Sunday, January 29, 2017

Strengthening the Core: #4 Scaffolding


Academic achievement is maximized when teachers scaffold student support within an academically rigorous environment (Kennelly & Monrad, 2007)
Examples include: teaching background knowledge, addressing possible word recognition problems, and teaching vocabulary that will be critical for understanding the passage.

To prepare for our PLCs on Tuesday, please watch the following clip and make note of any scaffolding the teacher did to maximize student achievement in the classroom. Also, be prepared to discuss how you scaffold learning in your room on a daily basis.

Week of January 30-February 3, 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017
  • Pay Day
  • Committee Meetings in Cafe at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
  • Progress Monitor Students in Red (K-3)
  • PLCs (Focus PDP and Math Assessment Inventory/ Core Instruction Plan)
    • 8:30-9:30~ 5th, 6th, and 7th
    • 10-11 ~ Kindergarten
    • 12-1 ~ 1st and 2nd
    • 1-2 ~ 3rd and 4th
    • 2-2:45 ~ ~ Student Support Team
  • Drama/CSP/SEL IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
  • Progress Monitor Students in Red (K-3)
  • Data Conversations with Staff Meetings Begin (All mtgs. will be in the PLC Room) / Please check calendar invite sent by Mr. Thomas to ensure you are on time.
  • Weekly Admin Mtg at 9:00-10:15
  • Music/Visual Arts IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Thursday, February 2, 2017
  • Dance/Media Arts IS Presentation - Block 4 at 2 PM
Friday, February 3, 2017
  • Didge Revoltion Presentation in Music Room from 11-12 from Music Elective Students (Fall and Spring)
  • Bullying Presentation at 2:15 (please be seated and packed up ready to go home by 2:10) in lobby.

  • Learning Standards should be posted in rooms for ELA/Math
  • Please review No Opt Out from TLaC (; This is not be utilized in classrooms and can increase student achievement if used correctly
  • Lesson plans must be placed in the lesson plan folders BEFORE a lesson is taught
  • When beginning a new unit, please change the standard sheet listed outside of the office area

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Strengthening The Core: #3 Feedback

Feedback is a topic that I have read many article and books about.  I believe the reason I am drawn to this topic is because I thrive on feedback.  Since entering my first classroom, as a teacher way back in 2001, I have wanted to get feedback.  Feedback from my peers, my supervisors, parents of my students and I even wanted to hear from the scariest and hardest to please 21 kindergarten students.  Each year in May, I would do small group debriefs with my babies and ask them questions like "What was the best experience you had this year?" and "What did Ms. McCall (my former self) do that made you sad/mad this year?"  I always prepared for these session by giving myself feedback and I was also harder on myself than the others I sought feedback from.

Our students need feedback as well.  Feedback is vital to student growth and improvement.  But feedback must be (1) Descriptive and (2) Specific.  

Feedback Embedded Within a Lesson
When we think about effective feedback, we know that we must plan for effective feedback.  To design effective feedback, we think about who that we are providing the feedback.  A helpful starting point to design effective feedback is designing for individuals and the entire group/class.  
Design Individual Feedback:
Design Entire Group/Class Feedback:
Here's an example of effective feedback in a math classroom!

Thank you for the long hours, the stressful days and the countless hours you plan to provide a quality education to the students at TCEA!  Hope you are having a great weekend and I'll see you all Monday morning!


Week of Monday, January 23-27, 2017

Monday, January 23
  • Grades Due at 8:00 AM
  • SIT MTG in Cafe at 3:30 PM
  • TCEA Board Mtg in Music Room at 5:15 PM
  • i-Ready Assessments: Bowermaster (Math) & Griggs (Math)
Tuesday, January 24

  • i-Ready Assessments: Bowermaster (Reading) & Griggs (Reading)
  • Mrs. Hagler and Mrs. Magan Begin Mrs. Lamb's Room
  • PLCs (RtI Focus)
    • 8:30-9:30= 5th, 6th and 7th
    • 10-11= K
    • 12-1= 1st and 2nd
    • 1-2= 3rd and 4th
    • 2-2:45= Support Services
  • Hill at District MTSS Mtg in Fayetteville 9 AM-4 PM
Wednesday, January 25
  • i-Ready Assessments: DeNoble (Math) & Lee (Math)
  • 5th, 6th and 7th Grades Field Trip to NC Art Museum
  • MTSS Team Mtg (Department Chairs) at 3:30 in PLC Room
Thursday, January 26
  • i-Ready Assessments: DeNoble (Reading) &Lee (Reading)
  • Midterm Progress Reports
Friday, January 27
  • Teacher Workday
    • K-2 and RtI: Ebli Training in Grunden's Room (Bring a white board)
    • 3rd-7th, Arts, Support Staff: Please see my email for your sessions and presenters, please send me your presentation before presenting.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Strengthening The Core: #2 Instruction

As I shared last week, for positive change to occur you must be consistent.  In your PLCs, last week each of you shared your resolve for the remainder of the school year.  Remember the 5 Steps To Being Consistent shared last week:

  1. Keep Your Eyes On Your Why
  2. Pick Your Battle
  3. Schedule It
  4.  Ignore Your Feelings
  5.  Catch That Wagon

Now on to the second part of strengthening the core...instruction.  

“The quality of teachers is the single most important factor in the educational system.”

This statement does not mean that teachers are the only quality people in a building nor should they be.  This statement does point to your importance and the huge impact you make on a daily basis.  The core instruction in a school will only be as robust as the experts providing the instruction.

The following information was complied by Ms. Grunden, Mrs. Pond and Mrs. Russ after attending a MTSS Workshop focused on Strengthening the Core.Thank you ladies for your work with this!


Explicit instruction

¡A systematic instructional approach that includes a set of delivery and design procedures derived from effective schools research…
¡Unambiguous and direct approach to teaching that incorporates instruction design and delivery.

žExplicit vs. Discovery
¡Context of the teaching situation determines which is appropriate
¡Explicit- students have little or no background knowledge
¡Discovery- students have a good deal of knowledge

žProvides systematic instruction on critical content
1) Lessons are organized and focused
2) Begin with a statement of goals (learning intentions)
3) Provide interactive review with retrieval practice
4) Provide step-by-step demonstrations (I do)
5) Provide guided and supported practice (We do, You do)
6) Use clear and concise language

Instruction delivery

Elicit frequent students responses
  Verbal- Written- Action

Positive learning environment
Increases accountability
Promotes desired behaviors
Contributes to an ideal pacing
Allows for monitoring of understanding
Provide feedback to students

Retrieve * Respond * Retain

Please look over these ideas and use them to reflect on your current instructional practices.  We will be discussing in coming weeks in PLCs and Teacher Workdays.

Week of 1/16/17-1/20/17

Monday, January 16, 2017
No School- MLK Day
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
 PLCs (SST Focus)
  •      5th, 6th, 7th: 8:30-9:30
  •      K: 10-11
  •      1st & 2nd: 12-1
  •      3rd & 4th: 1-2
  •      Support Staff: 2-2:45
* i-Ready Assessment: Majka (Reading) and make ups for students who missed the original testing date
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
*Hill Out Until 9AM 
* Admin Mtg 9-10:15
* i-Ready Assessments: Muhammad (Reading) and Jones ( Reading)
* Beginning Teacher Mtg at 3:30 Location TBD (Who wants to host us?)

Thursday, January 19, 2017
* Hill at Leaders Building Leaders Consortium in Raleigh
*i-Ready Assessments: Grunden (Math) and Lamb (Math)
*6-7:30 Middle School Elective Showcase

Friday, January 20, 2017
* i-Ready Assessments: Grunden(Reading) and Lamb (Reading)
*Deadline for selecting workshops for 1/27 (PD Survey will be emailed Tuesday)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Strengthening The Core- #1: Consistency

  The level of content, skill and knowledge of teachers, and level of student engagement define a school’s instructional core.  Having an effective instructional core means that 80% of our students should be able to access and display their learning on grade level.  For the rest of the school year,our focus will be on our core instruction and how we are meeting the needs of most, if not all, of our students.  Each week, we will look at a different principal involved in core instruction and what it looks like in your classroom and/or craft.  This week I want us to focus on consistency.  This video includes 5 steps in staying consistent.  I struggle with consistency and I know that some of you do as well.  To ensure that our core is strong we must be consistent in how we deliver instruction and what assignments we give students to determine their success with standards taught. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to bring all questions to PLCs on Tuesday.  I hope you enjoy her video (I shared one in November about gratitude) and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.


Week of January 9-13, 2016

Monday, January 9th
  • i-Ready Assessment Math: Majka and any students who missed testing from 1/4-1/6
  • Faculty Summit at 3:30 in Cafe (please come with resolve idea ready to share)
Tuesday, January 10th
  • i-Ready Assessment Math: Muhammad and Jones
  • PLCs (Please bring you data notebooks and be ready to share three goals and data)
    • 5th, 6th, 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/2nd: 12-1
    • 3rd/4th: 1-2
    • Student Support: 2-2:45
  • 2nd Grade Mass Vision Screening at 1:00 PM
Wednesday, January 11th
  • Safety Patrol Training at 2:30 in Office (please send class representative to office)
  • 2016-2017 Cross Program Desk Review of Title I Program
  • i-Ready Reading Assessment: Cain and Falls
Thursday, January 12th
  • 2016-2017 Cross Program Desk Review of Title I Program
  • i-Ready Reading Assessment: Fogg and Samuelson

Friday, January 13th
  • Payday
  • Hot Coco Party for Winter Reading Challenge participants
  • Hill at ILCC Meeting 8-1
  • i-Ready Reading Assessment:Woods and McLaughlin

    Tuesday, January 3, 2017

    Resolve Is Needed

    Many people focus on resolutions at the beginning of a new year and this year I TRULY did not make a resolution.  I have wishes for my family, myself and those in my "bubble" but I have resolved not to make a resolution this year.  This past Sunday, I heard all about the difference in resolve and a resolution and this year I have decided to focus on the word: RESOLVE.  First, I think we all need to agree on the differences between the two words.

    1. 1.

      a firm decision to do or not to do something.

      "she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more"
    2. 2.

      the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

      "the peaceful resolution of all disputes"
      synonyms:solution to, answer to, end to, ending to, settlement of, conclusion to
      "a satisfactory resolution of the problem"

    1. verb
      1. 1.

        settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).
        "the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days"

        synonyms:settle, sort out, solve, find a solution to, fix, straighten out, deal with, put right, put to rights, rectifyMore
      2. 2.

        decide firmly on a course of action.
        "she resolved to call Dana as soon as she got home"

        synonyms:determinedecide, make up one's mind, make a decision
        "Bob resolved not to wait any longer"

    2. So resolution is the noun and resolve is the work.  Resolve is the "hard work" part of a Resolution.  The example given this weekend was dream of your resolution but resolve during the day.  Our school resolution is to increase proficiency in reading and math for our students at TCEA and for all of our students to show growth but what do we resolve to do to get to that goal? 

    On Monday, January 9th at our Faculty Summit we will be completing a project revolving around resolve and school wide resolution.  Please have what you resolve to do to help our students in 2017 ready to share out.  I look forward to hearing your course of action for success.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!


    Week of January 4-6, 2017

    Wednesday, January 4
    • Child Nutrition Visit- PLEASE BE ON TIME TO LUNCH!!!! All lunches :)
    • SIT Planning with SIT Chair and Process Manager (Kline, Majka, Thomas and Hill)
    • i-Ready Testing: Falls (Math) and Cain (Math)
    • Reading 3D
    Thursday, January 5
    • i-Ready Testing: Fogg (Math) and Samuelson (Math)
    • IS Lesson Plans Due
    • Reading 3D
    Friday, January 6
    • i-Ready Testing: Woods (Math) and Mclaughlin (Math)
    • Reading 3D