Last year I encouraged you (the staff that was here last year) to pick one word for 2018. I picked the word COURAGE and as I reflect on 2018 there were many moments where I had to be courageous and "ante up and kick in" (in the words of my husband).
I started the year off by deciding to run for a seat on the Harnett County School Board. Politics is not for the timid and I was definitely stretched. As you know, I did not win the primary but I did have a few victories: (1) I disrupted the false narrative surrounding charter schools; (2) I hopefully encouraged educators to speak out about what is happening to them and their students in the world of policy and politics; (3) I stepped out on faith and did what I was called to do and my daughters saw their mom not only talk about taking risks but they were involved in the process and saw how I stuck to what I believed in.
Courage...it definitely has not been easy but I am a better human because of it.
This year my word is relinquish.
Definition of relinquish
transitive verb
1: to withdraw or retreat from: leave behind
2: GIVE UP; relinquish a title
3a: to stop holding physically : RELEASE slowly relinquished
his grip on the bar
b: to give over possession or control of : YIELD; few leaders willingly relinquish power
b: to give over possession or control of : YIELD; few leaders willingly relinquish power
I have always been a Type A personality and I promise you I had a list of all I was to accomplish by 40 completed at age 25.
Running at top speed and trying to be everything for everyone has been the result of this list. Did I accomplish all on my list? No; Did I accomplish things on the list I had never dreamed of completing and doing way back then.? Yes.
This year I want to not worry so much about where I will be in 1 year...5 years...or 10 years BUT where and more importantly...WHO do I want to be today and how am I walking the walk that I proclaim to be about.
I relinquish the need to be perfect and get it all right. I relinquish the desire to make everyone like what I say and do. I relinquish the overbearing and unreal expectation that I (and I only) am responsible for the success of each student I serve.
Yes, I will strive to still give every student the high level of education each deserves but remember that I am not the lone person responsible for their success. It takes a team. It takes a community. It takes a drive, developed in a student by surrounding adults.
This year will involve reflection and action while remembering that the present is all that is promised.
I challenge you to come up with a word for the year or create a personal vision statement for 2019.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and once again...HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎉🎉
- Angela
Week of Monday, January 7-Friday, January 11, 2019
No PLCs This Week
Observations for NON BT Staff Begins 1/8/19
Monday, January 7
- What makes coming back a bit easier? A JEANS Day! Enjoy!
- MOY Reading 3D Begins (K-3rd)
- 5th Grade Planning 10-11
- Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3
- Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3
Tuesday, January 8
- MOY Reading 3D Continues
- iReady MOY Begins
- Math (7th and 8th)
- Hughes- Cart A
- Ezell- Cart B
- Clough- Cart C
- Admin Mtg 9-10
- 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Intergration Team Mtg. 1-2 in Ms. Ward's Studio
- Kindergarten
- Caudle- Akers
- Johnson- Strimel
- Williams- Pond
- Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3
Wednesday, January 9
- MOY Reading 3D Continues
- EC Staff Workday with Dr. Ward (New EC Consultant)- No EC Pullouts or Co-Teaching
- iReady -6th Grade
- Math
- Connors Cart A
- Fiore- Cart B
- Motsinger- Cart C
Thursday, January 10
- MOY Reading 3D Continues
- i-Ready
- Math 5th and 4th grade
- Majka- Cart A
- Mclaughlin- Cart B
- Fleming- Cart C
- Bigler- Cart D
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- 2nd Grade 9-10
- Substitute Orientation 9-10 (if you know someone's who wants to sub, please have them contact Ms. Trojan to register)
- 4th Grade Planning 12-1
- Arts Integration Team Mtg. 1-2 in Ms. Ward's Studio
- 1st Grade
- Person- Falls
- Campagna- Samuelson
- Brown- Hill
- Department Chair Mtg 3:30-4:00 (Who wants to host us?)
Friday, January 11
- MOY Reading 3D Continues
- i-Ready 3rd and 2nd grade
- Math
- Weir- Cart A
- Denoble- Cart B
- Cane- Cart C
- Miller- Cart D
- Acosta- Cart E
- Marshall- Share between the 5 carts.
- Kindergarten Planning 8-9
- First Grade Planning 10-11
- Submit Give Me 5 Students by NOON on 1-11-19
Missions for January 2019
must be completed and documented by 2.3.18
Arts: Review Arts Integrated Lessons executed so far this year. In the one area where you have not done much integration, plan an arts integrated lesson and reach out to the Arts Staff Member in that area for guidance. After teaching the lesson, drop a quick lesson description and a picture of student work here.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Jeans Pass.
Academic: Complete a goal setting activity with your students (or any students you work with). To document this activity snap a picture of a student artifact or class goal sheet and drop here. Need ideas? Check these out...
- https://ideas.classdojo.com/f/becoming-a-goal-setter
- https://www.weareteachers.com/goal-setting-for-students/
- http://www.coloradoedinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/GS-6-8-model.pdf
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and an early leave (3:00 PM) or late arrival (8:00 AM) pass.
Culture: Send a positive behavior referral to Mrs. Hill's box for at least two students you serve or work with.
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a visit from the Hoot! Hoot! Wagon
Mission Completed: Earns a Mission Accomplished Stamp on your Mission File and a Coffee/Tea Delivery to your room/office.
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