Sunday, February 26, 2017

Join Me On A Journey

Image result for instructional round images

As you know, our School Improvement Plan is now housed in Indistar (Remember if you want to view the plan, and are not on SIT, you can access by going to and go to user login and use this to log in: Guest Login - Password / GuestS17802 - GuestS17802).  This system has to be used by low performing schools in NC and it helps the staff at schools assess key indicators that must be present in schools for schools to be successful.  We have 11 indicators we are working on and one of them is the following:
The principal will monitor curriculum and classroom instruction regularly and provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers.

I will be providing more information on how on my ideas to increase my time in classrooms but I wanted to use this indicator as a jumping off point for two new initiatives that will be seen at TCEA over the next few weeks.

  1. We will be using a new walk through form that will focus on effective teaching strategies we need to see in rooms as well as a feature strategy that will change as implementation becomes a daily reality in classrooms.  Click here to see new form that begins on 2.27.17.
  2. We will be completing instructional rounds during our PLCs at least two times a month using the checklist above. What is an instructional round? Click here.

If you want to hear more about the plan to improve our school through improving monitoring and feedback join us tomorrow at our SIT in the Cafe!!

Thank you for all you and see you tomorrow!


Image result for inspect what you expect

February 27- March 3, 2017
Monday, February 27
  • SIT Mtg at 3:30 PM; All staff members need to come to the beginning of the meeting for an update on our Bullying Program and Attendance Program (By Dr. Caine) and will be done by 3:40 PM
  • Board Mtg in Music Room at 5:15 PM
Tuesday, February 28
  • Pay Day
  • Progress Monitor Red Tier Students
  • PLCs (RtI Focus)
    • 5th,6th,7th 8:30-9:30
    • K 10-11
    • 1st,2nd 12-1
    • 3rd,4th  1-2
  • Sunshine Committee Potluck in New Staff Relaxation Room (Prepared by 2nd, 3rd, EC)
  • K Round Up 6-7:30 PM
Wednesday, March 1
  • Progress Monitor Red Tier Students
  • Weekly Admin Mtg at 9-10:15
  • MTSS Mtg 3:30-4:30
Thursday, March 2
  • Caught Red Hatted Day:  Admin will walk the halls and give out tickets to students and staff "caught" reading this day.  Please give students multiple times to read this day and please model your love of reading by reading as well. (how? click here). Their tickets will let them know what they won by examples are : Dr. Seuss Stickers, Pencil, Cat in the Hat hats, a lunch of green eggs and ham with the principal, or a free book.
  • 2017-2018 School Calendar Planning Mtg in Cafe at 3:30
Friday, March 3
  • National I Want You to be Happy Day is observed annually on March 3.  This day was created as a day encouraging us to do something to make others happy.  Putting a smile on someone’s face tends to put one on ours, too.  
Saturday, March 4
  • Read Across America Celebration Downtown (Please see emails from Mr. Thomas for details)

Monday, February 20, 2017

Our Why

Image result for you are who you surround yourself with quotes

Thank you to few colleagues that helped me solidify our why for TCEA.  The first leader was questioning why our school exist and when I limited our school to just "arts integration" he countered with the idea that the integration of arts ensured that ALL STUDENTS were able to access learning and succeed.  I know deep down that this is true but I was getting so "hung up" on the lack of arts integration in all rooms and the limitation of the arts to the arts team and integration studio, that I was stuck in the HOW of the Golden Circle.

I was then sent the link of this amazing school by a former co-worker.  I had seen this clip of Bates Middle School but had truly forgotten how powerful it is.  I kept saying "Our team isn't ready for this.  We are still working on the HOW."  How limiting my thinking had become! I was immersed in the struggle that I had lost sight of the finish line...the prize (referring to a song that was popular during Civil Rights Movement). We are ready to see this and I encourage you to view this video while thinking how the good things, you see, can be incorporated into TCEA.  There are tips for staff below the clip.  Please review because we will be visiting them again soon.

Tips for Teachers

Here are ways that teachers can maximize AI’s potential:
  • Take advantage of professional development: PD serves many purposes. It can help teachers learn the fundamentals of various art forms and develop integrated lessons, and it provides them with the opportunity to experience art for themselves. The main reason teachers resist AI is because they think they’re not artistic. But with PD, they realize the arts are for everyone, and they come to better understand the experiences they’re giving their students.
  • Use AI intentionally: At Bates, every teacher is required to use AI in some shape or form, although not every lesson needs to be, or should be, taught with AI. Teachers should use two main criteria for implementing AI:
  • Look for a natural fit with the content. Don’t try to shoehorn it in, or it can make the concepts more confusing. “The idea behind arts integration,” says arts-integration specialist Pat Klos, “is that it opens a new door to understanding, so it has to connect with the content standard for it to make sense.”
  • Identify where students are struggling. AI can be an effective way to differentiate instruction and break through with hard-to-reach kids. It provides a context that will help students build connections and gives them triggers for remembering the content later.
  • Collaborate and brainstorm: Brainstorming is one of the best ways to develop arts-integrated lessons. Bouncing ideas off other educators within and across subjects and disciplines helps develop deeper lessons, and this is the goal of the daily hour of collaborative-planning time at Bates. As lessons get classroom tested and refined, teachers can build a repertoire of vetted lessons on a shared network drive.

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!- Angela

Week of February 20-24, 2017

Monday, February 20
  • No School (President's Day Holiday)
Tuesday, February 21
  • Progress Monitor Green Students
  • One on One Staff Mtgs Continue
  • Hill at Principal Ready Mtg in Fayetteville (8:30-4:00)
  • Peer Observations Begin
  • PLC (Focus SST)
      • 8:30-9:30 5th, 6th and 7th Grades
      • 10-11 Kindergarten
      • 12-1 1st and 2nd Grades
      • 1-2 2nd and 3rd Grades
  • Perspective TCEA Parent Mtg  5-6 PM (Admin Only)
  • Family Fun Night 6-7:30 PM (For Staff Assigned To This Night)
Wednesday, February 22
  • Progress Monitor Green Students
  • Admin Weekly Mtg 9:00-10:15
  • Substitute Orientation 1-2
  • School Leaders Mtg 3:30-4:30
Thursday, February 23
  • Peer Observation Training (If you need to know how) in Cafe 3:30-4:00
Friday, February 24
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Art Council
  • Black History Program in Lobby at 2:15-2:45 (please pack up before program)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Golden Circle

Over the past five weeks, I have reviewed the needed steps for immediate improvement of our school. All of the concepts I focused on had nothing to do with changing our learners.  Instead the changes that we must implement begin with the adults in our building.  It is up to us to create the change we want to see in our school.  Please make sure that you review these five steps and by prepared to discuss during our Faculty Summit tomorrow.  I will also need you to watch this video before the meeting as well.  I look forward to doing the hard work, alongside you, to provide the students at TCEA the education they deserve and I know we can provide.

1: Consistency
2: Instruction
3: Feedback
4: Scaffolding
5: Practice

Week of February 13-17, 2017
Monday, February 13
  • Faculty Summit at 3:30 PM in Cafe (please bring you laptops)
  • Administration 1 on 1 Mtgs Continue in the PLC Room (will continue through week)
Tuesday, February 14
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • PLCs (focus is Core Instruction)
    • 5th, 6th, 7th 8:30-9:30
    • K 10-11
    • 1st, 2nd 12-1
    • 3rd, 4th 1-2
    • Support Team 2-2:45
  • Data Analysis Grade/ Department Sheets (6th and 7th) are due to Hill's box by 5 PM
Wednesday, February 15
  • Pay Day
  • Progress Monitor Red Students
  • Beginning Teacher Mtg at 3:30 in Cafe
Thursday, February 16
  • Class Group Picture Day (please see picture scheudle time emailed by Trojan)
  • 3rd Grade Field Trip to FSU
  • FEO Mtg at 3:30 in the Cafe
Friday, February 17
  • Teacher Workday: It is not mandatory but if you are not working on Friday you need fill out the form found here by 8 AM Friday, February 17. This does not mean we are taking a day from you but I need to know for planning situations.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Strenthing the Core: #5 Practice

  1. noun:
    1. the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use. "the principles and practice of teaching"synonyms: application, exercise, use, operation, implementation, execution More
    2.repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.  "it must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent"  synonyms: training, rehearsal, repetition, preparation; More
Why Practice?

What Does Practice Look Like In The Classroom?

  • Deliberate Practice
  • Retrieval Practice
  • Spaced (Distributed) Practice

Deliberate Practice
This is goal oriented practice consciously devoted to the improvement of a skill.

Which of these is an example of deliberate practice and why?

A. Go home a write down the 4 "times table".

B. Using the memorized lyrics to the song about the 4 "times table", correct the test you took today and write the correct answer in any places you find the wrong answer.

Retrieval Practice


Spaced (Distributed) Practice

Studying or practicing a skill in short sessions over time
Distributing practice over time (versus massing practice in one session) aids retention in a variety of academic areas.

Have you heard me PREACH about spiraling?  Click here to see it in a classroom.

I am not a genius but when I see proof of this working I know that it is something every teacher MUST try in their classroom.

Please READ and not skim...

What is the research basis for spiraling?

The “spacing effect” – the learning boost from distributing rather than massing learning and practice – has been repeatedly found by researchers for more than 100 years. Findings about distributed learning are among the most robust in the learning sciences, applying across a wide range of content and for all ages from infants to adults. “Space learning over time” is the first research-based recommendation in a recent practice guide from the U. S. Department of Education’s Institute of Educational Sciences (Pashler et al., 2007). In a recent review of the literature, Lisa Son and Dominic Simon write, “On the whole, both in the laboratory and the classroom, both in adults and in children, and in the cognitive and motor learning domains, spacing leads to better performance than massing” (2012).
What Not To Do
Please do not think more is better.  It is not the amount of practice we give is being intentional when providing times for students to practice.  It is being is giving them chance to retrieve previous learning and is spacing the practice out...all of this while being INTENTIONAL. If this sounds easy...then you are fooling yourself.  

Should students be given chances to practice as part of your core instruction?

Have an amazing week!  - Angela

Week of February 6-10, 2017
TRG Schools Beat AML Dress Down Week
Staff Mtg with Admin Continues

Monday, February 6
  • Hill, Jones, Russ and Pond at MTSS Training
  • IS Planning in cafe at 3:30
  • Open Enrollment Begins
Tuesday, February 7
  • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
  • PLC (Data Analysis/ Core Instruction Discussion)
    • 5th, 6th, 7th 8:30-9:30
    • K 10-11
    • 1st, 2nd 12-1
    • 3rd, 4th 1-2
    • Support Team 2-2:45
Wednesday, February 8
  • Progress Monitor Yellow Students
  • IS Lesson Plans Due
  • 3rd Grade Presentation  in Cafe at 2 PM
  • Hill Leaves at 4 PM
Thursday, February 9
  • Wear Orange Day (Picture at 2:45 in main lobby)
Friday, February 10
  • 4th Grade Field Trip to Crown Coliseum
  • Mr. Falls Day