Sunday, October 21, 2018

Feeling Down and Out??? It Can Happen In October!

I used to be reminded every October how tough certain points of the year can be in a teacher's life by Trish Brownlee, our former Visual Arts Teacher.   Trish had a knack for truly "feeling" a space and had no issue letting me know what was going on.  

At Erwin Elementary, I had this amazing 3rd Grade teacher, Susan Johnson, that would remind me to celebrate the little things because people were feeling down or stressed or overwhelmed.  She could "feel" a space as well.

Now please know that I care and feel but I am usually just like this duck pictured below...

But as Dory says..."I just keep swimming" 🐟.  And I can say this because I have been in this NC Educational System since 2001.  Seriously...I have almost seen and done it all and I have seen that it does get better.  It always has.  

But for many of don't know this truth yet! You only learn this by doing the work.  And I hate to say this to you but the work is HARD.  As you know, or I hope you already do, anything worth having is HARD.  So, let's all do the HARD together.  Together all things are possible!

If you don't do anything else, please listen to this podcast if you're experiencing the October Blues.  It is 13 minutes and 29 seconds (maybe listen during your commute to work).

I see you and all you're doing for the students.  I appreciate what you're doing for the students.  Remember the work is hard and more importantly it is worth it!

Hope you have had a great weekend!                                                     - Angela M. Hill

Week of Monday, October 22- Friday, October 23
Red Ribbon Week 2018

Monday, October 22: Sock it to Drugs Day (Wear crazy socks)
  • 4th Grade Library 9-10
  • 5th Grade Planning 10-11
  • 4th Grade Library 1:15-2:15
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, and Connors) 2-3
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3
  • Hill at Appt 2-3
Tuesday, October 23: Drugs are Wacky (Wear something tacky to school)
  • Read to Achieve Testing (4th grade with reading retention label)
  • PLCs: PD Strand Facilitated by Hill (Please check you email the morning of your PLC for your assignment)
    • 10-11 am: 5th Grade
    • 12-1 pm: 4th Grade
  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 4 Pre-Assessment
  • 5th Grade Math Cluster 3 Pre-Assessment
  • Hill covers Riffle for Birthday
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3
Wednesday, October 24: Red Out! Wear Red
  • PLCs: PD Strand Facilitated by Hill (Please check you email the morning of your PLC for your assignment)
    • 8-9 am: Kindergarten
    • 9-10 am: 2nd Grade
    • 10-11 am: 1st Grade
    • 12-1 pm: 3rd Grade
    • 2-3 pm: Middle School
  • RTA Make Up Day
  • Instructional PLC 8:45-9:30
Thursday, October 25: Follow Your Dreams...Don't Do Drugs (School Appropriate PJ)
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • Arts Integration Team Planning 1-2 pm
    • Motsinger- Falls
    • Fiore- Hill
    • Conners- Thomas
    • Hughes- Lanham
    • Ezell- Covington
Friday, October 26: United We Stand Against Drugs- Patriotic Day
  • 2nd Grade Math Clusters 3 & 4 Pre-Assessments
  • 4th Grade Math Cluster 3 Post Assessment
  • 6th Grade Math Ratio Cluster Post Assessment
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9 am
  • First Grade 10-11 am
  • MTSS Mtg 1-3 pm
  • Wrestiling Event 5-9 pm
  • 4th Friday 5-7 pm
    • Staff Working: Salisbury, Johnson, Motsinger, Strimel, Trojan, Lanham, Falls
Saturday, October 27

  • Wrestling Show 5-9 pm

Monday, October 29: Mandatory Teacher Workday
  • 8-9: Committee Meetings
  • 9-10: MTSS Training and Arts Training (More Info Later)
  • 10-12: TLaC Training
  • 12-1: Lunch
  • 1-3: Pick your adventure (Courses will open up on Tuesday, via email, and you have until Thursday to pick)

🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Mrs. Hill- Thank you to everyone who worked together to make the schedule work for our visitors this past Friday. I appreciate all you do!

Thank you to 1st grade and Middle School for consistently teaching the 2nd Step Lessons when scheduled to be taught.  The state has a new requirement of SEL (Social Emotional Learning) being taught and this helps us maintain our good status with the state and empowers our students for the 21st century.

Thanks to the Admin Team for holding it down while I was away last week.

Congratulations to Mr. Kline for a wonderful production of Sleepy Hollow and thank you to all that came out to support the show! The Hill ladies enjoyed it very much and no bad dreams so a win-win!

From Mrs. Hill and Ms. Akers- Thanks to the following staff for having perfect lunch counts last week:
Williams, Brown, Johnson, Person, Campagna,Weir, DeNoble, Miller, Marshall, Cane, 
Scriven, Motsinger, Hughes

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