This morning I awoke to a call from my mom letting me know that one of my cousins was killed last night or very early this morning. My first cousins, on my mom's side, have been raised so close to each other that we consider each other brothers and sisters that don't stay under the same roof. Tre was one of the youngest of us so we always babied him and he would usually tag along into any mischief we got in to.
He grew up living at my grandma's house with his mother and a host of uncles, aunt's and cousins who guided him but we still couldn't save him from the allure of the streets and the "hood" mentality of getting someone first before they get you. Last night someone took his life and I am sure in time we will learn that it was for something not worth a man's life.
I share all this not to make you feel sorry for our family or to lay my burdens down. I share this because each day we have the chance to be a walking example of how you can succeed without living a life where you win by hurting others. That life is not just about being on top the easy way ,but persevering and pushing to not only better yourself but your community.
I promise you he was one of the kindest, loving, funny, mischievous, caring and good looking young men around. He loved our family and no matter what someone thought he did or even if he did something, no kid deserves this end. I will miss him and after I play through all the things I wish I could have done, I will focus on the kids still out there that do not need to end up like him.
Thanks for reading and please hug your family real tight and any young kids you know who are living a destructive life...pull them aside or text them and remind them that better still exists.
See everyone tomorrow!
Week of Monday, February 25- Friday, March 1
Mid year one on one continue
Peer observations begin
Monday, February 25
- 4th grade to the library at 9 AM and 1:15 PM
- 5th Grade Planning 10-11 AM
- Black History Program at 2 PM
- 4th-8th in theater and K-3rd can view via FB
- Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3 PM
- Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3 PM
- TCEA Board Mtg in 5:15 PM in Scriven's Studio
Tuesday, February 26
- iReady Awards K-3 8:00-8:30 in Cafe (list of kids to attend will be sent in email)
- iReady Awards 4th-8th 8:30-9:00 in Cafe' (list of kids to attend will be sent in email)
- Instructional PLC 9:30-10:30
- PD PLCs facilitated by Hill
- 5th grade 10-11
- 4th grade 11-12
- TED-ED Club Mtg 11:30-12:00 in PLC Room or Lobby
- 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Integration Team Mtg 1-2 PM In Ms. Ward's Studio
- Motsinger- Falls
- Fiore- Hill
- Conners- Thomas
- Hughes- Lanham
- Ezell- Covington
- Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3 PM
Wednesday, February 27
- Thomas covers Mr. Kline
- Rare Disease Day (please refer to email about details) UPDATED
- Face Painting 7:30-7:50 in the lobby.
- K-1 presentation - 8:15-8:45
- 2-3 presentation - 9:00 - 9:30
- 3-5 presentation - 10:00-10:30
- 6-8 presentation - 11:30-12:00
- PD PLCs facilitated by Hill
- 8-9 kindergarten
- 9-10 2nd grade
- 10-11 1st grade
- 12-1 3rd grade
- 1-2 arts
- 2-3 middle school
- NCEES Peer Observation Training 3:30-4:00 in Bar
Thursday, February 28
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- 2nd Grade 9-10
- Chameleon Viewing Hours 9-11 AM
- TED-ED Club 11:30-12:00 in PLC or lobby
- Hill leaves at noon
- 4th grade planning 12-1
Friday, March 1
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- First Grade Planning 10-11
- Hill out at 2 PM
- Give Me Five submitted by noon
Saturday, March 2
- Read Across America Event 10:30- 1:00 (please see email from Mr. Thomas for details)
🦎👏 Chameleon Clap 🦎👏
From Ms. Akers:
From Mr. Kline:
Thanks so much to 1st and 3rd grade for fundraising and administrating FSU Theatre Trip with me. Thank you 4th grade for sharing the bus and trip with us! It was a blast!
From Ms. Hill:
Thanks to Mr. Salisbury for planning an awesome Chameleon Crawl Friday night. It was wonderful seeing our staff come together and show off the best of TCEA.
Thanks to Mr. Thomas for be so willing to pick up my slack during this difficult time. You're so awesome.
From Ms. Hill:
Thanks to Mr. Salisbury for planning an awesome Chameleon Crawl Friday night. It was wonderful seeing our staff come together and show off the best of TCEA.
Thanks to Mr. Thomas for be so willing to pick up my slack during this difficult time. You're so awesome.