Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Other Gap

As we enter into February and we look back at recent events in the news surrounding race, I really feel like the issue of the NC Teacher Diversity Gap is a topic I needed to discuss today.  The only way to improve social ills and issues is to TALK ABOUT IT (or blog about it).

The lack of diversity has an impact on students and although our school has more teachers of color than the state average, we have a gap in female teachers vs. male teachers.  Our male students need to see themselves in the teachers teaching them on a daily basis.  Please take a few minutes to view this story and then, if you feel inclined, send me an email about what you pledge to do to make a positive change in this issue.

It can be as simple as starting a Future Teacher Club for males at TCEA...
Or it could be identifying males and students of color you have in your class RIGHT NOW and telling them you see them as a teacher when they get older...

We, educators, know who we want working with us and working with our students. Who better to help change the course our state is currently on?

I encourage to embrace the entire role of educators.  We are supposed to be leaders outside of our classrooms as well.  As a wise School Board Member for Forsyth County told me..."Education always has been as always will be political. It's just we have politicians making all the rules...we need to have educators telling politicians what to do".

Thanks for all you do and thank you for bringing your entire diverse self to TCEA (unknowingly or knowingly).  I know our success can be traced back to the staff to the diverse group we are blessed to have. Have an amazing Sunday and see everyone tomorrow! -Angela

Week of Monday, January 28- Friday, February 1

Monday, January 28
  • Arts 4 Rotation Begins K-5th
  • Hill covers Person for Birthday
  • 4th Grade at Library at 9 AM and 1:15 PM
  • Ms. Hughes will be using cafe for lesson between 9:15-10:25
  • 5th Grade Planning 10-11
  • Planning for Middle Grades ELA/Humanities (Motsinger, Fiore, Connors) 2-3
  • Planning for Middle Grades Math (Ezell and Clough) 2-3
  • TCEA Board Meeting 5:15 PM in Ms. Scriven's Studio

Tuesday, January 29
  • Instructional PLC 8:30-9:30
  • Ms. Hughes will be using cafe for lesson between 9:15-10:25
  • Covington at HomeBase MeetUp 9:30-3:30
  • TED ED Club Interest Meeting with Mrs. Hill in Lobby at 11:30 for Middle School Students (Ms. Hill will come and collect students at 11:30 for meeting)
  • 3rd Grade Planning 12-1
  • Arts Integration Team Planning Meeting 1-2 in Ms. Ward's Studio
      • 5th Grade
        • Scriven-Samuelson
        • Bigler- R. Brown
  • Planning for Middle Grades Science (Ezell and Hughes) 2-3
Wednesday, January 30
  • PD PLC with Dr. Ward (EC Accommodations/ Modifications)
    • Kindergarten and 1st 8-9
    • 2nd Grade 9-10
    • 3rd, 4th and 5th 12-1
    • Arts PLC 1-2
    • Middle School 2-3
  • Pay Day$$$$$
Thursday, January 31
  • Hill covers Williams for Birthday
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • 2nd Grade Planning 9-10
  • 4th Grade Planning 12-1
  • Arts Integration Team Meeting in Ms. Ward's Studio
    • Middle Grades
      • Motsinger- Falls
      • Fiore- Hill
      • Conners- Thomas
      • Hughes- Lanham
      • Ezell- Covington

Friday, February 1
  • Kindergarten Planning 8-9
  • First Grade Planning 9-10
  • 3rd Grade ELA Unit 4: Figurative Language & Poetry Post Assessment
  • 6th Grade Integer & Rational Number Reasoning Post Assessment
  • MU Program in Payton's Room 2-3
  • Variety Show tryouts- Payton in theatre 3:30-5:00

🦎👏 Chameleon Claps🦎👏
From Ms. Majka:

My first shout out goes to Mrs. Hill and Mr. Thomas-thank you both for the constant encouragement you give. I appreciate your time and effort you put into helping me be the best that I can be for my students. Mr. Thomas, thank you for rearranging your schedule to fit your being able to sit in on my parent meeting. I truly appreciate it a lot.

My next shout out goes to Ms. Covington. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for helping me transfom into a teacher that has made model drawing a semi favorite for my students during fractions. All of the time you take to help me and answer my questions has truly affected my students in the best way possible. Thank you!

My 3rd shout out goes to the 3rd grade team: Mrs. Weir, Mrs. DeNoble, and Mrs. Miller, thank you all for being part of my village. I appreciate the smiles, the positive daily reminders, and the laughs.

My 4th shout out goes to the Kindergarten team: Ms. Caudle, Ms. Johnson, and Ms. Williams. Thank you all for the positive encouragement regarding my being a first time kindergarten parent. Thank you all for being a listening ear to my worry about my son and thank you for what you all do everyday. Ms. Caudle, thank you for everything you do every second of every day not only for my son but for your entire class. It never goes unnoticed or unappreciated in my eyes. You're a rockstar and I couldn't have asked for a better Kindergarten teacher for my son. 

My 5th shout out goes to Ms. Mac. We've taught together for 3 years and I am extremely fortunate that our paths crossed. You are the most phenomenal sister teammate in the world. Thank you for the encouragement, the constant support that I never have to doubt, EVER!

My 6th shout out goes to Mrs. Cane, Mrs. Ezell, Ms. Mac, Mrs Akers (and mom), Ms. Covington, Mrs. DeNoble, Mrs. Weir, Mrs. Miller, and Ms. Caudle, <------My village: I wouldn't quite be where I am or who I am without my village.

Huge shout, 7th, out to Mrs. Pond who is always there with a smile and listening ear. Thank you for your constant never ending support and encouragement.

Final huge shout out to Mrs. Lanham who without hesitation covered my class on Friday so that I could support my little guy in Friday's mural unveiling. Thank you so much!

From Ms. Hill

A big chameleon clap to Mr. Falls for doing a good job of executing the High School Fair and the Mural Dedication. Truly appreciate it.

Thanks to Mr. Haslem, Mr. Falls, and Mr. Kline for handling carpool duty with me out Wed and Thurs AM.

Thanks to the Admin Team for having my back when I must be out and helping me feel ok with not being able to do it all.

Thanks to Ms. Lanham (and our new wonderful Social Worker Intern) and the 7th Grade Team (Clough, Ezell, Motsinger, Fiore) for two successful 504 meetings for middle school students in need.

Thanks to Ms. Covington for supporting a fellow charter school with TLaC training.

Thanks to Mr. Kline for leadership with Builder's Club and organizing/consolidating the field trip to FSU.

Thanks to Will for being flexible and honest and supportive.

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