And then...I saw this on Twitter and realized that it never hurts to remind ourselves how vital feedback is and how we can incorporate this into our daily interactions with students. This example, TAG, only takes 60 seconds.
As Ken Blanchard stated "Feedback is the breakfast of champions." We are teaching champions each day so let's give them an outstanding meal with feedback. Hope everyone has had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone Monday! ~Angela M. Hill
Week of Monday, February 11- Friday, February 15
*Mid Year Reviews Continue- please make sure you complete the PDP before coming to meeting and the data review sheet emailed to you (if applicable)
Monday, February 11
- Covington @ Fueling a Personalized Learning PD all day
- Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
- Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
- 6th Grade: Reasoning with Algebraic Expressions Cluster Pre Assessment
- 4th Grade to the Library at 9 AM and 1:15 PM
- 5th Grade Planning 10-11 AM
- Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3 PM
- Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3 PM
- School Improvement Team Mtg at 3:30 in Mrs. Majka's Studio
Tuesday, February 12
- Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
- Instructional PLC 8:30-9:30 AM
- Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
- MTSS PLCs (week changed due to Samuelson Babies' Upcoming Debut)
- 5th Grade 10-11 with Ms. Samuelson
- 4th Grade 12-1 with Ms. Samuelson
- 3rd Grade PLC 12-1 PM
- Arts Integration Team Mtg. 1-2 PM in Ms. Ward's Studio
- 2nd Grade
- Cane- Pond
- Acosta- Strimel
- Marshall-Lanham
- Middle School PBIS Meeting 2-3
Wednesday, February 13
- Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
- Mr. Thomas is out of the office
- Builders Club V-Day Fundraiser during club time
- MTSS PLC (week changed due to Samuelson Babies' Upcoming Debut)
- Kindergarten 8-9 with Ms. Pond
- 2nd Grade 9-10 with Ms. Pond
- 1st Grade 10-11 with Ms. Pond
- 3rd Grade 12-1 with Ms. Samuelson
- Middle Grades 2-3 with Mr. Falls
- Variety Show practice from 3:30-4:30
Thursday, February 14
- Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
- 5th Grade Cluster 6 Pre Assessment
- Builders Club V-Day Distribution of Sodas during club time
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- Second Grade Planning 9-10
- 4th Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Integration Team Meeting 1-2 PM in Ms. Ward's Studio
- 3rd Grade
- DeNoble- Riffle
- Weir- Thomas
- Miller-Covington
- Department Meeting 3:30-4:00
Friday, February 15
- Student/ Staff Dress Down Week $1 a day/ money to Mrs. Weir's Box
- Pay Day $$$$$
- 6th Grade Making Sense of Coordinate Planes Assessment
- 4th Grade Field Trip to Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- Chameleon Viewing Hours 8:30-10:30 for K-2 Grades
- First Grade Planning 10-11
- Middle School PBIS Rally at 11:30 in theatre
- Give Five due by 3:00
- TCEA Variety Show 6-8 PM
January 2019 Mission Completions
Please check behind me. I had a note on my old computer and it was not recovered so IF you did complete the challenge and your name is not below...let me know ASAP.
Arts: Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year. In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.
No one completed this mission!
Academic: Complete a goal setting activity with your students (or any students you work with). To document this activity snap a picture of a student artifact or class goal sheet and drop here. Need ideas? Check these out...
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.
Ms. Acosta completed this mission!
Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon
Ms. Acosta and Ms. Miller completed this mission!
Personal: Using the padlet write your one word or mission statement for 2019.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.
Ms. Rebecca Brown, Ms. Strimel, Ms. McLaughlin, Ms. Majka, Ms. Campagna, Ms. Ezell, Ms. Motsinger, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Taylor Brown, Ms. Acosta, Ms. Miller and Ms. Ward completed this mission!
February Missions
Arts: Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year. In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.
Academic: Read this article and either adapt an upcoming lesson to make it more equitable OR do the attached lesson and upload your lesson and/or student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.
Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon
Personal: Give a peer a "heart attack" anytime before 3/1/19. What's a heart attack? Decorate a staff member's door with hearts saying what makes them so awesome. Complete this sheet if you decide to complete this mission.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.

🦎👏Chameleon Claps🦎👏
From Hill:
Thanks to Ms. Weir and the Sunshine Committee for hosting an amazing Baby Sprinkle.
Thanks to Ms. Goodman and all the staff members at TCEA helping with the fundraiser.
Thanks to Mr. Kline for an amazing promotion video.
Thanks to Ms. Samuelson and the amazing MTSS Team for a wonderful planning and implementation meeting last week.
Thanks to Dr. Ward and the EC Team for all of their hard work and support.
From Ms. Akers:
Thanks for perfect lunch counts this week!
Challenge: If every homeroom has a correct lunch count each day this week, the staff will receive a week of dress down for free and CHOCOLATE!!!
Challenge: If every homeroom has a correct lunch count each day this week, the staff will receive a week of dress down for free and CHOCOLATE!!!
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