Monday, October 27, 2014

Thinking Differently...

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After the week I experienced last week, this quote brings me comfort.  As you all know, we are only given one life to experience and time is shorter today than it was yesterday.  Many times, it is much easier to just go through the motions and just survive.  But how sad would it be to keep pushing your dreams and "crazy" ideas aside just to do life?  I challenge each of you to become attached to a cause or something that is "bigger than you" and devote some time to this cause.  I promise that this exercise will cause some people to question your sanity and will invite people to try and talk you out of decisions that you know you need to make to truly "live". Are you willing to step out on faith and challenge the status quo?  Do you want to be the type of person that others will remember with a smile or story that shows the listener your character?  I know that World Changers do.

Have a great week and remember "...push the human race forward and while some may see them as crazy ones we see genius".

I know that was REALLY heavy so here's a laugh for you.

Week of October 27-31, 2014

Monday, October 27
  • Drug Free: Wear Red
  • PTO Meeting at 6 PM (need one staff member to attend)
Tuesday, October 28
  • Drug Free: Wear Hat
  • 5th Grade Planning Day
  • Hunt Out (No technology unless part of PLC/ Planning Time)
  • 3rd and 4th PLC
  • PD at 3:30 in Media Center
Wednesday, October 29
  • Drug Free: Favorite Jersey
  • Identi-Kid: 9:00 in Auditorium
  • Legislature Visit at 1:30 PM
  • LF Team Meeting at 11:15-12:00 (bring own drinks)
  • Read to Achieve Testing 8:30-11:45 (Licary, Hunt, Caro, Blue)
  • 5th Grade PLC
Thursday, October 30
  • Planning 4th Grade
  • Drug Free: Tacky Day
  • Halloween Dance After School (students can bring their Halloween Costumes to change into)
Friday, October 31
  • Drug Free: Crazy Hair
  • Student Leadership Mtg. 11:30-12:30

Sunday, October 19, 2014


This week's post is very simple...every moment we have on Earth is precious! Live...Love...Laugh.  I hope this helps ease you into your work week.  These laughs are in honor of a man who always had a smile on his face and loved our school so much that he gave back to our site by volunteering as a member of our Advisory Board...Mr. Wesley Pope.  Please keep Hayden and the rest of the Pope Family in your thoughts and prayers!

Have a great week!

Week of October 20-24, 2014
Monday, October 20th

  • Hill at AES for LF Walk Through at 8 AM
  • HCS LF Walk Through at EES at 10 AM
  • Advisory Board Mtg at GPS @ 6 PM
Tuesday, October 21st
  • Walk to School Events: Staff please try to be at field behind community building by 7:45 PM
  • 3rd Grade PLC 
  • Hill at Erwin Chamber Mtg at 12:00
  • 4th Grade PLC- Test Training for RTA
  • EES Visit by 3-5 Director Brookie Ferguson
  • Committee Meetings- If your committee is meeting please email me by 10 AM on Tuesday
Wednesday, October 22nd
  • Hill out at LAST Harnett Leadership Event
  • 5th Grade PLC
  • 3rd Grade Planning (Technology will be rescheduled)
Thursday, October 23rd
  • Dental Van Visit
  • Education Town Hall Mtg. at Erwin COG 5:30-7:00 (Comp Time Provided)
  • Office Staff Mtg (Time TBA)
Friday, October 24th
  • Hill Out (Field Trip with Zora)
  • Safety Patrol Installation at 1:30
  • Fundraiser Kickoff at 2:30

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pass Me A Glass of Lemonade, Please!

This week, after our first Principals Meeting, I participated in my first Superintendent's Council meeting.  This meeting is a time for principals to meet with Mr. Frye and discuss concerns from our areas and/or levels.  I am the representative for the Triton attendance area.   As I prepared for the meeting, I tried to remind myself to be professional and not too passionate (for I have learned over the years that some times my message is not heard if my emotions are too much...something to do with people viewing emotions as a weakness...).  Anyway after sharing the concerns administrators had across the county, Mr. Frye showed a clip that totally blew me away.  It opens with a man saying everything that has crossed my mind lately and then closes with another way to view those things. WOW! Needed that so much and I hope it has the same positive impact on you as well.  Have an amazing week and when life hands you lemons...make some lemonade.

Week of October 13-17, 2014


  • Morning Meeting in Gym 8:15-8:45
  • Office Staff Meeting at 9 AM (will need Ms. Hunt to cover office)
  • Media in Classroom (Ms. Blue, Ms. Hunt, and Mrs. Hill will be coming to rooms during that time)

  • Media in Classroom (Ms. Blue, Ms. Hunt, and Mrs. Hill will be coming to rooms during that time)
  • 3rd Grade PLC
  • 4th Grade PLC
  • Faculty Mtg at 3:30 in Auditorium 
  • SO Meeting Interest Meeting for Harnett County Schools at 4:30 (Conference Room)

  • Wednesday
    • 5th Grade PLC
    • Media in Classroom (Ms. Blue, Ms. Hunt, and Mrs. Hill will be coming to rooms during that time)
    • Early Release (revised schedule TBA)
    • PD with Mrs. Gay from 1-2 (classroom teachers)
    • Student Led Conferences/ Parent Conferences from 2-5
    • Read Aloud Announcement in Media Center at 5 PM
    • Parent University at CEMS at 6 PM
    • DPI Mtg. with District Coaching Team 8-11 am
    • Hill out at 11:00 AM

    Coming Next Week
    • Need one teacher to share something GOOD happening in your class with advisory board for 10 minutes (will be at GPS at 6 pm on 10/20)
    • Walk to School Event on 10/21
    • 4th Grade Orchestra Trip on 10/21
    • Hill Out on 10/22
    • Public School Mtg. at Erwin Church of God at 6 pm
    • Safety Patrol Ceremony at 1:30 PM on 10/24

    Sunday, October 5, 2014

    Our Customers NEED Our Product...What Do We Need To Do To Make Them WANT Our Product?

    Please view this video, especially if you are going to participate FULLY in our PLCs this week.

    Schools are starting to become OBSOLETE! If you don't believe a google search on home school numbers in NC or online school options.  
    What are you going to do to make EES more attractive than other options of obtaining an education?  What are you doing to encourage students to realize that they not only need our product but the WANT it?

    Let that marinate and I look forward to working alongside you next week!


    Week of October 6-10, 2014 (Fire Prevention Week)

    • Morning Meeting: Please bring students to gym right after tardy bell (please try and take lunch count before if possible) Teachers must stay with class in Gym.
    • Makeup Pictures in Auditorium (announcement will be made when ready)
    • 1:1 Meetings regarding Summary Goal Test Date (teachers see times emailed last week)
    • 3rd and 4th Grade PLCs
    • Felice, Grieder, Smith, Backus, and Hill teacher during Reading Intervention
    • SIT Mtg after school (open to everyone, mandatory for SIT members)
    • 1:1 Meetings regarding Summary Goal Test Date (teachers see times emailed last week)
    • 5th Grade PLC
    • Felice, Grieder, Smith, Backus, and Hill teacher during Reading Intervention
    • 1:1 Meetings regarding Summary Goal Test Date (teachers see times emailed last week)
    • Hill at Principal's Meeting and Superintendent's Principals Council Mtg
    • Hill out at PLC @SHES 8-11
    • Fire Truck Visit (Mrs. Tutor will send out schedule closer to date)
    • Teachers can use morning time (including Pam Allyn Block) to model Student Led Conferences and get stuff together for 10/16. You must email me before Friday AM if you are going to take advantage of this. If I get NO email I expect to see Pam Allyn :)

    More Things To Know

    • Our Fall Book Fair will begin on Monday, Oct. 13th.  
      Preview day for teachers will be on the 10th if all goes as
      planned at this time
    • Office Staff Meeting on 10/13 at 11 AM
    • Tentative Date of 11/7 for Give 5, Read 5 Fall into Books Festival