Sunday, January 25, 2015

What Skill Makes You The Best Teacher You Can Be?

So, we've finished our review of the Seven Cs and I'd like to hear from you.  Which one do you feel you do well and helps lead your students to success?  Please post your comment below by Wednesday, January 28th.  Starting next month we will tackle topics that affect students of poverty and how we can negate them at EES.

I have attached a video from a study done a few years back about what makes a great teacher.  Please feel free to share your thoughts about that clip as well.  Maybe the Seven Cs aren't the only way for students to be successful?!?

I hope everyone has am amazing week!

Week of January 26-30, 2015

Monday, January 26

  • Monday Morning Meeting
  • Advisory Board Mtg. at 6PM (Open Invitation...if anyone has something they'd like to share let me know ASAP)
  • Report Cards Sent Home
Tuesday, January 27
  • 3rd and 4th Grade PLCs
  • 5th Grade Planning Day
  • Leading to Change Workshop with Student Leaders 12:00-3:00 PM (students will go to lunch at 11:30 with a staff member-please send to cafeteria at that time)
  • Student Leaders Inductions at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, January 28
  • 5th Grade PLC
  • Jump Rope for Heart Presentation in PM (TBD)
Thursday, January 29
  • Class Pictures
Friday, January 30
  • Pay Day $$$$$$$$$
  • Spelling Bee at 8:30
  • Awards Day at 1:30


  1. The most important C in my classroom is Caring. I have always tried to treat others as I want to be treated and have worked very hard to instill that in my students over the last 11 years. Everything we teach our students is important but having a good heart and treating people right is a necessity. As well as teaching children the importance of caring for others, I want them to know how much I care for them. I never want a single one of them to have a point in their life when they think there is no one out there that cares about them. I don't want a single soul to feel that lost in the world, and so I tell them often. From time to time I wonder if they really have heard me, but then I will get a note, email, or visit from a former student that lets me know that they understood. God, love them and take care of them all!

  2. The most important C in my classroom is commitment. My students feel and see that I am committed to the work I do each and every day. Each day is a new day with brand new opportunities and many of those days new problems. With lesson plans raging, programs being adopted, and paperwork being birthed each day, I have to remember to stay committed (although it can be tough to show at all times) and do the best job that is possible. We each have a job to do and the job we have as teachers is one that is next to none. If you are not committed, what are we teaching our students. I am committed to not only help them succeed in reading and math but to help them succeed further in life. It is the best feeling to have a student come back and remember you for not being the one to give up on them but to keep pushing. Once students feel and see that I am committed and will accept nothing but their best, their commitment levels rise. I want my students every day to be committed to their academic work and committed to anything they put their hands to. Always keep your hand to the plow! Don't give up and you can do it is key phrase in my room. Stay committed!

  3. The most important C's in my classroom are Caring and Clarifying. I work very hard to instill caring in my students. I want them to care about themselves and others in the community. I also work hard to clarify for my students to help them understand the concept being taught. I do not care how they get to the answer but I like to show them several ways to get to the answer or the why behind what they are doing.

  4. While all of the "Cs" are important to the success of a classroom, I feel my strength lies in the C of captivating. I feel that it is not good enough to simply throw the information at students with the expectation that they will absorb it immediately; the information must relate to the students in some fashion. I always try to use lessons that utilize real-world problems/applications in math and scientific inquiry and observation. Utilizing these tools allows the information to "stick" as opposed to rogue memorization; the information becomes meaningful to students. At the same time, I feel it is imperative to teach with excitement!

  5. All of the seven C’s are important in my class and I hope that in some form or fashion I show them in my teaching everyday. However, my strength at this point would be captivating my students through my passion for writing. I’m not saying that I am the best teacher in the world but given my set of students and their love for writing (or rather disdain for writing) I can see my students growing everyday as writers. Something as simple as a little less complaining when they are asked to apply what they have learned in writing or explain why something is happening in the real world is a small victory in my eyes! Writing is a long lost art and it is my hope that my students transfer my passion for writing into their own passion and eventually into an ability to efficiently express their thoughts in the job setting.

  6. I feel that caring is the C that I feel is most important in my classroom, whether it is towards your work or others. Caring about student work is something that is important for not only me but also the students to be reflective. Caring about learning is a passion that I need to instill in my students. Caring about others is a trait that I feel all students need to learn and hold close to their heart. Sometimes such traits need to be instilled within their selves as they don't always receive it at home. If my students come out of the year as caring human beings and caring learners, I will mark it as a success!

  7. Although I feel commitment is a huge C and one that really drives everything we do and why we do what we do, it was not one of the C’s that promotes effective teaching. I think my classroom style and my students do a good job with clarifying, challenging and captivating. I attempt to motivate students each day and relay my expectations to them on a daily basis. My students are very open now at the things they do well and understand that they can do all things when their mind is put to the task. We are learning new strategies daily to help us reach our goals. You can often see students telling other students they can complete task or explaining to students how to do a task. On our daily math review with Senteos, we look at our data and discuss those that got certain problems wrong and discuss whether this is a teacher issue or if we have made careless mistakes. Students understand that if our overall data does not look good, there is something we must do! My students know that we are in a caring environment and one in which we respect everyone and know that we all make mistakes and we learn from our mistakes. The key is knowing we make them and learning how to go forward with that! I also attempt to captivate my students’ interests. Recently when we were discussing similes in my classroom, we looked at some current songs to find similes and metaphors. Students were gung ho about this activity.

  8. I feel that the C that has the greatest impact in my classroom is Caring. After the first couple of weeks of school, I realized that many of my students truly didn't "care how much I knew until they knew how much I care." I have tried to model how to care for others by caring for them. I have made a conscious effort to be interested in what they're interested in, so that we share a common bond. Many of their parents don't feel their education is important and unfortunately, this thought has been passed on to them. I want so badly for them to see in themselves what I see, and while it is often exhausting, I pray that their realization of how much I care for them will motivate them to strive for success. Some days I feel that "caring" is the only thing keeping us all together.

  9. The C that currently has the most impact in my room is clarifying. I feel in order to reach all of my students, I must clarify the task, clarify vocabulary, clarify the concepts, etc. to make sure my students are comprehending the concepts and able to be successful with those concepts. Also, my students are learning the importance of clarification in their own work. They are having to clarify their writing to make sure what they write is accurately depicting what they mean. My students are working on asking their peers for clarification. They are asking each other to clarify their thinking in order to encourage their peers to provide a more specific response - both verbally and written. My students are also relying on each other to clarify task directions and other expectations.

  10. Throughout the years, I feel my teaching focus has changed, however the one C I think is consistent for me is Caring. I truly do not believe I could do this job if it were not for the fact that I care about my students and the community. I may not be the outspoken person who speaks up at town meetings and such, but I believe what I do within my classroom walls makes a huge difference. By now I am teaching children of parents that I taught many years ago. It is nice to see these past students of mine have stayed in Erwin and now raising families of their own. If students do not know you care and love them they will not want to come to school and learn. I think my students know I truly care and love them and would do anything for them.

  11. Caring has the most impact for my and my students. If I show my students how much I care about their education by how much work I put into teaching them, then I hope that will “rub” off on them to do their best everyday. Caring also is reflected in how I treat each child and if I lead by example, they too will care about their classmates.
