Your mission if you choose to accept it....
I am still counting up staff who completed the challenges given month and will have it announced on FB by end of week. Thanks again for all who participated. Remember, you don't have to do all but you should attempt at least one a month.
Here are the challenges for October 15- November 16:
No one picked the ART Challenge last month so it is back...
Arts: Plan and execute an Arts Integration Lesson in Math and share out to staff in an email or social media post. Must include pictures and a piece for student work and if using on social media use the hashtag #tceaarts
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.
Only two people completed this challenge guessed it...IT'S BACK!!!!
Academic: Complete and document at least one of the strategies shared by Ms. Covington. Please follow the directions in the memo to share.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Cart
Culture: Using the padlet write your own personal mission statement regarding the culture in your room/studio/space and post outside of your room. Take a picture of it and email to Mrs. Hill by 11/16.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a room service
Personal: Think of someone at TCEA that deserves gratitude from you and send a Chameleon Clap to Mrs. Hill for the Sunday Blog.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.
I hope everyone has had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!! - Angela
Week of Monday, October 15- Friday, October 19
Monday, October 15
- i-Ready ELA 1st and Kindergarten
- 1st Grade test from 8:00-9:30; which means teachers you need to have them login and ready go at 8:00 not starting the login process at 8.
- Kindergarten test from 11:30-1:30; which means you need to start the testing process as close to the 11:30 as possible.
- Hoping that there are only a few who don't finish; have the reminder of students who aren't finished, from both grades test from 1:30-2:30.
- 7th Grade Math Cluster 2 Rational Numbers Pre-Assessment
- Mr. Thomas is Ms. Acosta
- Admin Meet Up at 8:05 AM
- 5th Grade Planning 10-11
- Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, and Connors) 2-3
- Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3
- TCEA Board Mtg 5:15-6:15
- Celebration Dinner at Huske Hardware at 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 16
- PLCs: MTSS Focus Facilitated by MTSS Team (Samuelson= 3-5)
- 5th Grade: 10-11
- 4th Grade: 12-1
- i-Ready ELA 1st and Kindergarten
- 1st Grade test from 8:00-9:30; which means teachers you need to have them login and ready go at 8:00 not starting the login process at 8.
- Kindergarten test from 11:30-1:30; which means you need to start the testing process as close to the 11:30 as possible.
- Hoping that there are only a few who don't finish; have the reminder of students who aren't finished, from both grades test from 1:30-2:30.
- Admin Meeting 9-10
- 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Integration Team Planning 1-2 in Mrs. Ward's Art Studio
- Majka's Class covered by Riffle
- McLaughlin's Class covered by Akers
- Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3
- Hill leaves at 2:30
- PLC (MTSS Focus): (Pond= K-2, Samuelson= 3-5, Falls= Middle Grades)
- 8-9: Kindergarten
- 9-10: 2nd Grade
- 10-11: 1st Grade
- 12-1: 3rd Grade
- 2-3: Middle School
- PD Survey Due for 10/29 Workday
- iReady Make Up Day
- 1st Grade Math Cluster 1 Post Assessment
- 4th Grade Math Cluster 2 Post Assessment
- Daze assessment 3rd Grade
- i-Ready Testing in Cafe 8-11
- Friends of Methodist Visit for 5th Grade 11-12
- Beginning Teacher Mtg 3:30-4:30
Thursday, October 18
- Mr. Thomas at Charter School Leadership Mtg.
- Mrs. Hill and Ms. Norris at A+ State Leadership Mtg.
- Ms. Bigler, Ms. Connors, Ms. Motsinger, Mrs. Fiore, Ms. Caudle and Ms. Covington at A+ Teacher Mtg.
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- 2nd Grade Planning 9-10
- 4th Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Integration Team Mtg. 1-2
- Scriven's room covered by Samuelson
- Bigler's room covered by
R. Brown(Ms. Bigler is out so no coverage needed) - Optional Faculty Meeting at 3:30-3:45 in lobby of school
Friday, October 19
- Hill at Charter School State Conference Mtg.
- 2nd Grade ELA Unit 2: Characters Post Assessment
- 3rd Grade Math Cluster 2 Post Assessment
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- First Grade Planning 10-11
- Singapore Math Model Lessons (schedule will be shared in upcoming email)
- Sleepy Hollow 6 pm-7 pm
More Important Dates
- Sleep Hollow Saturday at 2 pm and 6 pm at TCEA; Please try to attend one of these shows to support the Chameleon Children's Theatre
- November 15th- Fall Make Up Pictures (if you missed pictures this week please mark this down)
🦎👏 Chameleon Clap🦎👏
From Ms. Akers:Shout out to staff with 100% accuracy on Lunch Count week of 10/1:
100% Accuracy for Lunch Count Week of 10/8:
From Ms. Johnson: Chameleon Clap to my teammates Miss Caudle and Miss Williams for helping me out on lunch duty today.
From Mrs. Hill:
Congrats to Mrs. Samuelson on her double baby surprise...SHE'S HAVING TWIN GIRLS!!!!!!
100% Accuracy for Lunch Count Week of 10/8:
From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to everyone who filled in at the front desk last week! You're very much appreciated!
From Mrs. Hill:
Thank you to everyone who filled in at the front desk last week! You're very much appreciated!
From Ms. Johnson: Chameleon Clap to my teammates Miss Caudle and Miss Williams for helping me out on lunch duty today.
From Mrs. Hill:
Congrats to Mrs. Samuelson on her double baby surprise...SHE'S HAVING TWIN GIRLS!!!!!!
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