Sunday, December 18, 2016

Judge Softly, Part II

This is a poem that I wanted to share last week but thought now would be a perfect time to share.  The title of the poem is Judge Softly and the author's name is Mary T. Lathrap.  

Pray, don't find fault with the man that limps, 
Or stumbles along the road.
Unless you have worn the moccasins he wears, 
Or stumbled beneath the same load.

There may be tears in his soles that hurt
Though hidden away from view.
The burden he bears placed on your back
May cause you to stumble and fall, too.

Don't sneer at the man who is down today
Unless you have felt the same blow 
That caused his fall or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, unknown to you in the same way,
May cause you to stagger and fall, too.

Don't be too harsh with the man that sins.
Or pelt him with words, or stone, or disdain.
Unless you are sure you have no sins of your own, 
And it's only wisdom and love that your heart contains.

For you know if the tempter's voice
Should whisper as soft to you,
As it did to him when he went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Just walk a mile in his moccasins
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse.
If just for one hour, you could find a way
To see through his eyes, instead of your own muse.

I believe  you'd be surprised to see
That you've been blind and narrow minded, even unkind.
There are people on reservations and in the ghettos
Who have so little hope, and too much worry on their minds.

Brother, there but for the grace of God go you and I.
Just for a moment, slip into his mind and traditions
And see the world through his spirit and eyes
Before you cast a stone or falsely judge his conditions.

Remember to walk a mile in his moccasins
And remember the lessons of humanity taught to you by your elders.
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave
In other people's lives, our kindnesses and generosity.

Take the time to walk a mile in his moccasins.

This poem was written in 1895 but stills speaks to me (and hopefully you) in 2016.  I know that last Wednesday was a bit chaotic and caused some of us to truly feel inept but I hope that you learned more about at least one of your co-worker's load and maybe even a bit more about a student or two we serve. 

To truly wrap up our experience, please post here.  I look forward to seeing your creative post.  This is the last post for 2016 so THANK YOU for a memorable 2016 and I look forward to an amazing 2017!

December 19-20, 2016

Monday, December 19
  • TOY NCDPI Visit for Falls (those participating have been emailed so please be on time to PLC room at assigned time)
  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • Awards Day at 1PM (K-3rd Grades)
  • IS Planning - Block 4 at 3:30 in Cafe
  • TCEA Board Mtg at 5:15 PM in Music Room
Tuesday, December 20
  • 2nd and 3rd Grade Field Trip to Raleigh
  • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
  • Awards Day at 1 PM (4th-7th Grades)
  • Chrismahanukwanzakah TCEA Staff Party 5-8 PM / Secret Santa Revealed

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Judge Softly

Empathy: noun

  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

I know some of you are stressed and worried about Switch Day so I thought I would share a few more reasons why I feel that Switch Day is needed at TCEA.  To work as a team, you truly must know all the members of your team.  The job that we do is a difficult one.  Many times we can focus too intensively on our own role and what we have to get done.  This way of thinking causes us to forget that we are not the only ones working towards the common goal.  This secluded thinking causes stress in teams and can cause the EGO to get in the way of what we ALL have been called to do.   What I am calling you to do Wednesday is truly suspend your ego and live in another's world for a little bit.  This experience hopefully will allow you to exhibit empathy when working with our students and their families.  It will also help us work more closely to create a learning environment that has heart and does not just go through the motions of educating students.  

I attended a graduation ceremony this weekend and the commencement speaker shared the following thought: 

Fear and growth go together like macaroni and cheese. It is a package deal.

I am asking you to grow with me and walk in uncertainty on Wednesday.  If this day bombs, I will own it and claim it but I need each of you to do your part so that if it fails, it's because of leadership and not because of poor planning for your colleagues .  Please view this event as an important step of us coming a better functioning team.  A team that supports one another and understands each other's daily journey a bit better than before.

Please feel free to share the highlights of this blog with parents/ students, if you wish.  I will be contacting families and sharing with kids so you do not have to.

Looking forward to awesome week. Stay Warm!

Week of December 12-16, 2016

Monday, December 12
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • SIT Mtg in Cafe at 3:30 PM
Tuesday, December 13
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • Student Support PLCs
    • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
    • Arts: 9:30-10:00
    • K: 10-11
    • 1st/2nd: 12-1
    • 2nd/3rd: 1-2
Wednesday, December 14 (SWITCH DAY)
  • B&N Online Book Fair Continues at using our Bookfair ID: 11870425 at checkout 
  • Hill, Caine and Brownlee at Job Fair at Kestrel Heights School (Leave at 1:30 PM)
  • School Leaders Mtg at 3:30 in the PLC Room
Thursday, December 15
  • FEO Mtg in cafe at 3:30 PM
  • Art Studio Exhibit - Cafe at 4:00 PM
Friday, December 16
  • Caps for Kids
  • The tree with attached resolutions are due to Mrs. Brownlee by Dec 16th. Please see email from Ms. Brownlee for more information.  You may also contact:
    • K-2 - Contact Mrs. Bowermaster 
    • 3-4 - Contact Mrs. Jones
    • 5-7 - Contact Mr. Falls
  • FEO Polar Express at 6PM (Might possibly be postponed- will keep you updated)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

December is a Month of Kindess

I am being kind so just watch this video, sometime before the end of the week, and go out and be KIND to all Mankind.

Week of December 5-9, 2015
Monday, December 5

  • Grades due at 8:00 AM
  • Complete the B&N Volunteer Fundraiser Form to Earn Jeans Passes
  • 12 days of Christmas Begins For Staff
  • Turn in Barnes and Noble Pizza Orders to Front Desk by NOON
  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (Woods's Class) at 1 PM
  • Staff Holiday Picture on Steps at 3:30 (Please do not forget to wear red/green/black and can wear jeans if you participate in color plan)
  • Turn in Copy of Schedule Conferences to my box before you leave
  • Staff Mtg 3:30-4:30 in Cafe
Tuesday, December 6
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • 3rd Grade - Visual Art IS Field Trip - Arts Council at 10 AM
  • Barnes and Noble Cheesecake Orders and MONEY due to Front Desk by NOON
  • PLCs (TWC and Artful Thinking Plan-emailed to Brownlee by 12/7)
    • 5th, 6th and 7th Grades: 8:30-9:30
    • Arts: 9:30-10:00
    • Kindergarten: 10:00-11:00
    • 1st/2nd: 12:00-1:00
    • 3rd/4th: 1:00-2:00
    • Support Staff: 2-2:45

  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (Majka's Class) at 1 PM
  • Hill Out At MTG AT NCDPI
  • Raising Chameleons of Character: Kindness in Cafe from 3:30-4:30 

Wednesday, December 7
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • Artful Thinking General Plan to Mrs. Brownlee Due
  • Visual Art Elective Field Trip - Arts Council at 8:30-9:30
  • 2nd Grade Visual Arts Field Trip to Art Council at 10-11
  • Visual Arts 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council (McLaughlin's Class) at 1 PM
  • Encore Ensemble Practice at 3:30-4:30
  • Hill at School Improvement Conference
Thursday, December 8- Early Release at 11:45 (No Lunch)
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • See adjusted schedule
  • Winter Spectacular: Music, Orchestra, Encore Ensemble, Middle Media Arts & Visual Arts Elective from 6-7PM
  • Hill at School Improvement Conference
Friday, December 9- Early Release at 11:45 (No Lunch)
  • 12 days of Christmas Continues For Staff
  • See adjusted schedule
  • Barnes and Noble Fundraiser Begins At 4 PM
  • GIVE ME FIVE (please use online google sheet to nominate student)

    Sunday, November 27, 2016

    Artful Thinking

    As I have been thinking about TCEA and where to go from here, I have been coming back to the premise of TCEA.  Premise (verb) is defined as base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.  So, should TCEA exist as a learning option for students in our region?  I started listing what we hear our stakeholders say: performing arts, global scholars, a "better" option that their home school, integrate core curriculum with the arts, etc.  

    I also looked back at the information from our charter and one term came to my attention: Harvard Project Zero and the theory of artful thinking.  This is one of the theories that our school is based on and I feel an important tenet to all we should be incorporating at TCEA.

    I have been exploring this site and can definitely see the need for artful thinking throughout the courses we teach on a daily basis.

    I have listed a series of learning activities to take place this week revolving around this concept.  Work at your own pace but please have the activities completed by due date.  If you have any questions, please see me.

    Your Do Now (due by 11/28):
    Watch the following video:

    Your Do This Week (due by 5:00 PM 12/2):
    Watch the following video and complete the I Used To Think Activity found here.

    More directions on how to complete activity:

    Your Do Before Next Post (due by noon 12/4):
    Explore this site to learn more about Artful Thinking-

    Hope you have had a restful break and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at 7:30 AM.

    Week of November 28-December 2, 2016
    Monday, November 28
    • 2nd Trimester Begins
    • Dress Down Day For Staff and Students For Reaching Food Drive Goal
    • Field Trip for 4th Grade Students & Elective Students
    • Committee Mtgs at 3:30 in Cafe
    Tuesday, November 29
    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • PLCs (Mr. Thomas and/or Chairs Will Facilitate PLCs)
      • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2 (SST Focus)
      • Support Staff: 2-2:45
    • Hill and Trojan at Mtg in Raleigh 8:30-1:30

    Wednesday, November 30
    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • Native American Presentation by Ms. Morrison at 2:10 in Lobby (K-7); Please have students packed up and ready to go home at conclusion of program
    • MTSS Mtg at 3:30 in PLC Room with all staff participating in MTSS Online Class
    • FEO Buffalo Wild Wing Fundraiser (FEO Volunteer has shared she will pick up lunch orders if you order and pay so please order online by 11:30; more details to follow)
    • Pay Day
    Thursday, December 1
    • Rosa Parks Day:
    Friday, December 2
    • Fall Make Up Portraits (all staff and any students out on 11/3
    • Hill leaves at 10:45 (can be reached by phone or email if you need me)
    • I Used To Think Activity Due
    • Give Me Five Names Due By Noon

    Sunday, November 20, 2016

    When it comes to gratitude, the dividend is in the details!

    I am so thankful for each of you! So thankful, all you have is this video this week. Be THANKFUL! 😀

    Who's up to gratitude journal with me?? Seriously, who is going to journal with me and keep me accountable?

    Week of November 21-25, 2016
    Monday, November 21
    • Progress Monitor Red Students
    • Hill at NC Regional Principal Mtg in Fayetteville 8:30-3:15 (will be at school during lunch break 12:30-1:15 if you need to see me; please email if you need anything else)
    • SIT Meeting at 3:30 PM in the Cafe'
    • TCEA Board Meeting in Music Room at 5:15 PM

    Tuesday, November 22
    • End of 1st Trimester
    • Last day of Food Drive
    • Progress Monitor Red Students
    • Bubble Party for staff in studio across from Dance Studio from 11 AM-1 PM
    • PLCs (RtI)
      • 5th, 6th and 7th: 8:30-9:30
      • Arts: 9:30-10:00
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th (SST Focus): 1-2
      • Support Staff PLC: 2-2:45
    Wednesday, November 23- Friday, November 25
    No School (for staff and students)

    Sunday, November 13, 2016

    To This Day

    Please make sure you view this video before you come to our Faculty Summit on Monday at 3:30.  Our activity will revolve around this video.  Please also know that there is some RUDE language so please try to hear the heart in it and not just stop listening.  It is definitely something we all need to hear!!!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend and i look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!


    Week of November 14-18, 2016*

    ***Bullying Prevention Week Observed at TCEA (see Dr. Caine's Email for details)

    Monday, November 14
    • Hill and Kline at The Working Condition Survey Training at UNC-P 7:30-1:00
    • Reading 3D Training for K-3 teachers (11:30-3:30) Location TBD (please see email regarding details abour subs)
    • Staff Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe
    Tuesday, November 15
    • Progress Monitor Green Students
      • 5th, 6th, and 7th at 8:30-9:30
      • Arts PLC at 9:30-10:00
      • K PLC at 10-11
      • 1st/ 2nd PLC at 12-1
      • 3rd/4th PLC at 1-2
      • Support Staff PLC at 2-2:45
    • 5th Grade Library Visits 9:30-10:30 and 10:45-11:45
    • Raising Chameleons of Character Session (Time TBD)
    Wednesday, November 16
    • Progress Monitor Green Students
    • Hill at MTSS Mtg in Fayetteville 8:30-1:00
    • SIT Mtg Mini Mtg 2-3 PM
    •  BT Mtg 3:30-4:30 (food will be served but please bring your own drink)
    Thursday, November 17
    • i-Ready Training (7th, 6th, 5th, 2nd and 3rd) 8:00-11:00 in PLC Room from 8-11
    • i-Ready Training (K, 1st, 4th) in PLC Room from 12-3
    • FEO Mtg in Cafe from 3:30-4:30
    • Dr. Caine's Book Club (invitation only) 3:30-4:30
    • If you would like to send anything home in Friday Folder (other than homeroom teacher's newsletter, please have to me to approve by 3:30 PM)
    Friday, November 18
    • 4th Grade and K Library Visit from 9-10
    • 1st Grade Library Visit from 1:30-2:30
    • The Peanuts Movie from 3-5 (fundraiser must pay to attend)
    • Newsletter from Office will go home in Friday Folder (check box after 11:30 for what to send home)
    • Items for Adopt A Hero must be to Mrs. Trojan by 3:30
    • Sign off on Affirmation that Bullying Lesson has been taught before leaving for the day

    Sunday, November 6, 2016

    Speed Bump Vs. Roadblock

    Get ready! I am excited and my school transformation geek button has been pushed and I am going IN on this post! Get ready...Get ready...GET READY!!!

    Friday, November 4 I attended the NCStar Training.  This software will be used to create our School Improvement Plan and communicate our progress with parents, the community and NCDPI.  If you want to learn more please click here.

    This is one of the good things happening in our state that actually makes sense and ties everything (MTSS, SIP, Low Performing School Plans, etc) into one system.  I will also let you know that although we have to participate in this program because of our Low performing school status, all of Cumberland County School will be using it because it makes sense.

    Anyway, during our training a slide was shared that I thought EVERYONE of us needs to see.  The information shared the Roadblocks to School Improvement.

    Roadblocks to School Improvement
      A Desire to Please
      Personal Comfort
      Fear of the Unknown
      Passive Culture – No Sense of Urgency
     Waiting for the Right Moment
      School is Too Close to Home 

    These roadblocks came from a book by Jennifer Abrams’  entitled Having Hard Conversations

    And Guess What?? All of these roadblocks are because of the adults in our buildings.  The what? THE ADULTS!!!!

    Desire to Please:
    We don't make the right decisions for kids and their growth because we want please their parents/ school board/etc.

    Personal Comfort:
    We don't do the activities or plan effectively because we aren't comfortable of doing something different or exchanging our FB Time for planning.

    Fear of the Unknown:
    We do not want to try something new because we are afraid that it won't work or that we will not have control or our students will struggle...

    Passive Culture- No Sense of Urgency
    Excuses...Excuses...Excuses... I will just show a movie because the kids deserve it and I will get to that lesson when I get a chance.  I can begin the interactive notebooks after Thanksgiving.  I can show up late, leave early, take off a day because I can make it up later.   All kids at TCEA MUST show a year's growth OR our work has been in vain.  End of story.

    Waiting For The Right Moment
     There is never a right moment.  This hits me hard.  I usually like to wait and have difficult conversations when the time is right but there is not time to wait for that moment.  I have to have these conversation ASAP.  If not, how can I expect positive change at TCEA to happen.

    School Is Too Close To Home
     This one is not applicable to most of us BUT I believe because we are friends with some parents we avoid doing and saying things that need to be done/said because we are afraid of what will be said/done when we see these people out in the community.

    Ouch! I hope you could see one of these roadblocks at TCEA because they are here!  I admit that I am guilty of a few.  The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  

    So, where do we go from here?  We move forward with the understanding that these roadblocks need to be destroyed and although we will struggle these roadblocks can not be the norm at TCEA.  They might still exists in pockets, at our school, but we will have to drive over these speed bumps and continue to progress.  Our kids deserve no less.  We work too hard to deserve less than this.

    Which of these roadblocks do you see (or are a part of) and what are you going to do to move forward for our students' success?

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and see everyone back at school tomorrow!

    Week of November 7-11, 2016

    Monday, November 7
    • Author Visit 10:30 and 11:30 in Music Room (classes going will have an email from Hill confirming everything)
    • IS Planning in Cafe at 3:30
    Tuesday, November 8
    • PLCs
      • 5th, 6th, 7th: 8:30-9:30
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2
      • EC/ Support Staff: 2-2:45
    • Drama/CSP/SEL IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2:00 PM
    Wednesday, November 9
    • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
    • Music/Visual Arts IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2:00 PM
    Thursday, November 10

    • Progress Monitor Red TRC/DIBELS Students
    • ILC Mtg in Hamlet (Hill out 7:30-2:00)
    • 3rd Grade Field Trip To Fascinate You 9:30-11
    • Dance/Media Arts IS Presentation - Block 2 at 2 PM
    • Integration Studio & Curriculum Night K-2nd 6-7 PM (All K-2 Staff Must Attend) *
    • Integration Studio Night 3rd-7th 7:15-8:15 (All 3rd-7th Staff Must Attend) *
    *All staff members need to attend a session.  If you are not a grade level teacher or Arts Staff, please email me and let me know which session you plan on attending.

    Friday, November 11
    • No School! Veteran's Day
    • IS Lesson Plan Due

    Sunday, October 30, 2016

    Am I My Coworker's Keeper?

    What is one reason why you do not collaborate as much as you want to? Please comment on this blog or email me your response by Monday Night at 8 PM.

    Monday, October 31

    • Goody Day in AAC (Please see Mrs. Grigg's Email For Details)
    • Committee Mtg in Cafe at 3:30
    Tuesday, November 1
    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • PLCs (RtI)
      • 5th, 6th, 7th: 8:30-9:30
      • Arts: 9:30-10:00
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/2nd: 12-1
      • 2nd/3rd: 1-2
      • Support Team: 2-3
    Wednesday, November 2

    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • LuLaRoe Sell in AAC 10-12:30
    Thursday, November 3
    • Fall Portraits 8-11 in Rooms 117 and 118
    Friday, November 4
    • Hill out at State Mtg
    • CCC Field Trip to Rock Climbing 8:30-12:30 (please see Dr. Caine if you have questions)
    • CCC Field Trip Hike/ Lunch 1-3 (please see Dr. Caine if you have questions)

    Sunday, October 23, 2016

    Three Simple Questions

    I recently read an amazing article in Educational Leadership entitled Starting Strong.  I am going to put a copy in all staff's boxes this week and please believe me it is a must read.  I hope that this post will sell you on the value of reading this article and incorporating it into what you do each day after you read it.

    Ben Curran, the author of this article, shares how careful and throughout planning can lead to academic achievement for our students. He also points out that when planning your lessons, educators must make many instructional decisions that at times seem limitless.  But it can become a simpler task when you think of a lesson in three parts- beginning, middle, end- and each has its own features and decisions that need to be made.  The author believes the paying attention to the first 10-15 minutes of the lesson pays high dividends and that is the focus of the article.

    What and Why (5 -8 minutes)

    During this portion of the lesson, teachers need to focus on clarifying the "what" and "the why" of the work.  "What" refers to the curriculum and content you are teaching that day.  Effective lessons begin with unpacking the objective for students.  The "why" refers to the purpose of the lesson.  Why is this lesson relevant and important?

    Direct or Indirect (7-10 minutes)

    Once you know how you will ground students in their learning objectives and purpose, you know work on the "how".  What are you wanting to accomplish?  Do you want to show them how to do the work or set up a way they can figure out how to do it on their own?  Direct Instruction  involves you modeling thinking and demonstrating.  This is used when teaching students a discrete skill.  Indirect Instruction involves structured tasks followed up by discussion and reflection.  Many educators believe this does not need to be planned out but it does need to be.  "A high quality task-one that ensures students will learn what you want them to-should be aligned to the standards, intellectually engaging, and accessible to all."

    This can all seem overwhelming but Curran believes you should just focus on these three questions when planning upcoming lessons:

    1) How can I ground students in the lesson's context and purpose?

    2) Is a direct or indirect approach best?

    3) What few statements or questions do I need to script in advance so that the first 10-15 minutes of this lesson is productive?

    I know as you read the above summary of the article you began to wonder how will this look in my lesson planning.  I want you to read over this article (will be in your box Monday) and reflect on it during your planning for next week.  Each educator in the building will need to answer these three questions when planning and be ready to discuss your reflections with administration.  More information will follow but I care more about your reflection than just turning something in that shows on paper you know how to answer questions.  If you need guidance or help, feel free to reach out to me and your peers.

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!


    Week of October 24-29, 2016
    Monday, October 24
    • “We mustache you not to do drugs”- mustache day (students wear uniforms)
    • Red Ribbon Bulletin Boards Go Up (If you as a staff member have a board planned you may wear jeans all week- must look neat. Please do not wear jeans until Friday if you are not putting a board up)
    • SIT Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe
    Tuesday, October 25
    • “Use your head, don’t do drugs”- Crazy Hair or Hat Day (still in uniform)
    • Mclass: progress monitor red students
    • PLCs (SST)- bring your notebooks
      • 5th/6th/7th: 8:30-9:30
      • Arts: 9:30-10
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2
      • Support/ EC: 2-2:45
    • 6th/7th/Brownlee - ASOM Field Trip at 10
    • Continue working on Red Ribbon Week Board
    • **DOJO MESSAGE: “Parents, please make sure your student is wearing school-appropriate pajamas tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week PJ Day, Thank you”**
    Wednesday, October 26
    • "Don’t be caught sleeping, say NO to drugs"
    • Mclass: Progress monitor red students
    • School Leaders Mtg: 3:30 Location TBD
    • Continue working on Red Ribbon Week Board
    Thursday, October 27
    • “Friends don’t let friends do drugs"- Twin/ triplet day
    • Continue working on Red Ribbon Week Board
    Friday, October 28
    • "Better things to do than drugs"
    • Bulletin Board Judging in PM

    • All staff is encouraged to participate in Red Ribbon Week and please make sure you review Dr. Caine's Red Ribbon letter for daily details.
    • You may wear jeans all week if you participate in the bulletin board contest...just try to bet admin's board!!!!
    • It is your responsibility to read the blog and if you have questions ask and not assume.
    • FEO Envelop Drive deadline has been extended until 11/4
    • Thank you to everyone who made the Storybook Dance happen. I believe the kids had a ball and some of you did as well.
    • Please make sure you update goals near office if needed.
    • BEGINNING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 PLEASE POST YOUR LEARNING OBJECTIVES (kid friendly) DAILY. If you need suggestions please look here:

    Sunday, October 16, 2016

    Adjusting Our Sails

    Welcome back!  I am excited to get to work and I hope you are too.  We have missed 6 instructional days so far...that is 48 hours of instruction.  48 hours equals 2,880 minutes of learning that we will have to work to recover.  I reviewed the state laws on waivers of days missed and current legislation says that you may only have a waiver if there is a history of multiple missed days and those districts that are eligible are those in the western part of the state.  So, we are working on a few options (adding minutes to days, turning workdays into school days, combination of both, etc.) and will definitely give you guys a chance to provide feedback and share your thoughts on ways to recover this valuable time.  We hope to have a solid plan soon.

    I also wanted to thank everyone for their hard work on Friday, October 7th. While our Arts Teachers planned for their upcoming intervention groups (which begin Monday), our Homeroom Teachers learned more about i-Ready.  We, those at the PD, also learned that we would need to use this tool to Progress Monitor our students as well as assess their knowledge on grade level curriculum through "unit assessments".  This was new information for the team who helped select this program and I thank you again for being flexible and still continuing to "attend" to what we were learning.  Since the Internet is not working at school currently and we are unsure when it will be up, please be flexible and wait for guidance from Mr. Thomas on when these assessments will begin.  I could feel the excitement of the group about the ease of this program so I know that once we have a plan up and running and our technology is up we will all be appreciate of this change.  Our next PD focused on i-Ready and how to use diagnostic information is currently planned for our November Workday but this might have to change due to current Internet issues and the number of days we have missed.

    As you can gather, we are all adjusting our sails at this time.  I know that some of our TCEA families are still suffering and have large needs that loom over them right now.  We have a plan in place to help connect them to help and Dr. Caine will be leading this effort.  If someone reaches out to you with a need, please email her with family's information.  You might wonder, at times, what can you do to help out those families at this time.  You can of course donate your time, money and supplies to organizations collecting items at this time.  I also want to remind you that you can do what you do best at this moment as well.  You can provide our students "normalcy".  Children love consistency and I can guarantee that for most kids this past week held little of this.  Let's give our students as awesome week and although the Internet is not working and things might not go as smoothly as they could do not let this deter you from creating learning opportunities for your students that engage them.

    One of the best stories I heard this week was the story of how...
    2 Strangers And A Drone Help Rescue Veteran Trapped By N.C. Flooding

    See the link below for more information.

    If you visit Quavas Hart's Twitter Page you can see that he thanks Full Sail, a school in Florida, for training that helped him create this rescue opportunity.  I am sure that there are staff members at Full Sail feeling very happy for teaching Quavas what he knows.  Just think...we could be educating students that lead up future rescue missions and will be able to save someone based on something we teach them this year.  See how valuable a minute wasted can be?

    Hope everyone has had a awesome weekend and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


    Week of October 17-21, 2016
    *No recess outside until told otherwise

    Monday, October 17
    • Interventions Begin (or continue in some grades)
    • Book Fair Setup
    • IS Mtg in Cafe at 3:30
    • Board Mtg in Music Room at 5:15
    Tuesday, October 18
    • Book fair
    • 5th-7th PLC at 8:30
    • Arts PLC at 9:30-10:00
    • K PLC  at 10
    • 1st/2nd PLC at 12
    • 3rd/4th PLC at 1
    • EC/ Support Staff at 2
    • Raising Chameleons of Character at 7 PM
    Wednesday, October 19
    • Book fair
    • IS Plans Due
    • Beginning Teacher Meeting at 3:30 (Anyone volunteer to host us?)
    Thursday, October 20
    • Book fair
    • Read to Achieve Retest
    • FEO Mtg at 3:30 (would like at least 3 staff members to attend)
    Friday, October 21
    • Book fair
    • Read to Achieve Makeup Test
    • FEO Story Book Dance TBD (Waiting to hear confirmation on DJ)

    Sunday, October 2, 2016

    I Apologize In Advance...

    I want to apologize, in advance, for this blog posting.  It is very lean this week.  I just returned from Boone and it has been a series of unfortunate events...

    • Various emergency lights lit up on by dashboard including one that involved the engine and I was advised by the local Toyota dealership that I could drive home BUT if the light began to blink I was to pull over and get everyone out of the car immediately.
    • Came down with something that is making me feel horrible.  No fever so I will be in tomorrow but I am definitely not my self.
    • I still have to get car looked at so hopefully the lights do not start to blink on the way to work tomorrow.

    I do want to thank everyone who prayed, said an encouraging word or sent my positive thoughts Saturday.  My presentation went well and I was able to share about

    So, enjoy one of my favorite principals and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow :)

    Monday, October 3

    • Grades due at 8 AM
    • Fall Performance Series Continues
    • Committee Mtg at 3:30-4:30
    Tuesday, October 4
    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • PLCs
      • 5th-7th Grades: 8:30-9:30
      • Arts: 9:30-10:00
      • Kindergarten: 10-11
      • 1st/ 2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2
      • Support Staff/ EC: 2-2:45
    • Drama/ CSP/SEL IS Presentations: 2-2:50
    Wednesday, October 5
    • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
    • Admin Meeting
    • Music/ VA IS Presentations: 2-2:50
    Thursday, October 6
    • MidTerm Progress Reports Go Home
    • Substitute Orientation 9-10
    • Dance/ MA IS Presentations: 2-2:50
    • K-2 Curriculum Nights 5:45-6:45
    • 3rd- 4th Curriculum Night 6:45-7:45
    Friday, October 7
    • Teacher Workday
    • i-Ready PD 9-12
    • i- Ready PD Training Part II (Grunden, Jones, Falls, Lett, Thomas, Hill) 1-4
    • lularoe Pop Up at TCEA in Lobby 1-3 (Cash or Debit Cards or Credit Accepted)

    • Please update your plans posted on the wall outside the office as needed
    • Beginning Monday, October 10th.  Please post your standards as you teach them in your room.  Let me know if you have any questions.  

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    School Improvement is a WE thing!!!

    This week we will hold our first School Improvement Team Meeting.  At this meeting, staff will have the opportunity to nominate themselves for a leadership position on our team.  While some might see it as ONE MORE THING, I truly see it as an opportunity for our school to take one more step towards greatness.  I hope that each of you will reflect on the duties of members of the School Improvement Team and step up if you feel you have something positive to bring to the table.  I have also included a video clip that shows what an effective School Improvement Team can do for a school.  Please email me if you have any questions about the SIT or bring the questions to the meeting tomorrow.

    NC State Law on SIT
    School Improvement Team G.S. §115C-47 (38) mandates the duty of local boards to ensure each principal establishes a school improvement team and that the composition of the team complies with G.S. §115C-105.27 (a). (See also GS §115C-288 (l) – Powers and Duties of Principal.) G.S. §115C-105.27 (a) directs schools to establish a School Improvement Team (SIT) to develop a plan to improve student performance. School improvement teams shall consist of the following members:  the principal of the school;  representatives of the assistant principals;  representatives of instructional personnel;  representatives of instructional support personnel;  representatives of teacher assistants assigned to the building; and  representatives of parents of children enrolled in the school.Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot. Participation in the school improvement planning process by the personnel noted above is a legal requirement. Principals do not have discretion to choose school improvement team representatives. 

    Duties of SIT Members
    • Attend SIT Meetings (monthly basis)
    • Volunteer for a Leadership Role on SIT (chair, recorder, time keeper, etc.)
    • Bring concerns to the attention of SIT members
    • Share minutes of meetings with staff and stakeholders
    • Follow the state recommended process for improving our school: Assess, Create, Monitor
    • Work collaboratively for positive change at TCEA

    Please watch the following video:

    Week of September 26-30, 2016

    Monday, September 26

    • Hill (7:30-3:00) & Thomas Out 
    • SIT Meeting at 3:30 in Cafe (all full time staff need to attend)
    • Performance Series Continues for 5th-7th Grades
    • Handbook Forms Due To Mrs. Hill (must have all sheets to turn in)
    Tuesday, September 27
    • Thomas Out
    • RtI PLCs
      • 5th-7th Grades: 8:30-9:30
      • Arts: 9:30-10:00
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2
      • Support Staff/ EC: 2-2:45
    • Progress Monitor Students in Red
    • Performance Series Continues for 5th-7th Grades
    Wednesday, September 28
    • Administrative Team Meeting at 9-10:15
    • Pacing Guides Due
    • Progress Monitor Students in Red
    • School Leaders' Mtg at 3:30 Location TBD
    Thursday, September 29
    • Performance Series K-4 begins
    • Arts PLC at 9:30
    Friday, September 30
    • Hill Out 1/2 Day (PM)
    • Pay Day
    • Triangle Summary on NCEES Due (staff that received training on NCEES this month)
    • All Cumulative Folders Need To Be Checked and Immunization Information Submitted To Me
    • Don't forget the $5 to join the Sunshine Committee; money can be turned in to Mrs. Griggs
    • Staff Hours are 7:30-3:30 unless you have made arrangements with Mrs. Hill
    • If you are going to be out, you will need to inform Mr. Salisbury and Mrs. Hill
    • Students should be supervised at all times
    • Please exit out of the office when going to recess; Do not use the interior glass doors
    • Middle school students should only use the stairwell across from cafe; the other stairs are to be used only in case of emergency or for a fire drill

    Sunday, September 18, 2016

    We Get What We Expect

    Image result for quotes about expectations
    One of my favorite quotes and one that you will hear me say OVER and OVER is " A student's work is the artifacts of a teacher's expectations."  What our students do and how they behave are a reflection of our expectations.  In this video, Mr. Romagnolo states that "Your expectations are what you allow them to do, not what you say."  Our students are growing up in a world where some do not have high expectations for them.  Some of their parents are known as "lawnmower" parents who mow down any challenges or struggles that come in their student's path.  It is up to us to build a culture where students are challenged to do what is expected.  Our students should be expected to do their best and not give up when confronted with a challenging task.  They should honor their commitments.  Our students expect us to hold them accountable and we can not let them down.  Let's hold our students accountable and keep pushing procedures.  It is up to all of us!

    Week of September 19-23, 2016
    Monday, September 19
    • Reading 3D Assessments Continue
    • IS Begins
    • Staff Mtg in Cafe at 3:30
    • Board Mtg at 5:15 in Music Room
    Tuesday, September 20
    • SST PLCs: 
      • 5th-7th- 8:30AM
      • K-10AM
      • 1st &2nd- 12PM
      • 3rd&4th- 1PM
      • Support Staff -2PM
    • Website Training at 3:30
    • Raising Chameleons of Character at 7 PM
    Wednesday, September 21
    • Beginning Teachers Meeting at 3:30 Location: Ms. Jones' Room
    Thursday, September 22
    • Performance Series Assessment for 6th and 7th grades
    • Middles Grades (5th-7th) Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30 PM
    Friday, September 23
    • Performance Series Assessment for 6th and 7th grades
    • Students' Files Review Sheets Completed
    • Immunization Information (K and 7th) To Mrs. Hill

    Image result for quotes about expectations

    • Homework expectations regarding amount given is a student's grade level X 10 minutes.  For example, a 1st grader would have 10 minutes of homework plus up to 30 minutes of reading or being read to (that is a given at each grade). If a student is in 5th- 7th grades, that time time limit is for all subjects so communication is a must.

    • If you struggle with spelling and other conventions when creating communication to go home (newsletters, notes, etc.), please know we have two board members who've volunteered to read over information before you send it home.  Mr. Fiebig ( and Mrs. Hustwit ( hare available to help you out.  Please email the information to them at least 24 hours before you need it to go out and they will proofread for you.  If you have any questions, please let me know.
    • Please make sure that you receive a statement of assurance from each student in your class by Monday, September 26.  You will need to keep all forms and only return to Mrs. Hill when you have all for your class.  If you do not have a student's form by next Monday, please contact each parent and tell them TCEA needs the forms ASAP.  Many teachers offer candy to students to ensure important forms are returned.  This is just an idea for you to get 100%.
    •  Mr. Thomas and I will begin walk throughs this week.  You will receive a copy of our observations in your box or on your desk at the end of these visits.  The visits will range between 5-15 minutes each.  You will also be receiving a TLaC Bingo Card that will be displayed outside of your classroom doors.  If we see one of the TLaC strategies in use we will mark that square on your card.  If you get BINGO you will have your choice of some great prizes. 
    Image result for quotes about expectations

    Sunday, September 11, 2016

    September 12-16, 2016
    It's my birthday and my gift to you and to me is this will not include anything from me except one of the funniest videos I have seen in awhile.  Enjoy!

    Week of September 12-16, 2016
    • Lesson plans need to be dropped by first lesson taught Monday
    • Please use time wisely.  Every minute is precious and can not be recovered.
    • Your students deserve a quality education.  Please do not lower your expectations.  I know that we are now starting week 3 and they should know what to do but some still do not.  High Expectations for all is what parents wanted and I do as well.
    "Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations". Ralph Marston

    Monday, September 12, 2016

    • Reading 3D Assessments Continue
    • Performance Series Training Begins 
    • IS Planning Mtg 3:30-4:30 in cafe
    Tuesday, September 13, 2016
    • PLCs
    • Reading 3D Assessments Continue
    • Mr Thomas Out At Testing Trainings
    • NCEES Training for New Homeroom Teachers at 3:30 in Cafe

    Wednesday, September 14, 2016

    • BOG for 3rd Grade Students
    • IS Lesson Plan Due
    • Reading 3D Assessments Continue

    Thursday, September 15, 2016

    • BOG Make Ups
    • Reading 3D Assessments Continue
    • FEO Mtg at 3:30- Would like to have a few teachers attend. Please let me know if you can make it!
    • PAY DAY $$$$$$$$
    Friday, September 16, 2016
    • NCEES Training for New Homeroom Teachers at 3:30 in Cafe

    Monday, September 5, 2016

    Puzzle Pieces of Life

    Image result for puzzle pieces build picture

    This week I ran across notes, in my journal, that I wrote at least two years ago.  One line reads: Don't evaluate you life in daily pieces but in larger portions (pictures).  This hit home for me.  If I had to evaluate my happiness with work, home, etc based on the daily occurrences I would definitely want OUT.  Life is hard!  Working in a school is HARD! But take a look at the bigger picture and I can not imagine any other place I would rather be.  So, I challenge you to stop and think when those moments of being overwhelmed hit that this is just a moment and it will pass.  Take time to see the bigger picture.  Another thing I have done to help reflect on the bigger picture is to journal.  Below is an easy format, developed by Michael Hyatt, that keeps me focused and uses my time wisely.  I am glad that you have added TCEA Puzzle Pieces to your larger puzzle and I look forward to seeing your completed masterpiece.  Have an awesome week!


    • What did I do yesterday?
      [I don’t chronicle everything, of course. I just hit the highs and the lows—those activities or events I want to remember later.]
    • What lessons did I learn?
      [I try to distill my experience down into a couple of lessons I want to remember. It’s not what happens to us but what we *learn* from what happens to us.]


    • What am I thankful for right now?
      [I journal in the morning, and this is one practical way I can begin my day with a sense of abundance and gratitude.]
    • How am I feeling right now?
      [Feelings aren’t the be-all-end-all, but they are an important clue. In the past, I just ignored or suppressed my them. This gives me an opportunity to check in on myself.]


    • What did I read today?
      [I record a list of anything I’ve read since I last journaled, including Bible passages. Occasionally, I record a lesson or insight.]
    • What are my plans for today?
      [I preview my schedule and my major tasks for the day, mostly to get focused on what needs to be done.]
    • What one thing must I accomplish today?
      [I like to know the one thing I must get done, even if I don’t accomplish anything else. This helps me prioritize.]

    September 5-9, 2016

    This Week

    • Review Fire Drill Routes on Tuesday.  They will be in your box Tuesday morning.
    • Lesson Plans should be dropped starting tomorrow.  If you need help, see your chair.
    • Continue with the 5 TLaC strategies you started with last week: SLANT, Thresholding, Tracking, Do Now, and Entry Routine.
    • Look at the videos below to review the 2 other TLaC strategies we focused on last year.
    No Opt Out

    Cold Call/ Show Call

    Monday, September 5
    • No School- Labor Day
    Tuesday, September 6
    • PLCs in Planning Room in Middle School Land
      • 5th/ 6th/7th: 8:30-9:30
      • K: 10-11
      • 1st/2nd: 12-1
      • 3rd/4th: 1-2
      • Arts PLC in Music Room at 9:30-10
    • Reading 3D benchmarks begin
    • Electives Begin
    Wednesday, September 7
    • Administrative Team Mtg at 8:30
    • Reading 3D benchmark
    Thursday, September 8
    • Practice BOG
    • Reading 3D benchmark
    • Arts PLC in Music Room at 9:30-10

      Friday, September 9
      • Spirit Day
      • Reading 3D benchmark