Sunday, September 9, 2018

It's My Party And I'll Cry (with laughter) If I Want To

It's my birthday...well...almost!  And I am going Oprah on y'all and sharing two of my favorite things (currently).

Here's a video I like very much about opportunity and helping others. I believe that it applies to what we do at school everyday or at least how we should see those around us.

Also, here's a thought that I LOVE:

And that is all! Next week I will be highlighting a resource that Ms. Covington has created to help us see how important all of our work is at matter the grade! See everyone tomorrow and I am looking forward to an amazing week! - Angela

Week of Monday, September 9- Friday, September 13
* pledge this week is Ms. Hughes' Class. Please send 2 students down at 7:45.
Monday, September 10
  • 5th grade planning 10-11
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities  2-3
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math 2-3
Tuesday, September 11
  • Data and Intervention PLCs with Covington (everyone is meeting on Tuesday due to Testing; please view her email for details)
    • 8-9: Kindergarten
    • 9-10: 2nd Grade
    • 10-11: 1st and 5th Grades
    • 12-1: 3rd-4th
    • 2-3: Middle Grades
  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 1 Post Assessment
Wednesday, September 12
  • Kinder Math Cluster 2 Pre assessment
  • BOG Testing (3rd Grade)
Thursday, September 13
  • BOG Makeup (3rd Grade)
  • 6th Grade Math Ratio Cluster Pre Assessment
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Second Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • Department Chair Meeting at 3:30 in PLC Room
Friday, September 14
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Instructional Team PLC 8:30-9:30
  • First Grade Planing 10-11
  • MTSS Team Mtg 1:30-3:00

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Ms. Lanham:
I would like to give a shout out to Ms. Connors for taking attendance for all subjects!!!!

From Ms. Akers:
1st and 3rd lunches counts were perfect today!! (9.5)

From Mr. Kline:
Thanks to Mrs Ward for going to Arts R 4 Life conference at Meredith College with me.  Lots of learning and networking happened!  Thank you Mrs Hill for forwarding the invite!

From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to Mr. Thomas, Ms. Akers and Mrs. Trojan for making the SRC Announcement so awesome.

Thank you to all staff members that helped get the cocktails in staff members' hands on Thursday.

Thank you to Mr. Thomas and all staff that helped make the Grandparents Day Prom so memorable.

Congrats to Mrs. Majka for her Donor's Choose being fully funded and having her materials on the way to her kids.


  • Arts Integration begins this coming week with 2nd and 3rd Grades.  Please check out the schedule to see when you attend AI Meetings in the PLC Room and if you have to cover a room. Teachers, please leave work for students to complete while you are at planning.  If planning doesn't last the entire hour you must return back to your room as soon as possible.
  • Health Training (x 3) Due 9/15
  • If you were unable to sign in to NCEES last week you should be able to do so now.  Please go into the Comprehensive Evaluation and complete the orientation.  Please date 9/5 for staff that meet with me on that date and 9/7 for the arts staff.
  • We will be having GRIT Night/ Curriculum At A Glance Night on Friday, September 28th 6:00-7:30 PM.  Your Department Chair will share more about this closer to the date and we will touch on it briefly this week during Faculty Mtg. Please make plans to ensure that at least one person from your grade level/ department will be available that evening.
  • If you'd like to send a Chameleon Clap please email information to me by Saturday afternoon each week.

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