Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week of February 25, 2019

This morning I awoke to a call from my mom letting me know that one of my cousins was killed last night or very early this morning. My first cousins, on my mom's side, have been raised so close to each other that we consider each other brothers and sisters that don't stay under the same roof. Tre was one of the youngest of us so we always babied him and he would usually tag along into any mischief we got in to.

He grew up living at my grandma's house with his mother and a host of uncles, aunt's and cousins who guided him but we still couldn't save him from the allure of the streets and the "hood" mentality of getting someone first before they get you. Last night someone took his life and I am sure in time we will learn that it was for something not worth a man's life.

I share all this not to make you feel sorry for our family or to lay my burdens down. I share this because each day we have the chance to be a walking example of how you can succeed without living a life where you win by hurting others. That life is not just about being on top the easy way ,but persevering and pushing to not only better yourself but your community.

I promise you he was one of the kindest, loving, funny, mischievous, caring and good looking young men around. He loved our family and no matter what someone thought he did or even if he did something, no kid deserves this end. I will miss him and after I play through all the things I wish I could have done, I will focus on the kids still out there that do not need to end up like him.

Thanks for reading and please hug your family real tight and any young kids you know who are living a destructive life...pull them aside or text them and remind them that better still exists.

See everyone tomorrow!

Week of Monday, February 25- Friday, March 1
Mid year one on one continue
Peer observations begin

Monday, February 25
  • 4th grade to the library at 9 AM and 1:15 PM
  • 5th Grade Planning 10-11 AM
  • Black History Program at 2 PM
    • 4th-8th in theater and K-3rd can view via FB
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3 PM
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3 PM
  • TCEA Board Mtg in 5:15 PM in Scriven's Studio
Tuesday, February 26
  • iReady Awards K-3 8:00-8:30 in Cafe (list of kids to attend will be sent in email)
  • iReady Awards 4th-8th 8:30-9:00 in Cafe' (list of kids to attend will be sent in email)
  • Instructional PLC 9:30-10:30
  • PD PLCs facilitated by Hill
    • 5th grade 10-11
    • 4th grade 11-12
  • TED-ED Club Mtg 11:30-12:00 in PLC Room or Lobby
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
  • Arts Integration Team Mtg 1-2 PM In Ms. Ward's Studio
    • Motsinger- Falls
    • Fiore- Hill
    • Conners- Thomas
    • Hughes- Lanham
    • Ezell- Covington
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3 PM
Wednesday, February 27
  • Thomas covers Mr. Kline
  • Rare Disease Day (please refer to email about details) UPDATED
    • Face Painting 7:30-7:50 in the lobby. 
    • K-1 presentation - 8:15-8:45
    • 2-3 presentation  - 9:00 - 9:30
    • 3-5 presentation - 10:00-10:30
    • 6-8 presentation - 11:30-12:00
  • PD PLCs facilitated by Hill
    • 8-9 kindergarten
    • 9-10 2nd grade
    • 10-11 1st grade
    • 12-1 3rd grade
    • 1-2 arts
    • 2-3 middle school
  • NCEES Peer Observation Training 3:30-4:00 in Bar 

Thursday, February 28
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade 9-10
  • Chameleon Viewing Hours 9-11 AM
  • TED-ED Club 11:30-12:00 in PLC or lobby
  • Hill leaves at noon
  • 4th grade planning 12-1

Friday, March 1
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • First Grade Planning 10-11
  • Hill out at 2 PM
  • Give Me Five submitted by noon

Saturday, March 2
  • Read Across America Event 10:30- 1:00 (please see email from Mr. Thomas for details)

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap 🦎👏

From Ms. Akers:

Thank you for good lunch counts this week (1 or less discrepancy)...

From Mr. Kline:
Thanks so much to 1st and 3rd grade for fundraising and administrating FSU Theatre Trip with me.  Thank you 4th grade for sharing the bus and trip with us!  It was a blast!

From Ms. Hill:
Thanks to Mr. Salisbury for planning an awesome Chameleon Crawl Friday night. It was wonderful seeing our staff come together and show off the best of TCEA.

Thanks to Mr. Thomas for be so willing to pick up my slack during this difficult time. You're so awesome.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Friendly Fridays

Today's post will not be too long.  I am getting ready to go out of town and having to get this blog out earlier than usually.  I will be unavailable to return emails or text until tomorrow after 1 PM (unless you have an emergency and I'll get back as soon as I can).

Today, I want you to just....and that's a BIG JUST...reconsider Fun Fridays.  Think about the why you do it and analyze if it is causing positive changes among your students or are the same kids getting it each week.

What if you instituted Friendly Fridays?  What are Friendly Fridays? Check out the article and ideas here.

I am not outlawing Fun Friday but as practitioners we should be reflective in what we do with students and should always be willing to analyze and change our behaviors if they aren't equitable and /or producing the results desired.

I hope everyone enjoys their Monday off and I'll see everyone next week!


Week of Monday, February 18- Friday, February 22, 2019
Mid Years Continue

Monday, February 18
  • No school in recognition of Presidents' Day.
Tuesday, February 19
  • Hill out (daughter's district spelling 🐝- pray I don't have a heart attack during the competition)
  • Thomas out at Test Coordinator Meeting CFCI
  • Readadaurus Rocks Program K&1 in Lobby 9-10 AM
    • (3rd and 2nd- if too loud please feel free to move to cafe or other space during that time. Just let Ms. Trojan know)
  • Data and Intervention PLCs facilitated by Ms. Covington
    • 5th grade 10-11 AM
    • 4th grade 12-1 PM
    • Middle Grades Humanities 2-3 PM
  • Builder's Club at 11:30-12:00 in Theater
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1 PM
  • Arts Integration Team Planning ****NEW TIME******
    • 1:05-1:35- 4th Grade
    • Will be held in Ms. Ward's Studio
      • Majka- Riffle
      • McLaughlin- Akers
    • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3 PM

Wednesday, February 20
  • Hill out at NCDPI Meeting
  • Data and Intervention PLCs facilitated by Ms. Covington
    • 8-9 AM: Kindergarten
    • 9-10 AM: 2nd Grade
    • 10-11 AM: 1st Grade
    • 12-1 PM: 3rd Grade
    • 2-3 PM:  Middle Grades Science and Math
  • Beginning Teacher Meeting in Ms. Cane's Studio 3:30-4:30 PM
Thursday, February 21
  • 3rd Grade Cluster 6 Math Assessment
  • Mr. Thomas covering Ms. Ward for birthday
  • K planning 8-9 AM
  • 2nd Grade planning 9-10 AM
  • TED-ED Club Mtg 11:30-12:00 in Ms. Cane's Studio
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1 PM
  • Arts Integrations Team Planning *****NEW TIME*******
    • Will be held in Ms. Ward's Studio
    • 1:05-1:35 PM- 5th Grade
      • Scriven-Diggs (Samuelson's Sub)
      • Bigler- R. Brown
  • Hill and Falls at meeting with CCS Superintendent 2:00 PM
  • Optional Faculty Mtg 3:30-3:45
  • AIG Interest Meeting in Ms. Ezzel's Studio 3:45-4:15
Friday, February 22
  • 3rd Grade Cluster 7 Pre Assessment
  • 7th Grade Reasoning about Expressions Cluster Assessment
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9 AM
  • 1st, 3rd, 4th Grade to FSU 9-Noon
  • Give Five due by noon
  • Chameleon Crawl 5:30-7:30- Please look for an email from Mr. Salisbury for details.

🦎👏 Chameleon Claps🦎👏

From Mrs. Majka:
   A shout out to Mr. Haslem for not only answering my questions during the school day, but for also taking the time to continue to work with me through messenger. I truly appreciate your time and look forward to an awesome integration.
 A shout out to Ms. Akers for ensuring our lunches for our field trip on Friday were ready to go. Thank you for always going above and beyond with 4th grade. We appreciate you so very much.
  A shout out to Mrs. Samuelson not only for the work she did with our 4th graders in MTSS, but also for helping me ensure that my Math students would be in good hands when she left. I'm going to miss working along side of you but cannot wait to meet the babies!
A shout to Ms. Mac for always being my #1 supporter, encourager, and a listening ear. I'll never be able to repay you.

From Mrs. Hill:

A shout out to Mrs. Samuelson for handling all things when finding a sub and carrying those babies with style and grace. They're blessed to have you as a mommy!!!

To my admin team and many other staff members for checking in on me and being patient with me.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Feedback...the breakfast of champions!

This weekend I had an opportunity to participate in an event where one station involved me role playing a scenario with one other participant while two other educators observed and took notes.  After the scene, I was asked to step out and then after a 5 minute wait I was provided feedback and asked the try it again.  It was never racking but never did I feel like I was being judged...I only felt supported and only as if they wanted the best performance for me because they believed in my ability.

And then...I saw this on Twitter and realized that it never hurts to remind ourselves how vital feedback is and how we can incorporate this into our daily interactions with students.  This example, TAG, only takes 60 seconds.

As Ken Blanchard stated "Feedback is the breakfast of champions." We are teaching champions each day so let's give them an outstanding meal with feedback.  Hope everyone has had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone Monday!         ~Angela M. Hill

Week of Monday, February 11- Friday, February 15
*Mid Year Reviews Continue- please make sure you complete the PDP before coming to meeting and the data review sheet emailed to you (if applicable)

Monday, February 11
  • Covington @ Fueling a Personalized Learning PD all day
  • Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
  • Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
  • 6th Grade: Reasoning with Algebraic Expressions Cluster Pre Assessment
  • 4th Grade to the Library at 9 AM and 1:15 PM
  • 5th Grade Planning 10-11 AM
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3 PM
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3 PM
  • School Improvement Team Mtg at 3:30 in Mrs. Majka's Studio
Tuesday, February 12
  • Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
  • Instructional PLC 8:30-9:30 AM
  • Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
  • MTSS PLCs (week changed due to Samuelson Babies' Upcoming Debut)

    • 5th Grade 10-11 with Ms. Samuelson
    • 4th Grade 12-1 with Ms. Samuelson
  • 3rd Grade PLC 12-1 PM
  • Arts Integration Team Mtg. 1-2 PM in Ms. Ward's Studio
    • 2nd Grade
      • Cane- Pond
      • Acosta- Strimel
      • Marshall-Lanham
  • Middle School PBIS Meeting 2-3

Wednesday, February 13
  • Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
  • Mr. Thomas is out of the office
  • Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
  • MTSS PLC (week changed due to Samuelson Babies' Upcoming Debut)
    • Kindergarten 8-9 with Ms. Pond
    • 2nd Grade 9-10 with Ms. Pond
    • 1st Grade 10-11 with Ms. Pond
    • 3rd Grade 12-1 with Ms. Samuelson
    • Middle Grades 2-3 with Mr. Falls
  • Variety Show practice from 3:30-4:30

Thursday, February 14
  • Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
  • 5th Grade Cluster 6 Pre Assessment
  • Builders Club V-Day Distribution of Sodas during club time
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Second Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting 1-2 PM in Ms. Ward's Studio
    • 3rd Grade 
      • DeNoble- Riffle
      • Weir- Thomas
      • Miller-Covington
  • Department Meeting 3:30-4:00

Friday, February 15
  • Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
  • Pay Day $$$$$
  • 6th Grade Making Sense of Coordinate Planes Assessment
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • Chameleon Viewing Hours 8:30-10:30 for K-2 Grades
  • First Grade Planning 10-11
  • Middle School PBIS Rally at 11:30 in theatre
  • Give Five due by 3:00
  • TCEA Variety Show 6-8 PM

January 2019 Mission Completions
Please check behind me. I had a note on my old computer and it was not recovered so IF you did complete the challenge and your name is not below...let me know ASAP.

Arts:  Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year.  In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

No one completed this mission!

Academic: Complete a goal setting activity with your students (or any students you work with). To document this activity snap a picture of a student artifact or class goal sheet and drop here. Need ideas? Check these out...
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.

Ms. Acosta completed this mission!

Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.  
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon

Ms. Acosta and Ms. Miller completed this mission!

Personal: Using the padlet write your one word or mission statement for 2019.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

Ms. Rebecca Brown, Ms. Strimel, Ms. McLaughlin, Ms. Majka, Ms. Campagna, Ms. Ezell, Ms. Motsinger, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Taylor Brown, Ms. Acosta,  Ms. Miller and Ms. Ward completed this mission!

February Missions

Arts:  Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year.  In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

Academic: Read this article and either adapt an upcoming lesson to make it more equitable OR do the attached lesson and upload your lesson and/or student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.

Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.  
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon

Personal:  Give a peer a "heart attack" anytime before 3/1/19. What's a heart attack? Decorate a staff member's door with hearts saying what makes them so awesome.  Complete this sheet if you decide to complete this mission.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

Heart Attack Act of Kindness Activity! - LOVE this!!!!

🦎👏Chameleon Claps🦎👏
From Hill:
Thanks to Ms. Weir and the Sunshine Committee for hosting an amazing Baby Sprinkle.
Thanks to Ms. Goodman and all the staff members at TCEA helping with the fundraiser.
Thanks to Mr. Kline for an amazing promotion video.
Thanks to Ms. Samuelson and the amazing MTSS Team for a wonderful planning and implementation meeting last week.
Thanks to Dr. Ward and the EC Team for all of their hard work and support.

From Ms. Akers:
Thanks for perfect lunch counts this week! 

Challenge: If every homeroom has a correct lunch count each day this week, the staff will receive a week of dress down for free and CHOCOLATE!!!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Fail. Process. Learn.

I don't know about you but I am human.  I mean seriously...I make mistakes.  I don't know it all and at times, I am falling up (trying to move forward but still failing).  Mistakes are learning opportunities and most of us tell our students to try and to learn from their mistakes.  I also recognize that when we make mistakes it puts us in a vulnerable place where we question our ability to educate students.

This quick Ted Talk talks about teaching and how you can learn from mistakes.  I was reviewing the comments and saw someone stated that we should teach students how to fail.  I agree. Don't stop at the idea of Growth Mindset but teach them how to sit with disappointment, stress, and failure.  They need to learn to Fail, Process, and Learn.

We, adults, need to be able to Fail, Process and Learn.  Our students do not have to come to school to get and education anymore. All they have to do is connect to the Internet or turn on the TV and they have more information available than what we could teach them in a day.  We truly do need to empower our students and teach them how to analyze the information they are learning.  We know how to do this and what a prime opportunity we have at TCEA to do this work while integrating the arts!

I am honored to work alongside you as we do this tough yet rewarding work and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. - Angela

Week of Monday, February 4- Friday, February 8, 2019
No PLCs this week!
Mid Year Reviews Begin

Monday, February 4
  • No school for students; Optional Teacher Workday for staff. 
    • Please complete the sheet here to let us know who's going to be in the building.
Tuesday, February 5
  • Mr. Thomas at Testing Meeting
  • NC TOY Visit 11 AM - End of Day
  • Builder's Club at 11:30-12:00 in Theater
  • All TED-Ed Club Forms from Middle School Students returned to Mrs. Hill's Box
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1 PM
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting in Ms. Ward's Studio 1-2 PM
    • Kindergarten
      • Caudle-Akers
      • Johnson- Strimel
      • Williams-Pond
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3 PM

Wednesday, February 6
  • MTSS Whole Group Meeting 9-11 AM
    • Samuelson, Falls, Pond, Hill, Dr. Ward, Thomas, Lanham

Thursday, February 7
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9 AM
  • 2nd Grade Planning 9-10 AM
  • Admin Meeting 9-11 AM
  • Sunshine Potluck hosted by 5th- 8th and the arts "Taco Thursday" 11:00-12:30 PM
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1:30 PM
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting in Ms. Ward's Studio 1-2 PM
    • First Grade
      • Person- Falls
      • Campagna-Samuelson 
      • Brown- Hill
  • Mandatory Staff Meeting 3:30-3:45
    • Birthday Celebration and Baby Sprinkle afterward (please see email from Ms. Weir for details on what to bring)
Friday, February 8
  • 1st Grade ELA Unit 4: Book Study Post Assessment
  • 2nd Grade ELA Unit 5: Nonfiction Post Assessment
  • 4th Grade Cluster 5: Fractions
  • Classroom group pictures 8-10 AM
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9 AM
  • Chameleon Viewing Event 9-11 AM Middle School Focus
  • First Grade Planning 10-11 AM
  • A+ Liaison Visit 12-3 PM
  • Give Five due at 3:30 PM

🦎👏 Chameleon Claps 🦎👏

From Mrs. Hill: 
  • Thanks to Ms. Akers for opening up the building for Child Care on Monday.
  • Thanks to Dr. Ward for meeting with staff and providing PD in EC.
  • Thanks, in advance, to Ms. Samuelson for hosting a productive MTSS Team Meeting.
  • Thanks, in advance, to the TCEA TEAM for handling ALL THE STUFF for Mr. Thomas and I to attend the MTSS meeting. 🤞
  • Thanks to Mr. Salisbury for helping to restore my computer (predicting this as well).
Finally....thanks to my computer for giving me four years of support in the area of school leadership. We have laughed, cried and sent many...many...emails. You helped me find most of the current staff and for that and everything else we went through...I thank you for your service. Rest easy....

Don't forget.... January Missions must be completed today. I will confirm winners by 2.8.19.

Missions for January 2019
must be completed and documented by 2.4.19

Arts:  Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year.  In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.

Academic: Complete a goal setting activity with your students (or any students you work with). To document this activity snap a picture of a student artifact or class goal sheet and drop here. Need ideas? Check these out...
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.

Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.  
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon

Personal: Using the padlet write your one word or mission statement for 2019.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.