 3rd & 4th NCEES Orientation in PLC Room 12 PM- 1PM
  • Middle School NCEES Orientation in PLC Room 2 PM-3 PM
  • BOG/RTA Parent Night for 3rd Grade Parents at 5:30 PM
Thursday, September 6
  • Smiles Dentistry Program at TCEA
  • 3rd Grade Math Cluster 2 Pre-Assessment Given
  • 5th Grade Math Cluster 2 Pre-Assessment Given
  • Kindergarten Planning 9 AM- 10 AM
  • 2nd Grade Planning 10 AM- 11 AM
  • 4th Grade Planning 12 PM-1 PM
  • Faculty Mtg in Lobby 3:30 PM-4:00 PM
Friday, September 7

  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 1 Post Assessment Given
  • Kindergarten Planning 8 AM- 9 AM
  • 1st Grade Planning 10 AM- 11 AM
  • Arts NCEES Orientation 1 PM-2 PM
  • Grandparents Day Prom 5:30 PM- 7:30 PM
************* ****Arts Integration Meetings Begin Next Week***********************
I will be sending out the plan for the entire year by Wednesday of this week.  Please see me if you have any questions, concerns.